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Thread: OMG i guess i just got lucky again

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up OMG i guess i just got lucky again

    The guy that is treating my back pain is at first a chiropractor, he studied prolotherapy and has since then stop chiro since he realize its worthless crap and never cures anyone and went all out in under ground medicine.

    The amazing cool thing about this is that he gets to meet now people all the time, and this week i guess was the best of them all, i was suppose to switch to serostim and i got a deal i cannot pass up, i cannot give any pricing because its without a prescription but man.... 200IU of Saizen for peanuts and a far better deal then i used to pay actrotropin.

    At this price i will be able to stick to the 2IU per day 5/2 scheme for 6 months and more, yes i am very afraid to switch to 1IU per day since i read so many mixed reviews on that, and afraid that 1IU per day will just be wasting my money even if i want to repair my body. Most people also benefit a lot from 2IU per day with hair growth, fat loss, i don't care for muscle mass, really i plan on losing 30 pounds, so gaining 20 pounds of muscles makes no sense to me.

    The guy is a pharmacist and he modifies is inventory here and there, he got access to some good stuff too.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat
    Hell yeah he's a troll. Looks like he's trying to entice people to hit him up as a source.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by dumb_aas View Post
    Hell yeah he's a troll. Looks like he's trying to entice people to hit him up as a source.
    calm down guys. yannick is not a troll! =)
    (he may look like a troll, but that's a different conversation!!)

    Yannick is very passionate about these issues. Once you get to know him, you'll find he's g2g.

  5. #5
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    Ok so you're just rubbing this in our face? I can respect that. You lucky bastard

  6. #6
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    People in the world today are so sensitive, often jealous and ho idiots. A troll i guess i got 2000 plus post for your information i don't give source check and i don't buy off the internet either and yes i been asked a few times by PM if i had a source in Canada. The guy lives next to me and he can get very limited supply of GH after all if he gets too much they will start to ask questions.

    I also post reviews on programs some times, like P90X, the adonis index etc and tell people that i don't sell, related endorse any of this. I try to be honest and this is what i get for being that way. Red necks HA

    best thing on the board the ignore list its a god sent.
    Last edited by yannick35; 06-24-2012 at 04:23 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    No i am just so gay

  8. #8
    you are one lucky bastard...

    the rest of us will just have to stick to our water retaining chinese hgh...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Markosterone View Post
    you are one lucky bastard...

    the rest of us will just have to stick to our water retaining chinese hgh...
    I am sure that most people can get good GH some people here got sick deals on legit GH too. I don't thrust Jintropin or anything that comes from China, after all GH is expensive no mater how you look at it. When you have the chance to get a great deal on pharma legit GH you just jump on it. Just before that i had found a source for actotropin in the internet i exchange a few emails with the site and when it came time to place an order it was hell and it looked too good to be true so i just did not place the order after all.

  10. #10
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    lol @ people thinking yannick is a troll.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerseystepup View Post
    lol @ people thinking yannick is a troll.
    I try to be has honest has i can, even if i can help out people has they helped me out, and i get this for that. Sorry bro but when i first read this, this morning that pissed me off.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dumb_aas View Post
    Ok so you're just rubbing this in our face? I can respect that. You lucky bastard
    oh so you were bragging about your good fortune...cheers

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    no i am just so gay
    tmi : )

  14. #14
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    Can you put a particular thread on an ignore list? Because this one is a trainwreck!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Can you put a particular thread on an ignore list? Because this one is a trainwreck!!
    Well just don,t reply to it, everything is fine by me. I am not bragging those of you who know me i am really happy i got luck and that price. That is all.

  16. #16
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    One a side note, I agree with the 2 iu a day over 1. Trolling or not.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttufan111 View Post
    One a side note, I agree with the 2 iu a day over 1. Trolling or not.
    This is what i am so afraid of, wasting money on 1IU per day and getting nothing out of it. I have read the book the 4 hour body by Tim Ferris, there is one section where he talks about healing injuries permanently. Of course at first there are the natural ways like physio and other stuff, resting. But when that does not work he goes right into steroids and GH, deca, testosterone, anavar, T3 and more.

    Also recommends 40-60g of glutamine per day, i take around 15-20 i am not a cash machine either, come BCAA, protein etc. Problem here is that Tim is around 170-180 pounds i am close to 235, he said that during this time he took GH at 1IU 6/1.

    I have read a lot about GH and the bigger you are you might need higher dosage, but then again the life extension clinics all start there patient at .5-1IU per day so go figure. Right now since repair is what i am looking for i am ready to do the 2IU per day split in 2 injections 5/2. And if possible staying on this for 6 months.

    I am well aware that GH in drugstore are very controlled substance, you can only say that (ho we receive that order broken in the shipping so many times), this is why now i got this deal but its not like i can get this every week or even every month for that mater. I got a prescription for TRT, i am not on TRT anymore it was a dumb medical doctor error, i tried to get a few bottles of depo testosterone to sell to the guys at the gym but no way, i can only get a bottle every 10 weeks since the prescription says i take 100mg per 10 days. Its all controlled.

    In fact i would love to get more studies or feedback from people who used GH to heal themselves. We also use 2IU of GH in the prolotherapy cocktail so its injected directly where the weak ligament is.

  18. #18
    I love HGH, been on 5iu/ed for 5 years and have seen some really nice things in my body. I'm 52 and practically have zero wrinkles, my skin looks nice except for the acne sides from Test, I can think and concentrate really hard, my joints feel better (multiple knee surgeries, bone to bone on left knee), my tennis elbow went away, keeps me lean (12% bf) without a lot of dieting, I sound like a walking advertisement, LOL. I've been really nervous about prolotherapy because poking holes in ligaments and tendons seems like a way to weaken them. I saw a show where a professional basketball player was injecting cortisone into the knee ligament before games and on a layup the ligament just snapped. I just take the HGH and give my body time to heal.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I love HGH, been on 5iu/ed for 5 years and have seen some really nice things in my body. I'm 52 and practically have zero wrinkles, my skin looks nice except for the acne sides from Test, I can think and concentrate really hard, my joints feel better (multiple knee surgeries, bone to bone on left knee), my tennis elbow went away, keeps me lean (12% bf) without a lot of dieting, I sound like a walking advertisement, LOL. I've been really nervous about prolotherapy because poking holes in ligaments and tendons seems like a way to weaken them. I saw a show where a professional basketball player was injecting cortisone into the knee ligament before games and on a layup the ligament just snapped. I just take the HGH and give my body time to heal.
    how many iu/ed for female for same benefits...more like 2IU/ed???

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I love HGH, been on 5iu/ed for 5 years and have seen some really nice things in my body. I'm 52 and practically have zero wrinkles, my skin looks nice except for the acne sides from Test, I can think and concentrate really hard, my joints feel better (multiple knee surgeries, bone to bone on left knee), my tennis elbow went away, keeps me lean (12% bf) without a lot of dieting, I sound like a walking advertisement, LOL. I've been really nervous about prolotherapy because poking holes in ligaments and tendons seems like a way to weaken them. I saw a show where a professional basketball player was injecting cortisone into the knee ligament before games and on a layup the ligament just snapped. I just take the HGH and give my body time to heal.
    If there is one thing that will weaken a ligament its cortisone injection. I had this done one time in the C7 neck area. Prolotherapy will strenghten the ligament, what most so called prolotherapist fail to do is get a cocktail that is worth using. We recently got some sodium morrhute mixed with dextrose and xylocaine added to the 150mg of testosterone suspension and 2IU of GH beleive me it works. I had a snapping hip joint that is now stabilized. Lower back instability and pain, upper neck and more. Everything is fixed at 80% now. I was able to hop on my bike yesterday and go for a simple ride pain free. Its an amazing feeling. I just turned 40 and been in chronic pain before that for 10 years. 99.9% of the medical community, chiroprators, osteo, physio are incompetent fools. The guy that treats me was a chiropractor that stop doing chiro because he said it did not work, he went to brazil to study muscle skeletal fonction and there he learned prolotherapy. In Brazil its not like in Canada or US, they fix the injured they don't put them on NSAC and other crap. GH is legal so are steroids. Like you saw both can do a world of difference in healing a body. I have had 80 prolotherapy treatment with 2 idiots that did not know what they where doing used 12cc of dextrose and xylocaine and other crap like that. Real prolo must be used with long needles to get to the ligament, hip 4 inch and 6 inch and yes it hurts like hell, but at some point you gotta do what you gotta do to heal. Prolo will regenerate cartilage. You don't need stem cell, or PRP both of them cost you an arm and a leg and are hit and miss, prolo with testosterone, sodium morruhate (does the same thing a platela rich plasma) stimulate the immune system to repair itself, GH dextrose and xylocaine will cost fraction of the price of PRP and stem cell and will work better.

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