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  1. #1
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place

    HGH spot injections

    Blew my left gastrocnemius on Thursday while warming up with a set of calf raises at 600lbs. Not sure if the laceration is partial or full but so far no bruising; just pain, slight swelling, and stiffness.

    I've heard spot injections of HGH can accelerate healing. I'd be injecting on the opposite side of the trauma, same leg. Has anyone had any positive experiences with spot injections in a traumatized area versus traditional abdominal subQ delivery?

  2. #2
    denhod is offline New Member
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    I have never injected but I've done a lot of reaserch on hgh more than a human can do, and i can tell you hgh injection will accelerate every trauma doesnt matter where you inject.

  3. #3
    denhod is offline New Member
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    If you'll use some anabolic steroids with the hgh u will benefit twice and heal much faster, but be carefukk every steroid has its purpose, suggest you equipose\test or if u'r not afraid than trenbolone that will just make you heal in no time.

  4. #4
    denhod is offline New Member
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    sorry the forum doesnt allow me to make long post or ones that contains eplanation on steroids cause im new to this site email me if you want

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by denhod View Post
    If you'll use some anabolic steroids with the hgh u will benefit twice and heal much faster, but be carefukk every steroid has its purpose, suggest you equipose\test or if u'r not afraid than trenbolone that will just make you heal in no time.
    im sorry but that isnt true
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    What ya know, lets say you are using deca testosterone and dianabol to heal an injury it will simply not heal, the main problem is that its not injected directly at the point of the injury.

    I have been having prolotherapy done with dextrose, xylocaine, testosterone suspension 150mg, and 2IU of GH with vitamin B1 and B12 and it will heal the injury a lot faster. I had huge ligament laxity, cacking, snapping in the hip, lower back, ribs and upper back, we are not done yet but everything is fixed at close to 80% now.

    I had prolotherapy done on me before with dextrose and xylocaine at low dosage and it was shiit. The problem here is that for this cocktail to work you need to have a supra immune system, in today world with stress, depression, and more almost no one has this supra immune system, this is where streroids come into play, they will boost red blood cells, immune system, GH will produce new cells, IGF 1, collagen and will all help greatly in healing.

    Adding GH and Test growth factors will definitly speed up the healing but the injection must be done near or in the injured site. Sub Q will not work at all.

    And it also depends on the nature of the injury if its a tear, well there is a good chance prolotherapy will not work nor will GH and test.

    In fact we are changing the protocol cocktail next week adding like above trenbelone, depo testosterone and sodium morrhuate, theses are all oil based and will work a lot longer at the site of injury causing more inflammation and more repair, in a separate needle there will be 2IU of GH, oil and water base cannot be mixed.

    From what i have seen we will be the first to use this cocktail so i guess i am a bit of a ginea pig, tren has some sick side effects but it will be used at the site of injury at 75mg per 2 weeks so its not the end of the world.

    Good luck
    Last edited by yannick35; 06-18-2012 at 08:25 AM.

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quick update on the injury. It's been 4 weeks since the trauma. An MRI at week 2 revealed a 4.5 cm hematoma extending from the gastrocnemius to the base of the Achilles. The Ortho also suspected a possible hemangioma/lipoma (tumors) underlying the hematoma. I continued my current cycle and added IGF and an additional 5iu of GH to my cycle. Last week I resumed a light routine on lower body (I've continued normal training on upper body). Returned to the Ortho specialist today for follow-up. Residual scar tissue present but no hematoma (or tumor - thankfully). Ortho said to take it easy for two more weeks and ease back into normal lower body routine.

    He also said I was lucky to have kept the leg since I (foolishly) waited a week to be evaluated and almost had a compartment syndrome.

    Not sure if the gear had anything to do with recovery as I've seen studies suggesting gear can have positive and negative effects on recovery.

  8. #8
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    My comments are based on empirical experience not clinical research. I'm 52 and have been involved with sports at a pretty high competitive level for a long time. I've had my share of injuries ranging from muscle tears, sprains, broken bones (fingers, leg, forearm, collar bone), 3 knee surgeries, torn rotator cuffs, etc. I have a really good idea how my body heals with certain injuries. I've been on HGH for 5 years at 5iu/ed and I can tell that I'm healing much faster than normal. My tennis elbow's gone away, my knees and joint doesn't hurt as much, my muscles recover from tears much faster. I believe that lower doses of Test + Deca also has helped my joints. I always wondered about site injection therapy since the compounds that are injected causes the body to generate compounds like IGF-1, nitrogen, etc. that the body uses to repair itself. IGF-1 is secreted by the liver so will injecting HGH into the knee help? I don't know but I'm the last one to doubt someone's experience. I say, if it works, get it done.

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