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Thread: HGH Stack?

  1. #1
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    HGH Stack?

    I am 40 yr old and my Dr. put me on HGH 2IU 5 days a week, Test propernate 1ML every 3 days, HCG 1 IU a day, Somerlin 1 IU a night and progesterone cream every night. It has been almost 4 months and I really do not notice any difference other than I am sleeping better. I have lost 25lbs but I think that is due to working out 4 to 5 times a week and I am eatime much better. In my late teens I worked out a lot I was benching 350 and only weighed 160. I have retained some of my chest and shoulders but my arms look like toothpicks. I really want to bulk my arms to get them proportinate with my chest. I have been busting my ass in the gym and see no results. I am thinking of adding Deca , What do you think of adding Decca to this? Is it possible to add mass @ 40 years old? Any advice is welcome

  2. #2
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    Are you syre about the 1 iu of HCG ?

  3. #3
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    3 bumps in 3 minutes?
    Read his post history. He's not here 2 help or contribute, he's just getting his post count up so he can get wut he wants & then he's gone til he needs mor info 4 his next cycle. I say u get out wut u put in.

  4. #4
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Oh wait, he juut blew up the HGH forum too, go look!

  5. #5
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Read his post history. He's not here 2 help or contribute, he's just getting his post count up so he can get wut he wants & then he's gone til he needs mor info 4 his next cycle. I say u get out wut u put in.
    Not true at all. When I get to the point I am able to help, I surely will. Yes I made a lot of bumps so I could make a post. But I am not hear for spam. I am new to the roid stage and I do not want to make a life threatening mistake. If that's wrong the sue me. I came hear for help from the experts.

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599 View Post
    Not true at all. When I get to the point I am able to help, I surely will. Yes I made a lot of bumps so I could make a post. But I am not hear for spam. I am new to the roid stage and I do not want to make a life threatening mistake. If that's wrong the sue me. I came hear for help from the experts.
    The experts would be alot more willing to help if you didnt screw the board up for the last 2 days.
    It does look fishy like Bear said. Alot of people have noticed.

    If you have a Dr monitoring and setting you up why are you trying to change it?
    How much prop are you taking 1 ml means nothing
    You need to learn more about what you are taking and dosing before you add stuff. 1iu of hcg isnt correct either
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    2 days? I just came on the site less than 12 hours ago. I am sorry if I messed things up, that was not my intent. I want to change things because I don't think what the Dr. Has me doing is working. I think the test is 250 and I do 1 ml. On the insulin suringe I draw to 25 for the HCG . Does this tell you anything. Again I am sorry if I messed things up

  8. #8
    jasc's Avatar
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    noone asked the most important question.. Where can I find a dr. like yours?

    A dr. prescribing prop, hgh, n hcg ... sounds like a dream come true

    ps.. never heard of a doc prescribing prop before, only heard of cyp n enan.

  9. #9
    jasc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599
    2 days? I just came on the site less than 12 hours ago. I am sorry if I messed things up, that was not my intent. I want to change things because I don't think what the Dr. Has me doing is working. I think the test is 250 and I do 1 ml. On the insulin suringe I draw to 25 for the HCG. Does this tell you anything. Again I am sorry if I messed things up
    250mg/ml n he has u on 2+ ml's a week? somethin sounds off..

    Drawing to 25 for the hcg doesn't tell much. It depends on how much bac was used to dilute the given amount of hcg.

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolhand5599 View Post
    2 days? I just came on the site less than 12 hours ago. I am sorry if I messed things up, that was not my intent. I want to change things because I don't think what the Dr. Has me doing is working. I think the test is 250 and I do 1 ml. On the insulin suringe I draw to 25 for the HCG. Does this tell you anything. Again I am sorry if I messed things up
    no it doesnt. it depends on how many iu the hcg was and how much water you mixed it with
    If its test prop its not 250mg per ml.
    and i never heard of a dr prescribing 500mg of test a week.
    Something really seems like bs
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    250mg/ml n he has u on 2+ ml's a week? somethin sounds off..

    Drawing to 25 for the hcg doesn't tell much. It depends on how much bac was used to dilute the given amount of hcg.
    lol beat me to it
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    250mg/ml n he has u on 2+ ml's a week? somethin sounds off..

    Drawing to 25 for the hcg doesn't tell much. It depends on how much bac was used to dilute the given amount of hcg.
    My bad the Cyp was 250 the prop says 100mg/ml.

    PLEASE READ OUR RULES BEFORE POSTING AGAIN!!! (You will not last long here if you repeat that kind of posts)


  13. #13
    noserider is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    noone asked the most important question.. Where can I find a dr. like yours?
    A dr. prescribing prop, hgh, n hcg... sounds like a dream come true
    I've spoken to a couple of Docs that run Anti aging clinics in Florida and the impression I got was they would script you whatever you could afford. Just from a phone consultation one doctor recommended, 1iu gh(more if I could afford it), test, sermorelin and hcg .
    It reminded me a little of those "pill mills" you read about in FL.
    I wonder how long before the FDA starts to crack down on some of these "clinics".

  14. #14
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by noserider View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    noone asked the most important question.. Where can I find a dr. like yours?
    A dr. prescribing prop, hgh, n hcg... sounds like a dream come true
    I've spoken to a couple of Docs that run Anti aging clinics in Florida and the impression I got was they would script you whatever you could afford. Just from a phone consultation one doctor recommended, 1iu gh(more if I could afford it), test, sermorelin and hcg .
    It reminded me a little of those "pill mills" you read about in FL.
    I wonder how long before the FDA starts to crack down on some of these "clinics".
    exactly. They are just dealers with a prescription pad. One place and a pharmacy were already shut down.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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