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Thread: HGH replaces clean diet??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Question HGH replaces clean diet??

    I'm 6'6" weighing 220 lbs I went down from 20% to 14% bf in 6 months.My goal is reach 8% bf by June while gaining as much muscle mass as possible. I've been on pharm grade GH for 4 weeks (now at 4iu), still following my strict diet and workout routine. I work in the desert and we don't have a gym so I workout with what I got; circuit training, bodyweight strength training, intervals, and I throw in some cardio every now and then. From what I read I know that HGH prevents insulin from storing glucose in fat cells, therefore forcing your body to burn fat for energy. So does that mean I could just stop eating clean and eat as much donuts and pizza as I want and still lose weight?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by mhafez View Post
    I'm 6'6" weighing 220 lbs I went down from 20% to 14% bf in 6 months.My goal is reach 8% bf by June while gaining as much muscle mass as possible. I've been on pharm grade GH for 4 weeks (now at 4iu), still following my strict diet and workout routine. I work in the desert and we don't have a gym so I workout with what I got; circuit training, bodyweight strength training, intervals, and I throw in some cardio every now and then. From what I read I know that HGH prevents insulin from storing glucose in fat cells, therefore forcing your body to burn fat for energy. So does that mean I could just stop eating clean and eat as much donuts and pizza as I want and still lose weight?
    short answer is no.
    also that isnt exactly correct. GH makes you insulin resistant. So it tech stops your natural insulin from working as efficient as it normally does. This will raise your blood glucose levels. And high blood glucose levels has its own side effect including weight gain.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
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    Jan 2009
    if it raises blood glucose levels, how come it helps lose weight?

  4. #4
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    thats why you aren't supposed to eat carbs for an hour before or after injection to min. the raise in blood sugar
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 02-16-2012 at 12:15 PM.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
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    Gixxer i think you menat are not supposed to eat carbs hour before or after

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgt2jay View Post
    Gixxer i think you menat are not supposed to eat carbs hour before or after
    thanks. That was a typo. Fixed now
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
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    My medical doctor put me on TRT, 200mg of testosterone Enanthate injections every 7 days he told me i could eat what i want, i gained 30 pounds of fat in 4 months. I lower the dosage worked on my diet with my girlfriend, and have lost 15 pounds and lots of water.

    No mater what you take diet is still prime.

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^^^^ I remember that story. Ha!

    Man, I wish there was something that allowed us to eat whatever we wanted. Alas, it is not to be.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    You cant eat shit food all the time, but you can have a less strict diet imo.
    I dont eat the cleanest right now and been on the gh for a while now
    and dont worry much. I come off in two months and start 10 weeks of test
    so we will see what happens.

  10. #10
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    Too bad I thought I could finally go back to junk food

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr.;5***012
    You cant eat shit food all the time, but you can have a less strict diet imo.
    I dont eat the cleanest right now and been on the gh for a while now
    and dont worry much. I come off in two months and start 10 weeks of test
    so we will see what happens.
    Good luck with that

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    ^^^^ I remember that story. Ha!

    Man, I wish there was something that allowed us to eat whatever we wanted. Alas, it is not to be.
    There is bro. Hgh. I can eat whatever and I think most people can. Currently I'm dieting a some spring shows but in the offseason I'd say I ate at least two cheat meals a day. Sweets (cookies, ice cream) at least 3x per week. I did just 3 half hour cardio sessions a week. I gained a little bf of coarse but still had a sick pack with veins going through it. I don't believe it will help you "get ripped" while eating whatever but you can definitely "stay ripped."

  13. #13
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    Mar 2006
    Before my layoff from the gym about 1.5 years ago... I was on 1g of test 5iu's of gh 50mcg of t3 and bulking on tren 500mg ew and anavar 50mg ed I was 267lbs @ 6'2" and 10% bodyfat... Before I added the GH I could easily gain weight... afterwards I had to loosen up my diet significantly to achieve the same results... it was like night and day for me... I always had trouble holding extra bodyfat regardless of the compounds before... and after adding GH to that stack I couldnt eat enough... if I remember correctly I was around:

    450-500g of protein
    400g of carbs from rice and shit very clean
    and 150g of fat supplemented flax and peanut butter

    and i was getting leaner and my body weight wasn't moving so I started having meal 3 at a burger joint it was a 1lb burger two 1/2 pound patties..
    I ate there everyday for 6 weeks and I was STILL getting leaner... it was crazy... GH works like magic for me... I have run those compounds before and made gains but NOTHING compared to when I added GH in the mix.... BUT it also gave me bad sleep apnea... I would wake up gasping for air...BAD like I was about to die...

  14. #14
    I've been on HGH 5iu/ed for 4 years. I do notice that when I'm on HGH I can slack on my diet and still keep lean. HGH seems to amplify the effects of the cardio workout and help me stay lean. I do use HGH as a crutch to eat less clean and stay lean. Seems to work for me.

  15. #15
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    i agree gh helps and you can slack here and there, but you cant eat like shit all the time. Or atleast i cant
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1;5***876
    i agree gh helps and you can slack here and there, but you cant eat like shit all the time. Or atleast i cant
    Totally.... I wouldnt have looked good if I was slamming milk shakes lol.....

    To the op: the lesson to be learned as always... Is know your body... listen to it... check yourself out in the mirror and adjust your diet accordingly...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer;5***896
    Totally.... I wouldnt have looked good if I was slamming milk shakes lol.....

    To the op: the lesson to be learned as always... Is know your body... listen to it... check yourself out in the mirror and adjust your diet accordingly...
    I tried eating shit and i noticed that I'm not gaining weight as I used to but I'm getting a pot belly.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mhafez View Post
    I tried eating shit and i noticed that I'm not gaining weight as I used to but I'm getting a pot belly.
    Then eat less shit

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