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  1. #1
    NEOSUP's Avatar
    NEOSUP is offline Associate Member
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    CJC-1295 without dac /GHRP-6

    Can someone double check my math. Experiment is 100mcg of each three times a day.
    5mg = 50 100mcg doses . so 5mg would give 16.6 days of 100mcg 3 times a day.
    2mg = 20 100mcg doses . so 2mg would give 6.6 days of 100mcg 3 times a day.
    ruffly a 30 day experiment would take 10mg of each compound.
    Double checking because it really starts to add up( $$$) and didnt see it broke down like this and thought it might be informative for someone.
    Last edited by NEOSUP; 12-06-2012 at 08:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Dpyle's Avatar
    Dpyle is offline Productive Member
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    I'm assuming that 1 iu is the same as 1 mcg. And in that case yes your math would be correct, and The experiment will become a pretty big investment to take on.

  3. #3
    NEOSUP's Avatar
    NEOSUP is offline Associate Member
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    I edited it.. was meaning mcg and was typing iu. any more input ?

  4. #4
    Dpyle's Avatar
    Dpyle is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEOSUP
    I edited it.. was meaning mcg and was typing iu. any more input ?
    From my research i know it's recommended they be ran at least 6 months. Which is why it becomes such a large investment.

    There are a couple members here (jimmyinkdup and sgt2jay) that are running a similar peptide protocol and liking it. They have a combined log going in the IGF forum if you haven't seen it yet.

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