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Thread: Hgh for height increase at 18

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Hgh for height increase at 18

    Morning everyone before I write this thread i just want everyone here to understand that I have already saved up the money required in order to run my first cycle and am planning to run aprroixmently 1 to 3 cycles of hgh. My connection is legit it's pharmaceutical grade and which I am getting from an ex-Canadian body builder. Now I'm curious my Epi. Plates are still open so I'm aware that increase of long bones are possible I'm just curious as to how long would I need to run hgh for a height increase of 1 to 2 inches
    suggested protocol by bodybuilder
    4 4 days on 3 days off
    My idea in which I would think would be a good dosing protocol just from reading
    5 5 days on 2 days off

    Now please keep in mind their Is absolutely no doubt that I will be running hgh considering this is expenisive I would highly appreciate someone suggesting a dosing protocol in which they would find most beneficial for bone increase. I'm a natural athlete have never touched anabolics although I do take nutrtion and exercise seriously as I will be doing my first natural fitness modeling show soon I'm 5 8.5 exactly and I'm 179 pounds 10 percent bf (obviously for the show I will go down to the 5 -6 range most likely six )

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    i would strongly suggest you rethink this as you have no need for hgh at your age, your growth plates still havent fused and you could continue growing naturally, not to mention that you think your source and it may well be , but for every ten people that are promised legit gh, there is 9 that get some sort of fake or generic chinese not to mention that pharm grade gh is extortionate prices and i struggle to see how you could afford it at your age, and gh isnt cycled it needs 6 months minimum and is a lifestyle, im sure some vets will chime in with more info for you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Bad idea.

    First off growth plates are closed by estrogen. How Exactly do you know yours haven't closed.
    Second problem is" ex body builders", or the "big guy" at the gym etc are usually full of it and will sell you bunk just to make some money.

    The big problem here is how does he know what gh will do to you, and what dose would make you grow 1-2 inches. I personally think you are wasting you time and you will be highly dissapointed. At 18 your body should produce all the gh you need.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I am no where near an expert, btu that being said i have read enought and done the research to comment.

    lets forget that age fact for a minute. based off your post it is pretty clear you havent done the research to yet even consider this route.

    first of all to think hgh is something you can cycle on and off would be a complete waste of time and money. many here will tell you hgh is long term which i like to think it is more of a lifestyle or life long commitment.

    second if your gear is legit if you jump into 4ius a day you run the risk of very serious sides. you need to think of a good ramp up protocol. starting at no more that 2iu a day (many suggest 1 - 1.5) and ramp up .5 iu every 7 - 10 days.

    Third i am not sure how soon your compitition is but if it is sooner that 6 months dont expect much in terms of results. 6 monts minimum to see any results you would call significant.

    dont mean to burst your bubble but to be honest go with diet and cardio to drop that 4 - 5 %. there are many in the diet section that can help you.

    as for your age you are going to hear it from many others so i will just stick to answering the HGH question.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I'm not using hgh to drop bf just to increase my height I simply just cycle my carbs an drop my bf. I've been at 8 percent just for the hell of it and because I'm natural I'll be drooping to six because I don't want to look skinny. On another note could 3 months of hgh increase my height if it's legit

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ffm View Post
    I'm not using hgh to drop bf just to increase my height I simply just cycle my carbs an drop my bf. I've been at 8 percent just for the hell of it and because I'm natural I'll be drooping to six because I don't want to look skinny. On another note could 3 months of hgh increase my height if it's legit
    i would just be guessing but probably not. in fact it may never.

    heck at 18 you may still have a growth spurt in you, and messing with HGH at your age could prevent that.

  7. #7
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    Jan 2012
    Furthermore in terms of research I'm doing it and it's on on going process and Ive read about ramping up the dosages but the guy who's selling it to me used it at these dosages and didn't have sides but when he did it for a year he experienced acrogmley.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ffm View Post
    Furthermore in terms of research I'm doing it and it's on on going process and Ive read about ramping up the dosages but the guy who's selling it to me used it at these dosages and didn't have sides but when he did it for a year he experienced acrogmley.
    just my two cents. go with what you think is best. Good Luck

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    rule number 1) never take advice from your dealer
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I want you 2 cents and appreciate cause for a decision such as this I feel as a variety of opinions is neccsary if I decide to go though with it I'll let you guys know how it goes I might also consult a endrocologist

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    My brother grew 2 inches at the age of 21. I stopped growing in height right before i turned 17. Everyone is different. Its not unheard of for someone to grow two inches at 18.

    FSU has a basketball player that at 17 went to Iraq. He was 6'4. By 22 he was 6'10. People grow often after the age of 18.

    I wouldnt suggest turning to HGH

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Ffm View Post
    Furthermore in terms of research I'm doing it and it's on on going process and Ive read about ramping up the dosages but the guy who's selling it to me used it at these dosages and didn't have sides but when he did it for a year he experienced acrogmley.

    Would love to know what dose he was running that he experienced acromegaly. Actually, I just think you're very ignorant and talking out of your ass.

    HGH will NOT help you grow taller than you would have naturally. If your epiphyseal plates are not closed and you're not GH deficient then what is the point in taking GH?

    You need to do a lot more research on GH, and after you do, you'll re-read this and realize how foolish this is.

    Btw, are you FFM's son, little fm? LMAO. No offense FFM.......

  13. #13
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    Jan 2012
    He's more of a friend who deals a really good friend he tells me everything about his life and I was his friend long before he was my dealer whether or not the product is legit isn't something I'm worried about cause i see the acrogmley in his chin and elbow it's just whether or not It will increase my height he never gave to me offering me hgh I went to him asking for it

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Ffm View Post
    Furthermore in terms of research I'm doing it and it's on on going process and Ive read about ramping up the dosages but the guy who's selling it to me used it at these dosages and didn't have sides but when he did it for a year he experienced acrogmley.

    Would love to know what dose he was running that he experienced acromegaly. Actually, I just think you're very ignorant and talking out of your ass.

    HGH will NOT help you grow taller than you would have naturally. If your epiphyseal plates are not closed and you're not GH deficient then what is the point in taking GH?

    You need to do a lot more research on GH, and after you do, you'll re-read this and realize how foolish this is.

    Btw, are you FFM's son, little fm? LMAO. No offense FFM.......

  15. #15
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    Jan 2012
    Who's ffm that just stands for future fitness model And he was running hgh for a year and that's when acrogmley occurred and the dose I'm unsure of but his chin looks a little ****ed lool but yea.hes juiced quite a bit his best was 220 at 5 percent bf and he's 5 7 I've seen pics it's crazy

  16. #16
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    The last thing you want to happen is to have some kind of odd strange growth.

    Please please re-think your plan. And talking to an endocrinologist would be an excellent idea.

    Right now you have tons of natural gh going thru your system. And the best thing you could do in all honesty? Get to bed early so you get the best bang for your buck sleep wise since your heaviest growth hormone pulse in a 24 hour period is about 2 hours after falling asleep. And you want to get to sleep early so you get some fantastic gh sleep before your cortisol kicks you into wake-up mode.

    Good luck to you.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post

    Would love to know what dose he was running that he experienced acromegaly. Actually, I just think you're very ignorant and talking out of your ass.

    HGH will NOT help you grow taller than you would have naturally. If your epiphyseal plates are not closed and you're not GH deficient then what is the point in taking GH?

    You need to do a lot more research on GH, and after you do, you'll re-read this and realize how foolish this is.

    Btw, are you FFM's son, little fm? LMAO. No offense FFM.......

    See the bold above, he is correct. HGH helps children grow taller who are HGH deficient, you are not. it is for children who have stunted growth, not who are naturally short due to short parents.

    If it really bothers you I suggest you go kick your fathers ass and yell at your mother for not picking someone taller. You will feel better afterward. LOL
    You can also do it the old fashioned way like they use to and hang by your knees upside down or using an inversion table hoping to stretch a little.

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