Im 33 type one diabetic for over 20years.
im 100kg and not sure of body fat but i always seem to have more then a pinch around the gut which i put down to injecting insulin there....
i use 45iu lantas at night and novarapid when ever i need it during the day, so in other words i know 1 iu of nova will bring my blood level down about 2, so if i test before i eat and im say 12, and i wanna eat a sandwich wich is basicly 30grams carbs id take 6 iu of insulin bring my bloodlevel down about 6 and id take 1 more iu to make up thye 30 grams of carbs im consuming.I also find when doing weights as a type 1 diabetic having my blood level around 6 before i train is at optimal level. So my intake of novarapid chances daily to my needs.
Im going to start my cycle taking 1ml of sus250 decca300 and probe75 every monday and friday for about 8 weeks and i will be training using the "dogcrap method" which ive done before with great results but i ended up putting on a lot of fat aswel.
im still iorning out my diet intake and how many calories i need to help me on my way so i will update once i know .
Are there many type 1 diabetics here thatknow how to manipulate insulin with diet and training to get better results.. one of the reasons im still working my diet out !
there is alot of infomation for non diabetic on using insulin but not so much for the diabetic him self.
whats ppls thoughts