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Thread: Can insulin use cause diabetes?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Can insulin use cause diabetes?

    Everything I have read says yes.

    But I talked (actually had a full cycle consultation) with a 20 year IFBB pro (whom I won't mention) who told me that it does not.

    Slin is the most anabolic compound known to man. I can't be the only person wondering this...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    My educated guess would be no. But I would like to hear other opinions as well. I cant see a few units throwing the body into a shutdown of insulin release or production, but I really dont know.

    The only bad thing is there really wont be any sort of studies on something like this, as exogenous slin was made for people with type 1 DM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    from what i hear yes it can

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    well that or put you in insulin shock or diabetic coma

  5. #5
    interesting question, i dont have time to give a long answer

    our theory on type II DM is insulin resistance. we see this in people with hyperinsulinemia which leads to insulin resistance which leads to type II DM. since injecting yourself with insulin causes increased insulin levels, it is possible you can artificially give yourself hyperinsulinemia which will lead to type II DM.

    however we have to take insulin injections into context regarding dosage and length. if it is a small dosage for a short amount of time and you don't have a family history of type II diabetes, then probably not. it will probably vary by individual. if your family has a history of type II diabetes, i wouldn't mess with it.

  6. #6
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    well that or put you in insulin shock or diabetic coma
    This thread is not talking about other sides. We all understand those risks. We are only addressing diabetes.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by charcold View Post
    I cant see a few units throwing the body into a shutdown of insulin release or production, but I really dont know.
    I see. So the theory with diabetes is that injecting insulin would cause a shutdown?, just like every other hormone used..... interesting..

  8. #8
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by user12345

    I see. So the theory with diabetes is that injecting insulin would cause a shutdown?, just like every other hormone used..... interesting..
    Not a theory- a fact. Your pancreas Beta cells will shutdown and they do not recover longterm. Insulin usage over time will clinically induce type II diabetes.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by user12345 View Post
    I see. So the theory with diabetes is that injecting insulin would cause a shutdown?, just like every other hormone used..... interesting..
    no the theory is that increased insulin levels over a prolonged time will cause the finely tuned negative feedback pathway of GLUT-4 and possibly GLUT-2 to become desensitized.

    imagine if glucose was a poison put in your body and insulin told your body to make the antidote. if you increase the insulin levels eventually your body to get used to it and it becomes the new baseline. this continues until the receptors stop secreting enough insulin in response to the glucose. the exact mechanism of how it works is still not completely known, but we know people with lots of insulin in their blood eventually lead to dysfunctional receptors. keep in mind that type II DM is just a broad term and there could be many different ways that cause the receptors to malfunction and we would have no clue. so now the glucose builds up in the blood and doesn't get used or stored in the cells. it starts wreaking havoc on the rest of your body.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlebill View Post
    Not a theory- a fact. Your pancreas Beta cells will shutdown and they do not recover longterm. Insulin usage over time will clinically induce type II diabetes.
    So once you have diabetes, you can use the most anabolic compound known to man as much as you want. Is it worth it? I don't like the vision trouble with diabetes

  11. #11
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by user12345

    So once you have diabetes, you can use the most anabolic compound known to man as much as you want. Is it worth it? I don't like the vision trouble with diabetes
    Absolutely not. You will induce insulin shock which can be fatal. My advise has always been to steer clear of slin at all costs. There are enough PED'S to choose from that are not as dangerous. The benefit:risk is not there.

  12. #12
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    San Diego & Las Vegas
    Quote Originally Posted by littlebill View Post
    Not a theory- a fact. Your pancreas Beta cells will shutdown and they do not recover longterm. Insulin usage over time will clinically induce type II diabetes.
    You are 100% correct, I cant believe people are still trying to go the cheap route with this crap.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hondarocks View Post
    I cant believe people are still trying to go the cheap route with this crap.
    I can. Insulin is the most anabolic compound known to man. I guarantee that every IFBB pro uses it.

  14. #14
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by user12345 View Post
    I can. Insulin is the most anabolic compound known to man. I guarantee that every IFBB pro uses it.
    run test alone or slin alone you will get better results from test.
    who cares what the pro's use. Are you a pro. Are you even close to their size. Those are the stupidest arguments ever. Well arnold started juicing young

  15. #15
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by user12345 View Post
    So once you have diabetes, you can use the most anabolic compound known to man as much as you want. Is it worth it? I don't like the vision trouble with diabetes
    Seriously stay away from slin. You dont understand it enough to use it safely

  16. #16
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    Jesus I love guys who say they would never use slin harping on the dangers of diabetic shock so much. Keep in mind every fvkn diabetic using slin faces the same dangers and last I checked we do not have grannies dropping off their hoverounds like flies in november.

    The changes to the body can be largely be negated by using slin in cycles (say a month on and a month off) and taking days off each week when using. I do 4 on 3 off when using slin, you see the thing is that slin is not like AAS you do not have to give it time to build it up in the body, it builds and leaves the body very quickly. So by picking a couple of days where you are working your really big muscle groups or lagging groups and only using on those days you can achieve a profound effect yet give the body a much better chance to recover.

    Don't get me wrong I am not saying that Slin is not a very dangerous drug I am only pointing out that by using standard insulin techniques like, taking blood sugar levels pre injection, having plenty of sugars at hand, knowing never to sleep till the active life of the particular insulin has been surpassed by at least 35%, always having someone around when you first start using and having a glucopen at hand that this person knows how and when to use the problems of diabetic shock are virtually non existent.

    That said I agree with Gixxer we as a group generally know so little about the dangers that we put ourselves at extreme risk when using particularly in the beginning.

  17. #17
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    taking blood sugar levels pre injection ,

    About this point Far from massive said. The 7-8 grams of sugar/dextrose/fast carb we take post slin-injection, is not supposed to put our sugar levels in the safe way?
    Why do you need to take your blood sugar levels?

    I mean, if been out of insulin my protein shake + carbs it's enough to put my sugar levels (I'm talkin OUT of insulin) in the correct levels; and been ON I take my protein shake + carbs as usual, and my sugar shake (to restore the levels than insulin put down), why should I take my slin levels?

  18. #18
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    Agreed ^^^

    You don't have to but its a good idea, since unless you are absolutely fastidious in your diet and workout routine your blood sugar levels at the time of injection will vary, this in turn will change the amount of sugar needed to maintain a safe/ideal blood sugar levels at a set slin dosage.

    Keep in mind in my post I am trying to point out all the things that can be done to ensure that a diabetic shock deal never occurs, to be honest I personally don't bother with all that shit myself, I take my 17 IU's of Humalog and consume my protein shake and simple sugars as you stated, and if at any point later on I start to feel blood sugars dropping low I simply ingest some sugars and the problem is solved, however I have been using Slin for almost a year now so I know its affect on my body and can easily reconize the onset of low blood sugar way before I start pouring out sweat and my heart beats like a jackhammer. I certainly would not reccomend this method to anyone starting out.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I have been using Slin for almost a year now.
    With a year of slin use, what kind of progress have you made in terms of body weight? Inches on chest, shoulders, arms, thighs (if you track all that)?

    What about strength? Would you say any strength gains were attributable to slin or more related to increase in BW (which could come back to slin)?

    And, if you track blood sugar, are you noticing any long term changes that you think are related to slin use?

    Are you also using GH or just slin? I assume you are on AAS, as well, can you share your stack?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks for your answer Far. Really apreaciate it.

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