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Thread: Ace-031

  1. #1
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    What would be the best way to dose 5mg of this stuff? If it was to be ran along with 500 mg test e and multiple other peptides. Pretend the test is going to be run for 12 weeks with an oral anabolic run for the last 4 weeks.

    I was thinking of dosing at .5mg every three days (week 5-week 9). Based on half life, this should produce the highest blood concentration from week 7-week 11. It should be almost completely out of the body by week 13. I chose this dosing protocol because the test should be fully "kicked in" when the ACE concentration is at its peak, and I also want the oral to somewhat coincide with the peak concentrations of ACE. I want the ACE to be out of the body before the anabolics are out so none of the ACE is wasted.

    Thoughts? would you guys up the dose, and run it for a shorter time? Is 5mg just going to be a waste? Based on some logs, I contemplated shooting all 5mg in the same week. Is this a better way to dose or is it just stupid. There isn't much info on ACE out there, so any replies will be appreciated!


  2. #2
    shredded is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2011
    Very fragile peps like Myostatin should be injected seperately. They can be damaged when added to other peptides, especially Myostatin. You can't even shake Myostatin in the vial when trying to make sure it is all mixed up, or you can start breaking the molecules. Even just spraying the water right on top of the powder can damage Myostatin. It is very delicate just something to keep in mind. Interested to see how this log goes.

  3. #3
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by shredded View Post
    Very fragile peps like Myostatin should be injected seperately. They can be damaged when added to other peptides, especially Myostatin. You can't even shake Myostatin in the vial when trying to make sure it is all mixed up, or you can start breaking the molecules. Even just spraying the water right on top of the powder can damage Myostatin. It is very delicate just something to keep in mind. Interested to see how this log goes.
    I have been reading that it's pretty fragile. Originally, I thought that the 031 meant that it was a chain of 31 amino groups. However, due to the fragility and the price, i'm beginning to think that it's a much longer chain than even HGH! I can't find a website that tells me the exact structure, which is weird :/

    anyways, bump for myo gurus!

  4. #4
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    last, shameless bump!

    if nobody chimes in, i'll plan on running 1mg e4d. Strong 80 bucks a week but w/e.

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