I have had bi lateral shoulder labral repair surgeries last year, have struggled all year with rehabbing both, unfortunately have re-tore my left labrum and must go back into the operation room again within a month or so.
Im 21 years old, 6 foot 3, 100 kg and pretty lean and atheltic. Have been competing in martia arts from very young and need to keep training. I have purchased 400 ius of HGH from a local authentic source to help with my post surgical recovery along with my rehabilitation of course.
I am looking to run the 400 iu's for a 6 month period after my operation, and want to begin this approximately 12 weeks post op.
How many iu's should i do a day? and at what rate (eg, 5/2, eod, ed) please would appreciate any advice from the experienced users out there!