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  1. #1
    GH deficiency is offline New Member
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    1.5 plus 1.5 doesn't equal 3..?

    Forgive me if i ask dumb questions as ive only recently found this website and started reading all the post on GH, until now ive done just as the Dr prescribed for me and have only had acces to limited info from the Dr office. You guys are the experts..
    First question from reading here, ive seen in many post that its recommended that under 2iu is not/may not be enough to show any effect (and some say you need ALOT more than 2) . If a normal person produces say 1.5iu a day, wouldnt adding a shot of 1.5iu (at the correct time of day) double the GH in your body to 3 iu's or am i looking at this the wrong way.? Seems to me that any extra iu's you put into your body could only help out.. As stated before you guys are the pros and im only asking questions so be easy on me, Thanks

  2. #2
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    Your body has a negative feedback mechanism by which it will shut down its natural supply of a hormone when the exogenous version is taken.

    Basically if you take 1.5iu you're shutting your bodies natural supply of GH down to replace it with rHGH.

  3. #3
    GH deficiency is offline New Member
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    Tks for the quick reply, im sure i will figure this out when i read more but great to have that in my head when i start..
    It Shuts it completely off.? For the 4-5 hrs its in the body or for couple days, or .?

  4. #4
    GH deficiency is offline New Member
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    At what point do you guys throw your hands up and cuss the new guys.. Haha

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by GH deficiency View Post
    At what point do you guys throw your hands up and cuss the new guys.. Haha
    Not yet LOL. No worries man.

    Changes in Non-22-Kilodalton (kDa) Isoforms of Growth Hormone (GH) after Administration of 22-kDa Recombinant Human GH in Trained Adult Males1
    Jennifer D. Wallace, Ross C. Cuneo, Martin Bidlingmaier, Per Arne Lundberg, Lena Carlsson, Cesar Luiz Boguszewski, John Hay, Massoud Boroujerdi, Antonio Cittadini, Rolf Dall, Thord Rosén and Christian J. Strasburger
    - Author Affiliations

    Metabolic Research Unit (J.D.W., R.C.C., J.H.), Department of Medicine, and Statistics Section, Department of Social and Preventative Medicine, University of Queensland, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane 4102, Australia; Neuroendocrine Unit (M.B., C.J.S.), Department of Medicine, Innenstadt University Hospital, 80336 Munich, Germany; Serviço do Endocrinologia e Metabologia do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná (C.L.B.), 80060-240 Curitiba, Brasil; Research Centre for Endocrinology and Metabolism (P.A.L., L.C., T.R.), Sahlgrenska Hospital, Gothenberg, S-413 45 Sweden; Department of Endocrinology (M.B.), St. Thomas’s Hospital, London SE1 7EH, United Kingdom; Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Sciences (A.C.), Frederico II University, 80131 Naples, Italy; and Department of Medicine M (Endocrinology and Diabetes) (R.D.), Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, 8000 Denmark
    Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Jennifer D. Wallace, Metabolic Research Unit, University of Queensland, Department of Medicine, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane 4102, Australia. E-mail: [email protected].

    GH is being used by elite athletes to enhance sporting performance. To examine the hypothesis that exogenous 22-kDa recombinant human GH (rhGH) administration could be detected through suppression of non-22-kDa isoforms of GH, we studied seventeen aerobically trained males (age, 26.9 ± 1.5 yr) randomized to rhGH or placebo treatment (0.15 IU/kg/day for 1 week). Subjects were studied at rest and in response to exercise (cycle-ergometry at 65% of maximal work capacity for 20 min). Serum was assayed for total GH (Pharmacia IRMA and pituitary GH), 22-kDa GH (2 different 2-site monoclonal immunoassays), non-22-kDa GH (22-kDa GH-exclusion assay), 20-kDa GH, and immunofunctional GH. In the study, 3 h after the last dose of rhGH, total and 22-kDa GH concentrations were elevated, reflecting exogenous 22-kDa GH. Non-22-kDa and 20-kDa GH levels were suppressed. Regression of non-22-kDa or 20-kDa GH against total or 22-kDa GH produced clear separation of treatment groups. In identical exercise studies repeated between 24 and 96 h after cessation of treatment, the magnitude of the responses of all GH isoforms was suppressed (P < 0.01), but the relative proportions were similar to those before treatment. We conclude: 1) supraphysiological doses of rhGH in trained adult males suppressed exercise-stimulated endogenous circulating isoforms of GH for up to 4 days; 2) the clearest separation of treatment groups required the simultaneous presence of high exogenous 22-kDa GH and suppressed 20-kDa or non-22-kDa GH concentrations; and 3) these methods may prove useful in detecting rhGH abuse in athletes.

  6. #6
    GH deficiency is offline New Member
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    Another question... I read that at around 30 years old and younger your body makes around 2iu daily and over 30 y/o around 1 daily. If a 35 y/o was to do 2 iu daily wouldnt that take him back to levels where he was 10-15 years prior and he'd be able to see gains like he did when he was in his early 20's with gsining muscle/ losing fat .? i see only a handfull of post where ppl saying they are at 2iu a day, more of the 6-8 range and even some off the charts before they say they are seeing any results.. Why is this

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GH deficiency View Post
    Another question... I read that at around 30 years old and younger your body makes around 2iu daily and over 30 y/o around 1 daily. If a 35 y/o was to do 2 iu daily wouldnt that take him back to levels where he was 10-15 years prior and he'd be able to see gains like he did when he was in his early 20's with gsining muscle/ losing fat .? i see only a handfull of post where ppl saying they are at 2iu a day, more of the 6-8 range and even some off the charts before they say they are seeing any results.. Why is this
    because there are other hormones that play a part in building muscle and loosing fat. So just increasing hgh only does so much. At 2iu you will notice fat loss.
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  8. #8
    GH deficiency is offline New Member
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    thanks, didnt think about that part.

  9. #9
    GH deficiency is offline New Member
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    If shots shut your normal production down why do alot of post say to take it in the morning as to not mess with normal production, im confused, again..

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GH deficiency View Post
    If shots shut your normal production down why do alot of post say to take it in the morning as to not mess with normal production, im confused, again..
    i've personally found it doesnt matter time of injection on me. People have all different theories on different times of injections.
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  11. #11
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    Because the people who say that are misinformed and just want to believe that their still getting their natural nighttime pulse.

  12. #12
    GH deficiency is offline New Member
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    Ah.. Gotcha

  13. #13
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    i do mine before bed. Gh causes insulin resistance. Thats why you arent supposed to eat carbs within an hour of the injection.
    So its easier for me to do right before bed then i dont have to worry about eating and i can control my blood sugar better.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  14. #14
    GH deficiency is offline New Member
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    Thats when i do as well, but only cause the Dr said to, he didnt tell me anything about the carb part but i did read that on here, learned alot (or atleast i think i have) in the past 3-4 days than 2 mths at the Dr.
    Am i able to read certain ppls post (like yours and Hartmans) as to not confuse myself more than i already am with the crazy stuff posted from others.?

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    you can use the search feature and put in a specific persons name and pic a forum like hgh forum and it will find all thier post in that specific section
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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