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  1. #1
    allnatty is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    60 days on GH 5 IU (some questions)

    I have been on 5 IU EOD of hgh for around 60 days. I have noticed some INSANE fat loss since then. To the point like where i feel small lol. I was like 235 coming onto it, now im down to like 226 around. Fat loss is insane. Now what i'm wondering is at what point will I start to see some size gains? Will the size come later on? after more time? My friend who got it for me says that I prob wont see much size until i bump it up to 10 IU eod, which is just damn to expensive. What you guys think? It is in fact real GH. I feel good through out the day, sleep is awesome, and my joints are feeling sore.

    Friend who gets it for me, is not profiting from getting for me, so his opinion on bumping it up to 10 IUs is just his opinion, not to make money.
    Last edited by allnatty; 04-24-2012 at 07:28 AM.

  2. #2
    JonnyConcrete is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    6-8ius i believe is where people start seeing gains. However I know a lot of people who wouldn't ever go below 10iu.

    Maybe bump it up to 8iu and go from there.

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