Hey everyone,

I posted this thread about three months ago http://forums.steroid.com/showthread....#.T8_YENVIHd8 Unfortunately, since then, I don't feel like the uncertainties I have have been cleared up. I am still on the same dose as before, 12.9 IU daily. Recently, I've been starting to pick up the numbness in the fingers that everyone talks about. Until now though, that high dose I've been on hasn't caused me many noticeable side effects that are often cited on these forums. I think my scoliosis has advanced. It is good because it means my plates haven't fused and it is bad because it means the scoliosis could get even worse. I feel like my head's gotten bigger, or at least some of my facial features are more pronounced. My nose has definitely gotten bigger. The bone beneath my brow is thicker (although not cave-man like). My fingers are wider (I know for sure that the growth plates in my fingers are sealed off already though so that is to be expected). And I guess my face is just generally wider. I am also concerned because nobody knows if GH gut is real or not. There seems to be very little fat all over the entirety of my abs, but near the very bottom, where the abs become the pelvis, I have what I can't tell is either fat or a protrusion caused by the growth of intestines. It doesn't stick out like a legit gut. I am almost certain that it is just the stubborn fat that sticks around before you get a six-pack, but at the same time it feels pretty taut so there is that ounce of doubt in me that says maybe my organs are growing and my lower abs are sticking out more than they should.

Note that the dosage I am on is in accordance with the prescribing info of the medicine http://www.novonordisk-us.com/Images...ch_10_2009.pdf
"Recent literature has recommended initial treatment with larger
doses of somatropin (e.g., 0.067 mg/kg/day), especially in very
short children (i.e., HSDS < -3), and/or older/early pubertal
children, and that a reduction in dosage (e.g., gradually towards
0.033 mg/kg/day) should be considered if substantial catch-up
growth is observed during the first few years of therapy."
I am identified as GH deficient, but I still have open plate space. An adult must have absolutely no plate space at all. Also, if there is open plate space, that means that puberty cannot be considered to be complete. Therefore, I am dosing as an "older pubertal" child. Still, the dose for GH deficiency only goes up to .034 mg/kg/day, and I am on twice that, so I have my doubts.

I'm about 145 lbs in body weight.

I am planning on getting some blood tests, mainly I'd like to see my serum IGF-1 to see whether its way off the charts or within range. Until then, this uncertainty is making me anxious. I always thought that acromegaly and other conditions that arise from having too much GH could only really be caused by a pituitary tumor.

If you can't tell whether my HGH dose is too high or not, at least suggest whether the T4 I am taking is enough. I have been on T4 for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, but I hear that it works in tandem with GH. I am currently on 50 MCG ED. I am also still on Letrozole 2.5 mg ED, and if you want my GH dose in mg instead of IU, it's 4.3 mg ED.
