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  1. #1
    buffgator's Avatar
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    my weight is really weird since starting hgh

    I am on my 4 week mark of hgh tomorrow. The first 10 days I gained about 7 lbs going from 293 to 300, than in the 2nd week I started take t3 at 40mcg a day and now ive dropped to 289. I feel that I am retaining no water and that most of what I have lost is water. Does t3 cause me to shed water? I feel real deflated
    Also ive noticed a drop in sex drive. Im taking 200mg enenthate a week along with 50mg proviron ed, 2ius hgh ed, and 40mcg t3, why would I feel a little deflated with a week sex drive? My hgh in jintropin (spelling?)

  2. #2
    Bigd89's Avatar
    Bigd89 is offline Senior Member
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    I have no experience with anything your taking, but I would drop the t3 if I started feeling like that and dropped that much weight...that's just me though.

  3. #3
    flyinghoe is offline New Member
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    hmmm.. sounds suspicious that you gained 7 lbs on the first 10 days of hgh only

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    cause its probably not gh

  5. #5
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If it is indeed real HGH you should be using T4 not T3. Also, T3 increases your BMR so why wouldn't you expect a drop in weight? Doesn't sound like you have done your homework.

  6. #6
    buffgator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    cause its probably not gh
    its jintropin
    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    If it is indeed real HGH you should be using T4 not T3. Also, T3 increases your BMR so why wouldn't you expect a drop in weight? Doesn't sound like you have done your homework.
    I dont know everything about hgh. I do know that t4 is better than t3 but I had to start on t3 because I have access to it in minutes. I had to track down a source for t4 so I figured running t3 until i got t4 was better than nothing. I have never ran t3 though so I didnt know if 30-40mcg a day was enough to make me lose weight.

    As for the changes in weight allot can explain that. At my weight I usually vary 4-5lbs a day. I switch from enenthate to sust right about the same time I started my hgh so I could have gained a bit of water. Diet can effect my weight allot over the course of a few days depending on what I eat and how much I eat. Ive just never taken hgh so I dont know rather I should expect weight gain or weight loss.

  7. #7
    Glycomann is offline New Member
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    Give yourself a few more weeks for things to even out. Snap judgment might not be the best approach right now. nothing you are doing seems out of line to any significant degree right now. Just let your body find it's equilibrium before sending it out of line again.

  8. #8
    DesPr8's Avatar
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    On the plus side I lost the 7 extra pounds I guess it was from the water retention

  9. #9
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    You might back your T3 dose down to 25mcg and go from there. When you do get your hands on some T4 try a dose of 75-100mcg. Make sure not to consume any caffeine within 1 hour of after taking your T4.

  10. #10
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    You might back your T3 dose down to 25mcg and go from there. When you do get your hands on some T4 try a dose of 75-100mcg. Make sure not to consume any caffeine within 1 hour of after taking your T4.
    Could you please elaborate on that. Why would T4 be considered better as well?

  11. #11
    AnabolicBear's Avatar
    AnabolicBear is offline New Member
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    nearly 300 lbs and on a cycle? I thought it was best to lean down and then try to add lean mass?

  12. #12
    ata1979's Avatar
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    Been on nords now for a little over a week. Had one of those famous deep dreams 2 days ago, for the first time. Carpel Tunnel is killing me in the mornings. Wake up feeling like I have no arms, cause there so numb. No water retention. Dropped about 2-3lbs. The most noticeable thing is the energy. I have incredible energy. I'm not talkin about that wirey feeling you get on clen or ephedrine I'm talkin about pure clean energy. Can barely sleep because of it (when I do sleep I sleep well though). Upped my cardio to 10kms just so I could sleep at night and it still doesn't work. I just can't tire myself out. Eventhough its a short period and I'm not supposed to see results I have noticed that my belly fat has tightened up. Now I know this is from the added cardio but, the added cardio is because of the energy from the nordies.

    I'm definately liking the feeling though. Would like it alot better if I could get alittle for sleep. I wanna drop about 5-6 more lbs and get into the 225-230lbs range then I plan on hitting 400mgs of test prop for about 6-7 week cycle.

  13. #13
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    Could you please elaborate on that. Why would T4 be considered better as well?
    I'm not exactly sure the science behind waiting at least 1 hour to consume caffeine after T4 but this is widely spread on this forum. Wish I had a link but you might try a search if you are so inclined.

    Here is link explaining the synergy of GH and T4:

  14. #14
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glycomann View Post
    Give yourself a few more weeks for things to even out. Snap judgment might not be the best approach right now. nothing you are doing seems out of line to any significant degree right now. Just let your body find it's equilibrium before sending it out of line again.
    Yes sir. I expect to gain 5-10lbs of water upon beginning a GH protocol...good advise from Glyco

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    I'm not exactly sure the science behind waiting at least 1 hour to consume caffeine after T4 but this is widely spread on this forum. Wish I had a link but you might try a search if you are so inclined.

    Here is link explaining the synergy of GH and T4:
    I'm not sure why either, But myself and sister are both prescribed t4. And both our Dr's made sure to tell us no coffee or caffeine within the hour

  16. #16
    buffgator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBear View Post
    nearly 300 lbs and on a cycle? I thought it was best to lean down and then try to add lean mass?
    actually im cruising on 200mg of test a week not on a cycle. I do strongman and powerlifting, im not taking hgh to get ripped but rather to put on weight and size over the next year while that fat loss is a bonus. Heres a pic of me from my last cycle I weighed 294 in this picture. so as you can see im not exaclty fat weighing in the 290's
    at 17ish %
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails my weight is really weird since starting hgh-2011-07-15-00.52.57-1.jpg  

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