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Thread: Sermorelin question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    New Hampshire

    Sermorelin question

    I have been mostly on the hormone replacement forum, but tend to lurk through here as well.

    I have recently met with a doctor that has prescribed me the proper protocol for my needs, he gave me an option of Sermorelin to aid in my sleep so I figured I would try it as I only tend to sleep 3-4 hours a night.

    My question is that of sermorelin compounded with GHRP-6,

    The blend was Sermorelin 4.5 /GHRP-6 4.5. in I believe 5iu of powder, I mixed with 4.5 mL of water.
    I am to inject with an insulin syringe 1cc 30g5/8" drawn to the 15/150mcg

    I understand that this will help with sleep but there are so many mixed reviews about effectiveness of Sermorelin I figured some input from you here would give some insight on what to expect realistically on this dosage and this mixture.

    My testosterone protocol is
    Hcg 2&1 day before test (500iu)
    .6ml/120mg test cyp compounded with zinc once a week
    Anastrozole .5 mg day after test.

    Tonight will be my second Sermorelin injection..
    Last edited by Doug350SD; 12-19-2012 at 04:27 PM. Reason: Correct anastrozole dose

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    New Hampshire
    Not too sure the Sermorelin is helping with sleep... I have been sure not to eat anything 2hrs before injection.. If anything I feel like it is waking me up, instead of 4 hrs of sleep I'm down to 2 almost 2.5 .... I will give it afew more days then call dr. Perhaps I am in the percentage that feel energized by it?

    Again any input from anyone with actual results for me to expect, am I being impatient for results?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    if you are going to be positively impacted in your sleep cycle you'd have known it by now. i've never used sermorelin but as i understand it, it's got literally no useful life once you inject it, the GHRH effect lasts only a handful of minutes. you need to replace it with mod grf 1-29 which by way of chemical wizardry extends that useful life to 30 minutes or so.

    are you getting hungry after that ghrp6 injection? apparently if you get the hunger (benefit for some, not for others) you shouldn't expect it to aid you in sleeping. if it does aid your sleep, you probably won't experience the hunger. i bought ghrp6 looking for the hunger, got none but my sleep is now deep and restful whereas it was pitiful for the last 10 years.

    try mod grf1-29 and ipamorelin, that combo is used most often for the sleep benefits i believe.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    New Hampshire
    So let me ask this, since the Sermorelin ghrp6 I have is prescription, could I order say more ghrp6 and some mod grf1-29 and mix all together in a larger sealed mixing vial and use that or is that too many at once?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    New Hampshire
    Just a quick update, adjusted my evening dose as the dose I to from dr office was not correct, I have 5 bottles mixed with 4.5ml of bac water, supposed to last 3 months, well at the dose the assistant gave me .15 this would last well past 3 months, .25 is the correct dose for 90 days...

    At 25 units on my 1ml insulin syringe I am now SLEEPING! Wooohoooo!
    After many years of minimal sleep I am now getting 5 nonstop hours of sleep 2 days consistent and last night I slept 6.5 hours, I waited until it was multiple nights consistent as usually I would get 1 night of sleep a month due to exhaustion..
    This is great and I feel awesome in the morning...

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