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Thread: 4iu HGH per day ................ High Protein in Urine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    4iu HGH per day ................ High Protein in Urine

    Hi Guy's,

    Been on HGH for the past 6 months @ 4iu 4.5 days on and 2.5 days off per week.

    Have recently been reading that the timing of your injections may have an effect on your insulin resistance, so purchased a urine test kit that tests the following.

    Test kit from eBay

    Leukocytes Nitrite
    Specific Gravity

    All of the tests are negative except Protein which is off the scale.

    I have done a bit of Googling, but cannot find any good references to HGH causing high protein in the urine.

    I have had my HGH mass spectrometer tested for purity and my IGF -1 levels are 422 ng/ml so I know that my body is producing a reasonable response to the HGH.

    Any thoughts on why my Urine protein level would be very high?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Your consuming alot of protein?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Not particularly consuming lots of protein just now, more or less cruising with HGH and weekly trips to the gym.

    Diet is fairly clean.

    Will take a few more tests and look carefully at the results over the weekend when not taking HGH, to see if it is the HGH rather than the IGF-1 that is raising the protein level.

    Of course there could be something wrong with me, but my feeling is that it is connected to the HGH

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