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Thread: Need help with IGF-1 LR3, GHRP-6, CJC-1295 and maybe test from knowledgeable person

  1. #1

    Wink Need help with IGF-1 LR3, GHRP-6, CJC-1295 and maybe test from knowledgeable person

    Hey guys i'm a bit of a newbie to all this, was in a serious car accident going back a few years ago broke spine a few times and lost alot of weight due to the long healing proccess, my doc prescribed me some decca and sustanon 250 to help with healing some time ago. I'm 25 182cm high 75kg with very little body fat, I'm aiming to be around 85-90kg (big ask I know lol). My dr has recently prescribed me 9 1ml vials of sustanon 250, I have acquired 2*2mg vials of cjc-1295, 2*5mg vials of GHRP-6 and 1 vial of 1mg IGF -1 LR3. Not real sure how to tackle it but was going to 2 by 100mcg ghrp-6 morning and night a little unsure as how frequently I should take the cjc-1295 as I originally bought it with DAC but now have without the DAC and was considering taking 100mcg daily (hoping to still get the synergic effect) and to take 40-50mcg of IGF -1 LR3 post workouts. Another thing Im unsure about is how frequently and if to use the sustanon with my plan. I eat quite a few meals a day usually nothing without meat as I'm quite a carnivore lol and enjoy a couple to few protein shakes a day. I know I haven't given much to go with but any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Would really appreciate some advice on this guys, anyone out there tried same products or have anything at all to say on topic...really keen on getting started but don't wanna go in half cocked, all these views and no reply come on guys help us out a little

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Norskblood View Post
    Would really appreciate some advice on this guys, anyone out there tried same products or have anything at all to say on topic...really keen on getting started but don't wanna go in half cocked, all these views and no reply come on guys help us out a little
    Sorry Norsk, no replies/answers for you as peptide usage does not sound helpful in your scenario. Best wishes healing up, consuming and growing => at this point I am not sure what you'd expect from peptides. Although my prediction remains peptides will be a disappointing hassle, a touch of GHRH (CJC) with GHRP (at 2-4x the GHRH dose) each admin, 2x daily. Your doses sound within range. Eat plenty veggies & lift heavy - good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    San Diego & Las Vegas
    For healing I think GH would be better for the healing especially since you are taking Sus250 already, that would be a great stack.

  5. #5
    Cheers for the reply guys, I'm probably about as all healed up as I'm going to be and am looking for something to help bulk out a little as when I was going through my healing proccess I grew up and not much out as I couldn't do much activities, in saying that I also have some trouble getting my hands on pretty much anything that is going to assist me with my goal like GH and various test apart from what I can swindle out of my Dr, that is why I thought I might try these peptides as they help stimulate your own natural production of GH. I'm still yet to start the sus250 as every chemist on the coast or I'm told Australia wide hasn't been able to get any in for nearly 5 months now as there is a munufacturing delay but I'm thinking of going back to dr and seeing if he can prescribe me primoteston as a substitute as they have that in stock and I'm told it's similar. I'm really just grasping at straws at this point and would do pretty much anything to put some more muscle mass on as I have always been athletic and very competitive and it's a little hard to see mates I used to leave in the dust in front of me. I have gained alot since the accident through hard training and previous course of test as I was just over 60kgs when I started training again, but now sitting on 75 I still feel I'm only half way there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    In the iron dungeon
    Peptides like igf need to dose right , also you need to train hard since igf is not for healing injuries is for helping recover from a hard Ace work outs . Requires to eat carbs at the right time so it will prevent you from going Hypo. with your sugars. and the last but not least good source to get your stuff !!!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Hooper91 View Post
    Peptides like igf need to dose right , also you need to train hard since igf is not for healing injuries is for helping recover from a hard Ace work outs . Requires to eat carbs at the right time so it will prevent you from going Hypo. with your sugars. and the last but not least good source to get your stuff !!!
    Once again these are not being consumed to help with injuries, just purely for muscle gain I am healed as much as I'm going to be...I train very hard and have very low bf, just looking for ppl who have used these products before and have seen results I'm looking for so they can share their best dosing advice. I have a good supplier for peptides ( one of the better out of the three reputable sources we have in aus) done pretty much all the research one can do reading about each of them, it's more down to trialing whats going to work best for me and what I want but once again keen to hear from ppl who have gained what I'm aiming at

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