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Thread: American claiming to sell pharma grade HGH

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    American claiming to sell pharma grade HGH

    Has anyone heard of the American website claiming to sell pharma grade HGH? Even has his own website He claims it is in a" Natural Preserving" agent and lasts up to 2 years. And of course sells it without a prescription on the edited board. Well the problem is a number of acquaintances have tried this product and their IGF-1 levels have not come back much over baseline. The seller claims that does not matter- and to go only by the way you feel. Sounds like a load of crap. At least with the Chinese your IGF-1 goes up. He is selling his product like hot biscuits. People will fall for anything. I of course was removed from board after posting very low IGF numbers and no change in serum levels. After reading the thread here a about Chinese concerns- when will these scams end?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    yuo cant post it. But i know who your talking about. its not pharm grade us. I can tell you that much

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Oh I know g- I wouldn't. What I can tell you is that it was tested under Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) under a university setting and it's 99% mannitol and 1% denatured albumin with ZERO 191 AA structures present. I was not surprised. I called him out on it as he said I must have shaken vial violently. Funny thing is I had 3 other and none of them were shaken. What a joke. He claims "Made in the USA" but he in fact is in the Bahamas. He has taken many for a ride. I posted some initial results on the edited board- and guess what- surprise surprise- they took it down! That is their income source. Politics with sales first and correct health and information second. So I- and others left for good. Anyway good to meet you g- and if your name comes from where I think it does I have an 09 750. My fifth- with my first one in 1991 blue/white. And I grew up south of you in Miami.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    im not supprized to hear that. I cant believe they didnt ban you.
    I assumed it was chinese stuff they labeled nicely.
    but i run 5iu's and get lethargic.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    im not supprized to hear that. I cant believe they didnt ban you.
    I assumed it was chinese stuff they labeled nicely.
    but i run 5iu's and get lethargic.
    They did. After I sent in a big donation for the HGH testing they are conducting. Classy guys. Been on that board for years and always knew their agenda. Let's see how scientific their test results are. I know they allowed certain sponsors to send in their own samples. Little fishy? Me and other long term members got taken for a bad ride bro. Sounded too good to be true and it was. The sponsor is a scammer and they still have him on there after numerous complaints. Your board is great- no agenda. Just great information. Good guys. Not a bunch of pushers. I'm glad to be here and will share my knowledge and experiences and learn some things along the way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Chinese or whatever. Comes in big vials and it is mannitol and God knows what else. Pretty bottles with fancy mixing instructions. Guy has a website wearing a Dr. coat. How hilarious but he did get me pretty good. Sad thing is he is still ripping people off after i posted scientific proof of his fake product. They deleted it- a slap in the face. Oh well on to bigger a d better things. Great bunch here with no agenda and telling it like it is and allowing members to express their opinions unedited.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    San Diego & Las Vegas
    What is this brand of this stuff and what is the deal with Riptropin?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    San Diego & Las Vegas
    Quote Originally Posted by littlebill View Post
    Chinese or whatever. Comes in big vials and it is mannitol and God knows what else. Pretty bottles with fancy mixing instructions. Guy has a website wearing a Dr. coat. How hilarious but he did get me pretty good. Sad thing is he is still ripping people off after i posted scientific proof of his fake product. They deleted it- a slap in the face. Oh well on to bigger a d better things. Great bunch here with no agenda and telling it like it is and allowing members to express their opinions unedited.
    Im personally am very glad you here dude, we need a really active person besides mod that knows a shit ton about GH, welcome to have ya!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Thanks man means a lot. I know HGH really well. Not as much on AAS cause I stick with one compound that works for me- and it's basic.

  10. #10
    That USAgh left me with lumps at injection site. I'm giving it another week to see if they disappear or else I have to see a doc.
    I've bought bunk gh before but this shit is on a level all it's own. WORST GH PURCHASE EVER!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by noserider
    That USAgh left me with lumps at injection site. I'm giving it another week to see if they disappear or else I have to see a doc.
    I've bought bunk gh before but this shit is on a level all it's own. WORST GH PURCHASE EVER!
    Good to see ya Nose. If the mods have any and I mean any integrity they will remove that piece of shit before someone is hospitalized. They remove me for posting the facts. It's one thing to be fake or under dosed. That stuff is dangerous.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by littlebill View Post
    Good to see ya Nose. If the mods have any and I mean any integrity they will remove that piece of shit before someone is hospitalized. They remove me for posting the facts. It's one thing to be fake or under dosed. That stuff is dangerous.
    Good to see you too LB.
    The last thing anybody wants to deal with when using gh or any hormonse are lumps. I stopped using everything until these lumps go away. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned. I just hope they go away soon.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Access to antibiotics bro? Are your surrounding lymph nodes swollen?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Hondarocks View Post
    What is this brand of this stuff and what is the deal with Riptropin?
    its not riptropin he is talking about cant think i can post the brand he is talking about but it is not rips

  15. #15
    Hey LB, I don't know If you can see the posts over at that board The guy selling this shit is calling you a liar and claiming you wanted free gear from him and shit...
    What a guy..

    I always thought it was too good to be true.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Too bad there are so many scammers, I want to try HGH one day but it just seems like there are more fakes than real ones unless you shell out the big $$.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    No offence but a little product knowlege and the use of common sense will take you a long way on these things. Most AAS, particularly things like Test, Deca and Equipose is dirt cheap to purchase or produce, even the more expensive compounds like tren retail for about an eigth of what it sells for once bottled. This is why real versions of these products are available. Its illegal to sell fake Test claiming it is test (with no fine print saying its an equivelent product) in most countries so there is not much additional risk in selling the real thing. Legal issues aside making fake test powder that will pass simple tests is more trouble and expense than selling the real thing.

    Growth on the other hand is Veerrryyy difficult, time consuming and expensive to make and requires a very expensive and large lab ( that can be siezed at any time) along with a good staff of very well trained people so trying to find legit growth is very difficult and its a lot easier to fake it. Either with complete bullshit like this US grade crap, or with either cut growth where the product may contain some real growth or growth precursers and then include chemicals that mimic the side effects common with growth so that buyers will continue to order more as they reap placebo effects.

    With these facts before you all you need to do is look at it from a business prospective and its clear that fake growth will be the vast majority of stuff out there.

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