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Thread: longer T3 usage

  1. #1
    cpick123 is offline New Member
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    longer T3 usage


    i have been looking high and lo on message boards regarding long term t3 (cycles)/usage.

    has it been anyone's experience here that long term t3 usage (more than 6 months) has led to the cytomel to "stop working"? i was wondering if there was a negative feedback mechanism that stopped the body's production of other thyroid hormones (sufficient t4 levels) necessasary for the fat loss effects from thyoid cycle's to keep going.

    which is why i'm asking this question because i've read on some thyoid's message boards that their doc's often add t4 to medium term t3 usage because after some time the patients t3 numbers (stay high while on cytomel) but the t4 numbers get very low .....and the introduction to t4 is enough to keep them from suffering symptoms of a under active thyroid......there just seems to be a lack of much info on long term cytomel usage on most threads that i've looked at aside from "some guys take it for years without shutting down their thyroid" well i'd like to know if these user's found that adding t4 after more than 6-8 months of cytomel helped.

    thanks to anyone listening.....i'm posting for my gf who is on 20 mg anavar and currently 100 mcg t3 on her 9'th month of t3 (7'th week of anavar). she had lost 20 lbs on first 6 months of t3 then level'd off and the signs of t3 usage .....lots of sweat....a bit more energy ....have stopped for several months...first i thought it was bunk t3....but i use this research place for a while (still) with good AI's and good clen so i'm almost positive something else is up.

  2. #2
    ata1979's Avatar
    ata1979 is offline Associate Member
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    The body does get used to the sides after awhile and the weight loss does level off.

    On a much more serious note, I hope your GF was taking time off while on the T3 (like one week on one week off), if not, she has definately shutdown her thyroid (maybe for good). she should lay of the T3 for a couple weeks then get bloodwork done (T3/T4/TSH levels checked).

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