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Thread: Where can we check HGH? Ending the Chinese concerns.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Where can we check HGH? Ending the Chinese concerns.

    Guys, do you know some lab where we could test a sample of Chinese HGH?

    I think it could be the end of our discussion about the Chinese concerns.

    I know it'll be expensive, but I'd like to know where could I send a sample.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Isma View Post
    Guys, do you know some lab where we could test a sample of Chinese HGH?

    I think it could be the end of our discussion about the Chinese concerns.

    I know it'll be expensive, but I'd like to know where could I send a sample.

    Thanks guys.
    But there is no place that can test it for 100% from what i understand. ?They can only test if for certain criteria

  3. #3
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    Back from Afghanistan
    yeah, that's my understanding too. There have been several threads on this.

    ....this is why so much GH you buy is bunk.... very difficult to prove legit. could PM one of the vets and see what they say?

  4. #4
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    I don't understand you.

    They can't check if X substance it's in some % real X?

  5. #5
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    there is alot to gh. Just because its gh doest mean it bio available also.
    You hear dont shake it you can damage it, it has to be refrigerate
    Thats why i wont use and underground lab gh. And thats what the generics are. It takes alot to make real and active gh

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    To make rHGH they are many processes to complete and the equipment used cost's millions of dollars and many of the generic companies don't have this equipment, this is why to produce rHGH it costs a lot of money due to the expensive equipment need to complete the process. I do know someone who I am in contact with and in one of his first emails to me he describes the process of testing this horomone. I will copy the email so you get more of an understanding. My contact has many titles, he is a Professor of research, Scientific manager, he is head of the Biopharmaceutical Bioprocessing technology centre, Director of Mass spectrometry in clinical pharmacology who provide protein analysis services to commercial and academic clients and also a Doctor

    Hi Marcus,

    there are some things that we can do, some things that we could do, but that would possibly be too expensive (not worth it) and other things that we cannot do.

    Please let me start with the last section:

    We absolutely cannot test any substances for their suitability for any purpose, particularly not for their use in a diagnostic, therapeutic and/or recreational purpose, when this invloves administering to a living being (including humans).

    Measuring the concentration of the growth hormones is something that is actually not as easy as it might seem. The concentration of the hormone can have two different meanings, it could be the chemical concentration of a compound (this is something that we can measure), it could also be the biological activity of this compound (this would be different, if a certain proportion of this chemical would be biologically inactive, which could happen for a variety of reasons). The latter (measuring the biological activity) is something we cannot do. We can measure the chemical concentration of human growth hormone (or any other growth hormone ), but that would involve the chemical synthesis of an internal standard, followed by a fairly complicated experiment, in which we use chemical scissors (en enzyme called trypsin) to chop the protein into pieces, then we analyse these pieces using a combination of high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, followed by a computer-intensive analysis of the data. The result of this experiment would be the concentration either in units of mol/l or in units of mg/l (the two are interconvertible). I do not know how the IU (stands for International Units) for growth hormone are defined - this might be a functional (biological) unit (which we cannot measure).

    Human growth hormone is a chain of 191 different amino acids. One thing we can do is measure the total molecular weight of the protein in a sample to see, if it corresponds to the molecular weight that would be predicted for a protein containing these 191 amino acids. This experiment detects, if one amino acid was missing or another one was added, in some cases (but not in all cases) even, if an amino acid was replaced with a different one. Another outcome of this experiment would be to see, if other, similar proteins are present in the same sample.

    In a different experiment we can check, if a protein in a particular sample is really growth hormone or if it is possibly something completely different, for example egg white protein or milk protein .

    For your information, I attach two links to articles about human growth hormone :

    Best Wishes

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks for the info guys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Any HGH that you do not get from a Dr or pharmacy should be suspect, regardless of whether it has a pharm label on it or not.

    I think this whole Chinese thing is misdirected. I mean if you read a lot of these posts some of the same people are saying over and over that you have less than a 10% chance of getting decent Chinese HGH, and some are implying that there is no such thing as legit Chinese HGH at all. Yet in the Chinese success thread over 3/4 of the people have had the results they expected.
    Last edited by Sc0rch; 10-31-2011 at 03:04 PM.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Sc0rch View Post
    Any HGH that you do not get from a Dr or pharmacy should be suspect, regardless of whether it has a pharm label on it or not.

    I think this whole Chinese thing is misdirected. I mean if you read a lot of these posts some of the same people are saying over and over that you have less than a 10% chance of getting decent Chinese HGH, and some are implying that there is no such thing as legit Chinese HGH at all. Yet in the Chinese success thread over 3/4 of the people have had the results they expected.
    just because people are getting fat loss doesnt mean its gh.
    it can be a million other things in the vial that are giving results. Maybe its peptides they are selling you.
    and most of the poeple who are saying the ugl growth is good is people that never ran pharm gh
    Why would you say to be suspect of gh from a pharmacy. Yes there are faked pharm products out there but in the pharmacies themselves

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