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  1. #1
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Wink 1IU per day enough for total replacement for men 40 plus

    If i read this correctly 1IU per day of GH is enough to bring levels back to normal so if my level are normal i am 40, i can use that 1IU for wellness and repair?

    I don't beleive in taking GH for fat loss, i just don't have the money to invest in this like 4IU per day.

    I still have 2 kits to run, i am running at 2IU 5/2 but it for repair. Seems to be working well.

    But i wonder if i any extra benefits can come from taking only 1IU of GH per day? not sure if i could get the extra boost with arginine 10g before bed and 2g glutamine on wake up.

    Maybe 1IU would be good to bridge between steroid cycles, with low testosterone dosage and 25mcg of T3.

  2. #2
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    I do know that in your 20's your body produces almost 2iu/day of natural growth hormone . I guess 1iu/ed would be better than none but I think you're probably in your sweet spot of 2iu/ed.

  3. #3
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Hey Yan - I am on 1.5 IU 5/2 and I also coupled it with Sermorelin. I too am using it for major repairs but I am only on my first week. My sleep has been shorter - lower quality so far. I attribute this to the Sermorelin since I read that it can make some hyper instead of sedated at bed time.

  4. #4
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    At 40 years old i guess its the best time to start steroids , 12 weeks cycle with some testosterone and anabolic like dianabol too kick start , EQ and deca when i am cure because Deca is way to anti inflamatory for prolotherapy, maybe try Tren for 8 weeks.

    I am trying to decide if using GH for 6 months 5/2 2IU per day is worth it if it will do something for cell regeneration or just staying at 1IU per day all year. I am reading studies that say GH is not the magic pill everyone think it is. I am using it for well being, cell repair, hair growth if possible. I don't beleive GH has such an impart on fat loss i always stick with diet, cardio training and T3 for that.

    If i had more $$$$ i would boost the dosage but right now i can only afford 5/2 2IU for 6-8 months or 1IU all year round.

    MyteeJ please keep me posted on your progress, i am using GH to repair laxed ligaments along with sodium morrhute prolotherapy. Will look into Sermorelin.

    I also wonder what impact taking 2g of glutamine in the morning and 10g of arginine before bed time does has an impact. Lets say you get an extra IU like that then using only 1IU per day of HGH with the extra IU at night would be best.

    Also we are weight lifters so training does release GH but to what extend. And melatonin.......

  5. #5
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nice article GHRP-6 i have this too, i take 100mcg per day, makes me hungry HA

    It says you can use it off GH cycle. You are on to something bro.

  6. #6
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    I'm going to be 40 next month so we are in a similar spot. I have my entire program/bio posted on my new member intro but it's waiting for "approval" from the admin of this site. I am also taking testosterone and hcg .

    I am starting with 24 week programs on the test, hgh, and Sermorelin. I may stop the Sermorelin though and just run through my hgh. I still haven't found enough info in terms of if the hgh and Sermorelin are redundant. Sermorelin also lasts for a year unactivated so that provides flexibility with when you want to use it. It's also a lot less expensive.

    I had been taking arginine for a year prior and my IGF-1 was at 223 and I am hoping to take it to 325-360.

  7. #7
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good luck MyteeJ Test is one hell of an hormone,

    I am sure that if we combine all of theses studies we can get a better bang out of GH, with arginine that offers so much more been reading a lot of this amino acid, glutamine and BCAA.

    Not sure about the peptides tough they seem very promising.

  8. #8
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks Yan good luck to you too. I appreciate the link to the article as well.

    i am gong to repost my intro so you can see my situation.

    I'll keep my results posted and I'll keep on eye on yours too.

  9. #9
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good stuff.

  10. #10
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    I skimmed thru this post...but I will tell you I have a friend who has been running GH at 1 iu a day for 8 years and he swears by it....

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
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    i'd go for 2iu's ED to feel/see anything tbh

  12. #12
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Do you guys think argenine (1000 mg a day) is a must for a gh cycle? I was taking it before but stopped since I thought it might be too much. Thanks.

  13. #13
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyteeJ View Post
    Do you guys think argenine (1000 mg a day) is a must for a gh cycle? I was taking it before but stopped since I thought it might be too much. Thanks.
    arginine 10g before bed 1000mg wont do nothing. Big thanks to you digitalgorilla for your input.

    I can afford 1IU per day but not 2IU

  14. #14
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    By nothing you are saying no harm, correct?

    FYI - I still haven't found an answer to the Sermorelin/hgh combo protocol.

    Did you log your progress on here? If so, where is the best place to list it? I am on Day 7 of my first week right now and oh geez, my body is letting me know that I'm giving it some "help". Concentration is good but sleep is brutal so far. My second run was also strange, really energetic but no endurance after a short while and cut run in half.

  15. #15
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Its all about diet Myteej you can take a tone of GH and it would do squat. Repairing ligaments requires a lot of collagen, something that the body produces less and less has we age. It is sure that 2IU is better then 1Iu but depending on how much money you have. Right now i have 2 kits that i will use with my steroid cycle at 2IU 5/2. But after that i will have to re evaluate if i really need to continue taking GH or not.

  16. #16
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Totally agree about diet. I have been about that since my 20's when I got serious about the gym/health.

    I have 23 weeks left of 1.5 IU so it will be quite a while before I feel benefits or have to make another decision about gh.

    I am thinking about my next rounds of pins in problem areas since I have read some mixed opinions about that. Ever try pinning where you want the healing to take place?

  17. #17
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyteeJ View Post
    Totally agree about diet. I have been about that since my 20's when I got serious about the gym/health.

    I have 23 weeks left of 1.5 IU so it will be quite a while before I feel benefits or have to make another decision about gh.

    I am thinking about my next rounds of pins in problem areas since I have read some mixed opinions about that. Ever try pinning where you want the healing to take place?
    Yes in the prolotherapy treatment we use 2IU of GH, we have injected deep in the hip, sacro illac region and C7 verberae to heal with GH its the best.

  18. #18
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have much doubt about the effectiveness of GH on muscle mass, and maybe fat loss, i have seen people who got the $$$ and take 10IU per day along with insulin sick, and they also take it with there steroid cycle but they do not keep gains afterward.

    I am reading more and more that Gh is not the magic bullet everyone think it is, also Gh can be increase while fasting. IF is very much in right now.

  19. #19
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    I'm going to give it a try starting tomorrow with the problem areas. Slightly apprehensive since I have only used fat/skin areas so far. Will let you know how it goes.

  20. #20
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyteeJ View Post
    Do you guys think argenine (1000 mg a day) is a must for a gh cycle? I was taking it before but stopped since I thought it might be too much. Thanks.
    no, I don't know why anyone would advise you so

  21. #21
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    no, I don't know why anyone would advise you so
    Thanks Dec. I thought I had read that it enhances the gh. I am on overload at the moment so keeping facts straight is difficult and I have quite an assortment that I am working with. Cheers.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyteeJ View Post
    Thanks Dec. I thought I had read that it enhances the gh. I am on overload at the moment so keeping facts straight is difficult and I have quite an assortment that I am working with. Cheers.
    na mate, a load of the old broscience crap if ive heard it tbh. you'll always hear these mad claims on supplements 'boosting' hgh.

  23. #23
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    na mate, a load of the old broscience crap if ive heard it tbh. you'll always hear these mad claims on supplements 'boosting' hgh.
    OTC are worthless most of the time it cost like testosterone boosters, it cost less money to take the real thing.

  24. #24
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    OTC are worthless most of the time it cost like testosterone boosters, it cost less money to take the real thing.
    Couldn't agree more with you guys.

    FYI on week two of my program. Focus seems better, energy improved, and endurance took a hit for some reason. I sharpened up an already ok diet and even went to whole grain bread for early am carbs. I added some small meals throughout the day and feel better.

    Yans - on the gh side I am noticing slight improvements with injuries but probably too early to really tell. Sleep is terrible and noticed it's the Semorelin that's the culprit. I am still trying to figure out if I will continue with it and the gh concurrently. Went back to melatonin (5mg) last night too and will continue to get better sleep quality. I also dropped 7 lbs (didn't need or want to) and will do another weigh in at he the gym this week.

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