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Thread: HGH Detection

  1. #1
    BigE1182 is offline New Member
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    HGH Detection

    Last edited by BigE1182; 07-24-2012 at 11:15 AM.

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    your job will never test usless you in nfl and then they dont even bother

  3. #3
    Razor is offline Banned
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    you job does not care about you use Gh

  4. #4
    BigE1182 is offline New Member
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    Basically what you both are implying is that it is too expensive and to had to detect? I did hear they have come up with a test for it through urine. Would that be added to a 10 panel drug test or no? Thank you for the help

  5. #5
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    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Standard 10 panel drug test

    Amphetamines (Amphetamine and Methamphetamine)
    Cannabinoids (Marijuana)
    Cocaine Metabolite
    Phencyclidine (PCP)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigE1182 View Post
    Basically what you both are implying is that it is too expensive and to had to detect? I did hear they have come up with a test for it through urine. Would that be added to a 10 panel drug test or no? Thank you for the help
    There's no way to test for GH in urine.

    The only accurate way to test for it at all is to do a GH serum test, which still isn't conclusive because rHGH is only active a few hours post injection. They would have to identify what isoform of GH is present in the blood ie. rHGH is 22kda and endo GH is primarily 20kda but consists of many different isoforms. If someone were taking GH the GH serum test would show that all the GH in the blood would be 22kda due to the natural 20kda and all the other isoforms being suppressed. I'm pretty sure that's how MLB is testing for it and it's not cheap. I doubt your employer cares enough to go to that extent......

  7. #7
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman

    There's no way to test for GH in urine.

    The only accurate way to test for it at all is to do a GH serum test, which still isn't conclusive because rHGH is only active a few hours post injection. They would have to identify what isoform of GH is present in the blood ie. rHGH is 22kda and endo GH is primarily 20kda but consists of many different isoforms. If someone were taking GH the GH serum test would show that all the GH in the blood would be 22kda due to the natural 20kda and all the other isoforms being suppressed. I'm pretty sure that's how MLB is testing for it and it's not cheap. I doubt your employer cares enough to go to that extent......
    And the test is like 30k right?

  8. #8
    BigE1182 is offline New Member
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    Even in law enfor***ent. As per AG they wanted to start testing. but how much is the test. Also doesnt HGH turn into IGF and cant they test IGF levels

  9. #9
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigE1182
    Even in law enfor***ent. As per AG they wanted to start testing. but how much is the test. Also doesnt HGH turn into IGF and cant they test IGF levels
    Expensive and dosnt prove anything

  10. #10
    BigE1182 is offline New Member
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    As long as there is no way for them to detect it in urine or detect IGF levels through urine I should be fine? Just want to be 100%. Thanks for taking your time guys. Much appreciated

  11. #11
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigE1182
    As long as there is no way for them to detect it in urine or detect IGF levels through urine I should be fine? Just want to be 100%. Thanks for taking your time guys. Much appreciated
    It can be detected but there is a lot of variables at play

    If you tell me who is testing you I can tell you if they can detect it

  12. #12
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    IGF-1 levels can be detected through urine but the method of using IGF-1 levels to determine GH use was found to be very unreliable and done away with - at least in professional sports and the olympics.

    Unless you're getting a job where you need the highest level of security clearance I wouldn't worry about it.

  13. #13
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Damn sarge way to burst my bubble lol

    Op like he said, unless its high level testing you are fine, I threw in about the variables because there is a new method, word on street so to speak is its being adopted in next few weeks but unless your dealing with wada or respective bodies then you have nothing to worry about


    As sgt.hartman already said.....

  14. #14
    BigE1182 is offline New Member
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    Through law enfor***ent/security etc. I had surgery and i want it to heal as fast as possible so i can get back to full duty, would they test for it?

  15. #15
    DanB is offline Banned
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    No they wont, relax

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