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Thread: Couple of Insulin questions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Couple of Insulin questions.

    Hey bros, I have a couple of questions in regards to slin.

    1) For my post workout shake (assuming I pin 6IU of slin) will 60g of Waxy maize suffice? Or should I use dextrose. I personally really dislike dextrose, makes me very bloated and I've gained fat on it. To make it short, all I am asking is if it's fine using Waxy maize is my only carb source in my post work out shake.

    2) Can I drink my shake right after the injection ? or do I wait 15-20 minutes?

    3) In order to avoid fat gains on slin (I am gonna be using Humalog) I should consume no fats until Humalog has cleared my system correct? Or is it still possible to gain fat?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    60g waxy maize will be fine. Drink the shake right after injection. I'm taking humalin-r but humalog kicks in very fast. Once it clears your system you can eat fats. Of coarse it is still possible to gain some fat. Don't worry about it though. Just do your best.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I've also been told that I should avoid fats even 3 hours before the slin injection? true?

  4. #4
    I recommend no fats 4 hours prior and 4 hours after a shot of Humalog. It's possible to not gain fat while using slin.

    Do you plan on taking 60g of simple sugars right away with your initial shot of 6iu slin? Seems like overkill. I personally only go 5g/iu for the initial shot. 10g/iu for 45-60 minutes after.

  5. #5
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    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by GluteStriations View Post
    I recommend no fats 4 hours prior and 4 hours after a shot of Humalog. It's possible to not gain fat while using slin.

    Do you plan on taking 60g of simple sugars right away with your initial shot of 6iu slin? Seems like overkill. I personally only go 5g/iu for the initial shot. 10g/iu for 45-60 minutes after.
    If 2 shots of humalog are taken per day you are recommending no fats for about a 16 hour period. Is that right? I don't understand your logic behind no fats for 4 hours prior to injection.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    If 2 shots of humalog are taken per day you are recommending no fats for about a 16 hour period. Is that right? I don't understand your logic behind no fats for 4 hours prior to injection.
    I think you missed where he said the second shot is taken within an hour of the first, not sure about this approach (never done it but it looks interesting) but it would make the fats approach acheivable.

    As to the rest of the thread,

    A lot of this stuff varies by the individual, only time and experience will tell you what works best for you. The amount of time to not injest fats prior to slin being one of the variables and of course the amount of fat injested. I only use humalog PWO so for me keeping the window free of fats is no problem, however for multiple doses throughout the day or slower acting slins this is of course not possible so the amount and types of fat and individual metabolism will need to be researched as there is no set in stone answer in my opinion.

    I like using a slower carb like waxy but feel its also a good idea to use a small amount of simple sugar in the mix to make sure you have carbs active when the slin kicks in.

    If you are dead set on only using waxy I would intake some at least 15 minutes before injecting humalog.

    Of course all the above are only my viewpoint others may feel differently.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 10-26-2012 at 08:16 AM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    If 2 shots of humalog are taken per day you are recommending no fats for about a 16 hour period. Is that right? I don't understand your logic behind no fats for 4 hours prior to injection.
    If the second shot is taken 4 hours after the first shot, then yes. I would try to avoid that mind you. My shots are only taken within the first 6 hours of being awake, so 9-10 hours without fats is no problem as I prefer my fats in the evening anyway.

    As the above poster mentioned, a lot of this is personal preference. Some only go 2 hours pre and post shot without fats. I just prefer 4 hours is all.

  8. #8
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    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I think you missed where he said the second shot is taken within an hour of the first, not sure about this approach (never done it but it looks interesting) but it would make the fats approach acheivable.

    As to the rest of the thread,

    A lot of this stuff varies by the individual, only time and experience will tell you what works best for you. The amount of time to not injest fats prior to slin being one of the variables and of course the amount of fat injested. I only use humalog PWO so for me keeping the window free of fats is no problem, however for multiple doses throughout the day or slower acting slins this is of course not possible so the amount and types of fat and individual metabolism will need to be researched as there is no set in stone answer in my opinion.

    I like using a slower carb like waxy but feel its also a good idea to use a small amount of simple sugar in the mix to make sure you have carbs active when the slin kicks in.

    If you are dead set on only using waxy I would intake some at least 15 minutes before injecting humalog.

    Of course all the above are only my viewpoint others may feel differently.
    I definitely didn't read the shots were 1 hour apart. I know humalog is faster than humalin-r but it doesn't clear within an hour, right?

  9. #9
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    Right you aredefinately does not clear within an hour, my assumption was that he (Glute Striations) takes 5 IUs in the morning before workout with minimal carb loading then bumps the dose PWO with another 10 IUs and a good dose of carbs... but thats only my assumption maybe GluteStriations could explain his protocol further?

    I gotta say I have always been reluctant to use slim early am preworkout but the idea of using a small dose of slin,carbs pre workout then bumping PWO with both more slin and more carbs seems like an interesting approach.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 10-26-2012 at 12:53 PM.

  10. #10
    Sorry about the confusion! I'll try to clarify what I was explaining. For example: 4iu shot pre workout. 5g dextrose per iu immediately. So, 20g dextrose. 40-60 minutes later (depending how i feel), I will have 10g/iu of dextrose. I may start sipping on it sooner though.

    If I take a shot post workout as well, I follow the same protocol. Whether or not my first shot was 45 min, or 2 hours prior to the second shot, I don't change my dextrose protocol. Sorry for the confusion yet again. I hope this clarifies how I go about things.

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