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    Relax007's Avatar
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    HGH Suggested Cycle

    I have looked through the forum, and I can't find anything really good on what a good cycle is for HGH. I may be posting this in the wrong section, so feel free to move it if I have.

    A few of friends have been thinking of HGH, and I'm curious about what a cycle is for a first timer. I hear you have to take it for a min. of 6 months. The suggested cycle that I heard from a friend is 2iu/day weekends off for 20 weeks. Once in the morning and once in the evening on an empty stomach. I've also heard take 1ui every other day. This is causing me some confusion on the cycle.

    I've also read a little on T4 being taken with it. Is this a must or can you take it without? Can you get T4 over the counter or would I have to get it from the same place I get my other goodies?

    Can you come off of HGH without any PCT of any form?

    Can somebody post a suggested cycle of HGH as a first timer (They are over 30 yrs. old, and have experience with other cycles)?

  2. #2
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    Lot of questions. Better off in the Hgh forum. Speak to Marcus he helped me but you need to tell us your stats and goals to guide you properly.

    2iu a day wouldn't do much for you...

  3. #3
    Relax007's Avatar
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    I didn't see the HGH forum. I'll look again.

  4. #4
    Userat204 is offline Associate Member
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    I would say a minimum of 5 iu a day but it will depend on your goals. And good luck with getting good gh. There are several good brands around, mostly hg, the generics are very low purity, that's not to say they don't contain adequate amounts of actual gh.

    Gh typically is run for a minimum of 6 months but it will take a long time to really see results. Gh on it's own is not much of a mass builder so I would start gh for a couple months then go into a AAS/GH cycle. 5 on 2 off is basically just a protocol used by guys who can't afford to run 7 days but you could always use gh peptides during the 2 off days, which will force the pituitary to produce gh.

    There are many different protocols so again figure out your goals. 2iu a day is basically a repla***ent dose.

  5. #5
    Razor is offline Banned
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    You can get away with 3iu pharma imo,
    I dont see any diff btw 3 and 5 a day
    4 is my magic #

  6. #6
    Relax007's Avatar
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    Any suggestions on how many days per week take it or if T4 is necessary?

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    7 days a week is best imo. and yes t4 is mandatory
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    sgt2jay's Avatar
    sgt2jay is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    here s what i have found

    gh isnt a cycle put more of a life style. it is a long term commitment that will hit the wallet pretty hard.
    also keep in mind many people will tell you how many IUs work for them dopnt forget to ramp up to that daily amount.
    for example start at say 1 -1.5 iu a day for 7 days and bump it .5 IUs a week until your reach your desired dosage. also if side get to bad drop down .5 for an additional 7 days and continue.

    HGH is a slow race there is nothing to be gained by rushing it.

  9. #9
    sgt2jay's Avatar
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    here is a godd plave to start reading

  10. #10
    Relax007's Avatar
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    Thanks for the help, so far. Does anybody else think T4 is necessary? From this thread it doesn't look like it is. Where do you get T4 and how often do you take it?
    Last edited by Relax007; 01-13-2012 at 04:54 PM.

  11. #11
    Relax007's Avatar
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  12. #12
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
    Relax007's Avatar
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    What is the recommended doseage of T4? Can you get T4 at a store or do I need to order it with my gear?
    Last edited by Relax007; 01-16-2012 at 11:25 PM.

  14. #14
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    Is that a picture of you in your avatar? Also, what are you wanting to accomplish with 6 months of growth hormone ?

  15. #15
    Relax007's Avatar
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    Yes it is. I'm trying to put on some mass.

  16. #16
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    2iu is not going to put on any mass
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  17. #17
    Relax007's Avatar
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    So what is the suggested cycle and what how is T4 taken with it?

  18. #18
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    suggested cycle of what? I wouldn't call gh a cycle its a long term commitment.

    t4 needs to be taken with gh. 50-100mcg in the morning on empty stomach no food or drink besides water for 1/2 hour no coffee for an hour
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 01-19-2012 at 08:22 PM.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  19. #19
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    IMO you need about 8iu and an AAS cycle to really get the big mass gains from GH. Although an AAS cycle with 4iu - 5iu GH will produce better results than without it at all, especially as far as keeping gains after the AAS cycle.

    T4 must be taken without food or other meds 60min before or after as there are many things that can interfere with its absorption.

    Your T4 dose depends on your GH dose and how your thyroid responds to GH. Many people on a medium dose of GH (4iu - 5iu) take 100mcg ED.

    Thyroxine (T4) is a prescription drug so unless you have a script for it........

  20. #20
    Relax007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    IMO you need about 8iu and an AAS cycle to really get the big mass gains from GH. Although an AAS cycle with 4iu - 5iu GH will produce better results than without it at all, especially as far as keeping gains after the AAS cycle.

    T4 must be taken without food or other meds 60min before or after as there are many things that can interfere with its absorption.

    Your T4 dose depends on your GH dose and how your thyroid responds to GH. Many people on a medium dose of GH (4iu - 5iu) take 100mcg ED.

    Thyroxine (T4) is a prescription drug so unless you have a script for it........
    Thank you for a more direct and precise answer! I appreciate it. In your opinion, and I'm not saying I'm going to do this, what would 2iu/day for 6 months do for me and should thy broken up into 2 separate injections or can that little of an amount be taken at once?

  21. #21
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    yes you can take that in 1 injection.
    If you have real gh on 2iu the only physical things you will get is fat loss
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  22. #22
    Relax007's Avatar
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    At 4iu is where I would see the mass?

  23. #23
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relax007 View Post
    At 4iu is where I would see the mass?
    No, 4 ius you will see fat loss, condition and general health benefits.

    You need 6-8ius daily for at least 6-8+ months and steroids to see mass gains form hgh. Stay away from any generic hgh because you will be wsting your time and money- seek pharm grade only IMHO.

  24. #24
    Relax007's Avatar
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    Spendy little cycle! I only use pharm grade on all my gear.

  25. #25
    inked1314 is offline New Member
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    So what i gather from reading this. you need .8 iu of pharma grade hgh plus use test e or another aas in order to gain mass? That the gains from this are not recognized until well into a six month period? Is this the norm or just one persons experience using HGH?

  26. #26
    Relax007's Avatar
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    What is suggested for eating before or after taking a dose of GH? Also, I don't think I can get my hands on any T4, is there anything else that I can take in its place?

  27. #27
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inked1314 View Post
    So what i gather from reading this. you need .8 iu of pharma grade hgh plus use test e or another aas in order to gain mass? That the gains from this are not recognized until well into a six month period? Is this the norm or just one persons experience using HGH?
    its 8iu's of gh not .8iu's.
    No that is how gh works not 1 person experience
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  28. #28
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relax007 View Post
    What is suggested for eating before or after taking a dose of GH? Also, I don't think I can get my hands on any T4, is there anything else that I can take in its place?
    No carbs with in a hour of gh either way.
    t4 isnt hard to find. Use google.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  29. #29
    Relax007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    No carbs with in a hour of gh either way.
    t4 isnt hard to find. Use google.
    Found some.
    No carbs within an hour of taken T4 and GH? (I think that's what you meant, but just wanted to confirm)
    By coming off of T4 and GH, will that damage your thyroid or does it come back to normal production? How do you get your thyroid back to running normal?

  30. #30
    Relax007's Avatar
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    Any help here???

  31. #31
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relax007 View Post
    Found some.
    No carbs within an hour of taken T4 and GH? (I think that's what you meant, but just wanted to confirm)
    By coming off of T4 and GH, will that damage your thyroid or does it come back to normal production? How do you get your thyroid back to running normal?
    I have never agreed with the vets like gix and marcus that T4 is mandatory, it all comes down to what it does for you as the individual. I got on t4 and ****ed me up good for a week. Got off it never felt better in my life and GH is flowing through my veins. Its all in how it makes you feel. Trust your feelings before you blind trust the overall "yes's" and "no's"

    4.5iu's a day and your gonna be feeling really good, split it up or do it all at once. Depends on what your going for.

  32. #32
    Relax007's Avatar
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    When you say it ****ed you up, how did it? Also, when should T4 be taken, I've heard before bed, but I just want to hear other opinions? By coming off of T4 and GH, will that damage your thyroid or does it come back to normal production? How do you get your thyroid back to running normal?

  33. #33
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. 30 min before eating. T4 is easier to come off that T3. You look pretty lean which means you already have a pretty active thyroid, why fvck with a good thing? I dont think you need t4 man. Start with 2.5iu gh and work your way up to 4.5 over 2 weeks and you will feel great.

    It fcked me up by could not focus, concentrate, did not feel like myself, gittery and overall shitty.
    GH on the other hand makes me feel like superman. Take your pick
    But like I said everyone is different, what it did to me, might not happen to you but I dont think you need it.
    Last edited by Razor; 01-30-2012 at 12:52 PM.

  34. #34
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    It's a fact that GH inhibits thyroid function, to what extent is individualistic and dependent on dose.

    I would definitely get BW done regularly and have a full thyroid panel done if you're gonna take GH for any extended period of time.

  35. #35
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    Adding GH to your body suppresses your thyroid, which is why you want to add T4. That is why I'm asking when you come off of T4/GH does your Thyroid pickup where it left off or how does that work? I've never used GH before.

  36. #36
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relax007 View Post
    Adding GH to your body suppresses your thyroid, which is why you want to add T4. That is why I'm asking when you come off of T4/GH does your Thyroid pickup where it left off or how does that work? I've never used GH before.
    Yes your thyroid will come back over time, quicker than if you where on T3, there are natty supplements that help it return quicker, but like Sgt Hart said, get a BW before, during and after.

  37. #37
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    I personally don't know, since I started T4 I haven't come off (8 months). But I researched it extensively before starting and there are tons of studies where TSH was suppressed by supplementing with T3 or T4 for years and thyroid function returned to baseline in a matter of weeks. The thyroid is very resilient and the chances of doing permanent damage with a conservative dose of thyroxine are minimal IMO.
    Last edited by Sgt. Hartman; 01-30-2012 at 01:01 PM.

  38. #38
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    According to this

    T4 is mandatory, so I'm going to start low with it, and see what happens. If I start to see unwanted sides, then i will quit.

    If somebody can answer my questions or give more input that would be much appreciated.

    A.Ok, so basically no food 60 min. before or after taking GH. Any benefits to taking it before working out?
    B.T4 should be taken in the morning??? I would like to hear more about this as I've heard take it before bed too
    C.Should T4 be taken everyday or just on days that GH is taken?
    D.From my understanding the thyroid will come back over time or do you need to take a supplement once off GH and T4?

  39. #39
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    I personally don't know, since I started T4 I haven't come off (8 months). But I researched it extensively before starting and there are tons of studies where TSH was suppressed by supplementing with T3 or T4 for years and thyroid function returned to baseline in a matter of weeks. The thyroid is very resilient and the chances of doing permanent damage with a conservative dose of thyroxine are minimal IMO.

  40. #40
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relax007 View Post
    According to this

    T4 is mandatory, so I'm going to start low with it, and see what happens. If I start to see unwanted sides, then i will quit.

    If somebody can answer my questions or give more input that would be much appreciated.

    A.Ok, so basically no food 60 min. before or after taking GH. Any benefits to taking it before working out? Yes no food for at least 30 min after taking it. Stimulant maybe, some people says it replaces a few cups of coffee in the morning
    B.T4 should be taken in the morning??? I would like to hear more about this as I've heard take it before bed too, Depends on if you can sleep on it, some people cant. Some can, some take it in the middle of the night, just have to test it out
    C.Should T4 be taken everyday or just on days that GH is taken? ED
    D.From my understanding the thyroid will come back over time or do you need to take a supplement once off GH and T4?Yes
    See above in bold
    Last edited by Razor; 01-30-2012 at 04:17 PM.

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