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  1. #1
    Optima25's Avatar
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    Somatropin underground label

    Hello guys

    Has anyone ever tried somatropin from the label "hardcore growth"?


  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    somatropin is just the real name for GH.
    That brand is junk and is just some unknown chemicals in a vial
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Optima25's Avatar
    Optima25 is offline Associate Member
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    Brothers stay away from riptropin. I've got rapid heartbeat on it

  4. #4
    Jerseystepup is offline Junior Member
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    lol... i love rips bro, best gh I've ever taken.. Sorry you had a not so good experience with it...

  5. #5
    Optima25's Avatar
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    There is a fatburner inside. Have high body temperature and rapid heartrate. Maybe people loose fat and say "cool, riptropin is the best GH"

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerseystepup View Post
    lol... i love rips bro, best gh I've ever taken.. Sorry you had a not so good experience with it...
    then you never taken real gh
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    then you never taken real gh
    Hey gix you not see the labs for rips from serum test at 115ng/ml

    It's stronger than pharm lmfao

    Wouldn't it be great if it was legit

    I still wonder how they manage to get them lab results though,

    You prob seen the results yourself

    What you reckon, are they overdosing the vials to minipulate the results and the people getting tested are in on it?

    Only legitimate explination I have heard so far......
    Last edited by DanB; 05-24-2012 at 10:35 AM.

  8. #8
    Optima25's Avatar
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    I'm going to doctor tomorror. I'm going to end this f****ng topic. If its fake, I am going to cut that asses balls. I will inject Riptropin 3hours before giving blood-sample.

  9. #9
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optima25
    I'm going to doctor tomorror. I'm going to end this f****ng topic. If its fake, I am going to cut that asses balls. I will inject Riptropin 3hours before giving blood-sample.
    You doing an igf or serum test?.

    It has been proved fake by bloodwork several times on other boards and regardless of that, I have a personal friend whose igf proved bunk for rips and jins

  10. #10
    DanB is offline Banned
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    And before you cut his balls off, be sure to put them into a vice

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    i wouldnt waste your time or money going for a blood test. you already know its fake. And you had a bad reaction. So who knows exactly what is in that vial. Why risk injecting more of something potentially harmfull
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
    xXthehulkXx's Avatar
    xXthehulkXx is offline Associate Member
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    I've seen the super high results on other boards. I got some and had a serum test done, just to see what I would get. I did the "protocol" on testing. My results were 13.7 ng/ml. I also pinned 5 iu every morning and 3 iu of another brand before bed and gained 8 lbs of water in 3 days! I've been doing 6 iu of other brand for 2.5 months without any water retention. I also tested that brand and got a result of 11.9 ng/ml. Something fishy is definitely going on.

  13. #13
    redmeat1 is offline Associate Member
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    anybody ever try somatropin from IP?

  14. #14
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am currently using Arctotropin and its very good i did not get any heart palpitation or other stuff like that, i got a bit of water retention the first week or so but now its good, and when i up the dosage to 4IU just to test it i get pains in the hand and feet.

    I also did a lot of research on boards and all members who tried this brand said it was very good. It really sucks when we buy fake shhit off the internet, this is why i never buy from the internet and so far my source is good.

    GH is very expensive

  15. #15
    Optima25's Avatar
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    What do you know about riptropin? I've tested the batch number on its webside and it showes fake-alert

  16. #16
    Jerseystepup is offline Junior Member
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    I got a referral for bloodwork this morning on line.. Im going to randomly take a rip out of one of my kits.. run 10iu IM, and draw 3 hours after.. Unfortunatly next week i have a CRAZY work schedule, since we have to make up for not working monday, so I'm unsure of what day ill be able to get to labcorp.. But as long as its ok with the mods, ill post my results here good or bad for everyone to see.

  17. #17
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    Post up your results but a serum test doesn't prove anything IMO.

    Run some real pharm GH and then see what your opinion of rips is.....

  18. #18
    Jerseystepup is offline Junior Member
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    So if i have a baseline to compare, an elevated gh serum wouldn't mean anything? Im not challenging you, honestly just curious, and as to why? because it could be igf or ghrp? I already paid for the referal so I'm getting it done regardless at this point.. I do have a baseline from a year ago, and also a test that shows no elevation of my gh levels while on generic blues around that same time. would testing my igf levels be better?

  19. #19
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    The serum test will confirm whether or not you're running 191aa GH but that doesn't mean that it will have any biological effect. There's several different reasons that GH could test to be pure but be biologically inactive.

    Read this

  20. #20
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    And this too. The method they use to test for gh in serum is incapable of testing for biological activity.

    Bioactivity of human growth hormone in serum: validation of an in vitro bioassay.
    Foster CM, Borondy M, Padmanabhan V, Schwartz J, Kletter GB, Hopwood NJ, Beitins IZ.
    Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor 48109.
    GH, in clinical practice, is determined by RIA, but RIA estimates may not accurately reflect serum GH bioactivity. The available measures of GH bioactivity lack either sensitivity, specificity, or a physiologically relevant end point. The objective of this research was to develop a physiologically relevant GH bioassay which would not only measure the bioactivity of purified GH preparations, but would also have sufficient sensitivity to measure GH bioactivity in human serum. The method consisted of incubating murine 3T3-F442A adipocytes in serum-free medium containing BSA, 14C-glucose, and increasing concentrations of GH or test materials for 24 h, followed by measurement of conversion of glucose to lipid. Interference by nonspecific serum factors was reduced by the addition of 10 micrograms/liter insulin , 25 nM dexamethasone, and 37 nM estradiol to the medium. In the presence of 10 micrograms/liter insulin, 50 micrograms/liter insulin-like growth factor-1 did not alter the ability of GH to suppress lipid accumulation. Epinephrine and glucagon could suppress lipid accumulation but only at concentrations greatly in excess of the physiological range in serum. Twenty two thousand dalton hGH produced dose-dependent suppression of lipid accumulation which was linear between 0.625 and 10 micrograms/liter (r = 0.926; P = 0.0001) with a half-maximal response of 3.0 +/- 0.2 micrograms/liter (n = six experiments). The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were 7% and 19%, respectively. The assay was specific for GH since addition of human PRL produced suppression of lipid accumulation only at concentrations where contamination of the preparation by GH became a significant factor. ACTH also suppressed lipid accumulation but only at doses of 1000 micrograms/liter or greater. Human placental lactogen and hLH, hFSH, and hTSH did not cross-react with GH in this assay. Addition of human serum did not alter the slope of ED50 of the GH dose-response curve. Pools of serum from prepubertal and pubertal boys and girls, subjects treated with arginine or insulin, a diabetic girl, and a boy with gigantism who had a serum GH content of 80 micrograms/liter by RIA and 40 micrograms/liter by bioassay, produced dose response curves parallel to that of the GH standard curve. Serum from patients with hypopituitarism did not produce significant suppression of lipid accumulation in any assay. Recovery of 5 micrograms/liter GH added to human serum was 94%. Twenty thousand dalton GH also suppressed lipid accumulation in this assay, but was 2-fold less potent than 22,000 dalton GH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

  21. #21
    DanB is offline Banned
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    More good info from you on the gh


  22. #22
    Optima25's Avatar
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    I've got the results of my blood-sample ....GH has to be <10 and I have only 6 and IGF-1 has to be between 13 and 65 and I have only 25. And this after 5iE of RIPTROPIN - RIPTROPIN is Fake and I will never touch chineese stuff again. I am on GHRP-2 and GRF 1-29 now - and I must say I am pretty impressed. I have typical side-effects of GH when I use those peptides. Soon I'm gonna make a GH-Test again to see how the peptides work. And I will let you know. Btw: I've got high bloodpressure and rapid heartbeat from Riptropin!!!!

  23. #23
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    i tried to warn you
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  24. #24
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    i tried to warn you
    You weren't the only one but hey people rather listen to their source then people with experience

  25. #25
    DanB is offline Banned
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    And by the way, what were the measurements of the figures? I'm a little confused with your igf readings

  26. #26
    johnyv is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerseystepup View Post
    I got a referral for bloodwork this morning on line.. Im going to randomly take a rip out of one of my kits.. run 10iu IM, and draw 3 hours after.. Unfortunatly next week i have a CRAZY work schedule, since we have to make up for not working monday, so I'm unsure of what day ill be able to get to labcorp.. But as long as its ok with the mods, ill post my results here good or bad for everyone to see.
    thanks for the info

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