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Thread: Twin's TB-500 Log . (Herniated disc L4 and L5 and a previous shoulder injury )

  1. #1
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    Twin's TB-500 Log . (Herniated disc L4 and L5 and a previous shoulder injury )

    Iv ordered the tb500 last night and its already been shipped first class mail. Its supposed to arrive on Thursday. I thought I would start my log now a few days before i start pinning just to keep track on my recovery progress and see what improves and what doesnt etc.

    Current Supplements

    Whey protein
    orange triad multi vitamin
    fish oil

    Current medications

    Naproxin (once a day)
    methocarbamol(twice a day every 6 hours...)


    -1 ml insulin pin(picked it up at walmary pharmacy. they just asked for my id... picked up a 10 pack for 1.87$ with tax)
    - tb 500 5mg (10 vials of 5mg each...)
    -10ml sterile water with BA .09% ( 1 bottle)
    100 70% alcohol cleaning wipes.

    Injection schedule is once a week. one 5 mg vial at a time... mixed with 1 ml of sterile water.. subq injection in side of belly button... like 2 inches to the left or right...

    8 weeks of once a week 5mg tb500 injections. then once a month after that with 5mg tb500... for maintenance.

    Todays "Feelings."

    getting slowly better.
    -lower back feels a little burning when laying down.
    -When i walk my left leg feels heavy/Slightly tingly/numb. almost as if its fallen asleep.
    -also it feels like a part of my spine is missing. i feel very weak in my lower back almost that "the night after doing heavy deadlifts... " feeling.. like no strength left... in lower back...
    - pain isnt bad at all. but i may have a high pain tolerance. its all in the mind...
    - when i am laying flat and raise one of my legs i feel it in lower back
    - when i stand on left leg i feel it in my hip.

    And as far as my shoulder. my shoulder has been injured since august. whenever i lay to my side and have my arms on the ground and slowly raise it up in the laying down on side position it would ache a little. but today it doesnt... must be some of the meds they gave me... we will see how it feels after i run out of the meds. and also when i used to do 5 pound dumbbell laying flies it would hurt 2 weeks ago but lets see how it feels later on... we will see...

    Iv looked at alot of threads of people who ran tb500 and it seems to have a 10-1 ratio. for every 10 people, only one person says they are not pleased.. so im really hoping this tb500 can really really help speed up the recovery a lot.

    I will post when i start my pinning... Like i said, its supposed to arrive on thursday, so probably friday is when i will start the pining. Im just posting now so i can see how i feel before tb500 and then after tb500.

    but give me a few days and then the pinning begins... i will try to post as detailed as possible of my feelings and what has improved and what hasnt and noticeable effects.. every few days

    A little nervous because i heard sterile water stings compared to bac water. but we will see.... lets see how bad it really is...

    Herniated disc incident: Tuesday 12/11/12

    Shoulder Injury incident: 8/20/12 ish
    Last edited by Twin; 12-21-2012 at 10:43 PM.

  2. #2
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    Today was the first injection. I was nervous as hell! I could hear my heart beating... I thought I could just blast music and man up. but i couldnt. I had to slowly breathe and stick it in. and then slowly inject... but it was annoying because i was breathing while i was injecting because i injected so slowly. was annoying. with my hand shaking from my nerves and such. but im sure next inject ill get better! But the pain was overated! yea it burned a little bit. but it was not that bad like some people say it is. i heard people say it stings like a horse fly. i guess i got lucky or something because it really was not bad at all. slight burning but nothing bad at all! (used sterile water...)

    I have a little bump in the injection site but nothing bad at all. WEnt through like 7 alcohol pads because i was so damn nervous, had to make sure i was sterilized 500%

    Anyways my shoulder pain has came back yesterday, i guess whatever shot they gave me at the hospital last week is wearing off. So it should be interesting to see how tb500 works with my shoulder condition as well....

    Day 1: Injected 4.6MG of tb500 (i noticed there was about .2 ML of liquid left in the vial, i missed a tiny bit. but good enough. next injection i will try to get it all...

    Obviously cant discuss any improvements yet because today was my first day injecting. I will update in like 5 days if there are any improvements to my back or shoulder... but even then it is still very early, but ill update anyways on how i feel...

    Last edited by Twin; 12-21-2012 at 10:46 PM.

  3. #3
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    Good show mate!

    Your injuries are different than mine were, so I will be very interested in seeing what benefits you receive.


  4. #4
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    thanks TR. Hopefully I get the same results that you and your son have had!

  5. #5
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    Just got done with my second injection. It went better than last time. I only missed .10 ml out of 1ml. next week im going to try something different and use only .6 ml of sterile water for the 5mg of tb500. maybe this will allow me to get it all so i have more room in the syringe to pull back on... etc

    Ok so week 1 update:

    Better sleep. Definitely a noticeable thing with tb500. I got 9-10 hours of sleep a night this week. Usually get 7-8 hours. im not sure if its because of my sadness/semi depression or if its the tb500. but thought i would throw that out there
    Lower back seems to have improved a little bit. -- HOWEVER, my shoulder is still the same aches that it was a week ago. Therefore i believe my lower back would have improved a little bit own its own without the tb500... so the only real benefit of tb500 on the first week that i noticed is better sleep in my opinion.

    HOWEVER, It has only been a week. I have researched about 30 logs and only like 4 people noticed any slight improvements in a week and that could have been all placebo. so im not worried at all. I still have another 6-7 weeks of weekly 5mg injections to go to let the tb500 work its magic...
    Last edited by Twin; 12-28-2012 at 04:50 PM.

  6. #6
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    good luck man, hope it works for you. i think with most of these peptides it turns out that the less water you use to reconstitute, the better. this is mostly in regards to degradation which won't apply to tb500 as you inject the entire contents in one go however there isn't any reason you need to use 1ml to reconstitute.

  7. #7
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    I'm thinking by the end of the second week of January you should suspect there may be some improvements going on. So you have a total of 50mg of TB. Probably appropriate due to the severity of your injuries. I'd probably go the 5mg a week for the first three weeks. then, if it were me, I'd just run it out at 2.5mg per week til i ran out.

    Additionally, you may want to invest in one of these:

    I've seen em go for as little as $30 and in good condition. this will also help heal your injured disc. But don't make the mistake of thinking you need to hang from a 90%. Only go as much as a 45degree. just enough to seperate the discs and provide some relief, and allow blood flow. Healing is all about blood flow, which is why tendon injuries take so friggin long to heal as there are not very many blood vessels attached to tendons.

    I am VERY interested in how the TB affects and heals the discs. If you find relief, this could really be significant not only in our world, but in the general population as well.

  8. #8
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    btw, when I reconstitute a 5mg vial, i use 1ml of BAC water. so if i want to pin 2.5mg, I just draw 0.5ml and save the rest for the next dose.

    btw x2 - it never burns for me when I pin subQ. Please check and make sure your surface area is dry from alchohol, as the sting could be YOU pulling in the alchohol along with the needle.

    When you get tired of all those alchohol wipes, you can easily move up to a small atomizer. a couple of quick squirts is all it takes. no mess, no fuss. I've seen other doctors in afghanistan at the german clinic do this when I'd go and get shots.

  9. #9
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    Yea i been on my local craiglist looking for an inversion table. no luck so far. and maybe that is the problem, i wipe with alcohol pad and only wait like 30 seconds to inject, i will let it dry better before injecting... and thanks kmms.

  10. #10
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    A lot of sport places like Big 5 have inversion tables for $100 or just under. I have one collecting dust under my bed. I think I mentioned it to you before; be CAREFUL with the inversion table. I had back surgery in 2005 on L3 & L4. 2007 my back was SORE from playing to much for to long and getting to far out of shape. I got on my inversion table and first thing did an inverted sit up. POP!!! there went L5/S1 and I ALMOST didnt make it out of the inversion table without passing out and was 90% paralyzed for the next 2 weeks until after surgery.

    I'm a firm believer of TB-500. I was on pain meds since 2007; hydrocodone, morphine and anti inflammatory until 2 months ago after starting the TB-500.

    So far so good except I'm not going 1 month yet in-between. Typically 2-3 weeks so 1 bottle last me 6-8 weeks right now. Still that's not bad.

  11. #11
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    yea I def gotta be careful when i get, i do remember your post in my other thread lovbyts. thx for looking out for me.

    also. currently day 10:no updates yet. same feelings and aches.
    Last edited by Twin; 12-31-2012 at 06:49 PM.

  12. #12
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    No problem, that's what we are here for and we all need reminders from time to time.

    It took about a month for me to notice anything and although it was subtle it was substantial. I'm still pumped ever day I go without taking any pain meds. I was on my feet for a good 5 hrs tonight walking/standing watching the fireworks and my back only a little discomfort a couple of times due to how I was standing but evening out my weight and I was fine.

    I hope you get the same results I did but give it time.

  13. #13
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    just did my 3rd injection. it went well. No pain. A little discomfort(only from the needle being inside of me, as i injected i didnt feel a thing..) i guess it was just the alcohol that made it burn... slightly.. but that was just because the needle was inside of me and i go into panic mode and start breathing very heavy and my hand shakes a little from the pressure to stay still etc. I also got all of it this time. i used .5 sterile water for the 5 mg tb500 and got all of it...

    Update: No noticeable improvements yet...but thats to be expected.. just started week 3 phase today.. i mean my back improved a little bit since last week. such a small change though. so it probably would have done this on its own without the tb500.. since my shoulder still feels the same if i lay on it , it will be achey when i get off of it.(which i try to avoid..). also i know people made reports on there nails growing fast but mine has been growing at the same rate. only noticeable side effect is sleep. i been sleeping real nice. in fact, i completely slept threw my alarm for my physical therapy. i was 25 minutes late... which is rare for me because i sleep like a dog. i wake up with any little noise. iv had sleeping problems in college because of this. i will hear the door open from next door and i will wake up. but my sleep has def improved on tb500, much deeper and more sleep... and more dreams. definitely a noticeable effect. i feel like a bum though. no work, no going out. just netflix in bed all day. and use internet on my iphone.

    I also started physical therapy 2 days ago.. i do 2 sessions a week.

    i do stretches with them for my legs. and they put some gel on my lower back and used some type of heat machine for 15 minutes that sort of shocked me a little bit. i forgot the name, and then the guy messaged my lower back with another gel thing.

    ill post a picture of the stretches that they have me doing 2x aday in a bit.

    what i didnt like was this stretch.

    i felt it a little bit in my lower back , but the physical therapist said it was ok if its only a little bit.

    edit: heres my routine that the physical therapist gave me.

    Last edited by Twin; 01-04-2013 at 11:27 PM.

  14. #14
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    hmm. interesting. maybe the tb500 is finally kicking in perhaps. Its hard to explain the boost in relief but it is similar to being sore from leg day and walking stiff legged. and then waking up and then walking normally. like you dont have to keep your legs stiff because of the soreness/weakness pain a few days after leg day. you go to sleep walking with limps after a heavy session of legs.then you wake up and you walk slow but then realize your not sore any more. its that type of feel... hard to explain but its similar to "that feel "...

    i feel a boost in my healing in my back. i dont have to walk slowly like an old man out of bed. i just get right up without any aches in the back. i liked this. hopefully it continues with this nice progress that i seen in the last 2 days... we shall see...

    and as far as my shoulder goes, honestly, i cant even tell if its healing or not. but it feels the same as it did before the tb500. which scares me a little. i hope i didnt build up scar tissue and will have these aches for life because i had this injury since august. takes forever to heal damn... but i have no weights to test it out. other than feeling achely after laying down on it. its really hard to tell. so i cant give much updates on my shoulder since i have no weights to test it. but i still will get shoulder aches if i sleep on it. compared to my left shoulder which i can sleep on and have no aches in that area....

    but i really liked this progress that i felt in the last 2 days in my lower back. i still feel the pain in the lower back though even when laying down. and waking up in the morning. i feel tendons type of soreness in the lower back. but i liked how i can walk around now without being so gentle. really anxious to see what these next 2-3 weeks have in store for me...

    but i really liked my back progress . also i ran out out of the muscle relaxer medication a on sunday, i wont be seeing my doc for a prescription until jan 14th..... all im on right now is 1 anti flamatory med a day...
    Last edited by Twin; 01-08-2013 at 07:30 PM.

  15. #15
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    Just got done with my 4th injection. no real changes yet since 4 days ago. (that boost in my lower back was the only thing i noticed this week) I was going to say that my shoulder seemed to be doing better but it was all placebo. , still achey and annoying as hell if i lean that way and put pressure on the front shoulder.

    also picked up my mri report.

    here it is

    my CT scan report that i got the ER said that i had degenerative disc disease, this mri says i dont though. looks like tb500 cured the disc degenerative disease... (just kidding. ) but i guess everyone has there own thoughts on what is evidence of disc degenerative disease and what not...
    Last edited by Twin; 01-11-2013 at 11:00 PM.

  16. #16
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    Its 9 hours after my 4th injection and im feeling real nice and im starting to get hope!!!so excited that i had to post. I feel warm and loose. And i did my towel shoulder stretch and noticed that i got no pain! When i got pain last week when i did this stretch just like i always have !. Really curious to see if i get any pain when i do the towel stretch again these next few days.. !! Not sure if its some temporary pain masker since i just injected or what but i thought ill add this to my log. Lets see if tomorrow night i get pain with the towel stretch

    So yep i DO feel a difference right now compared to 9 hours ago. Might be placebo. But we will see when i do the towel stretch these next few days. If i get pain then it was placebo.
    Last edited by Twin; 01-12-2013 at 03:27 AM.

  17. #17
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    Good deal. I will admit I'm not sure it has done much for my shoulder since I had rotator cuff surgery but it's been huge for my back. It took well over a month for me to really notice a difference but then it was like night and day. I have always used my pain meds sparingly. I dont use them as prescribed every 12 hrs but try to go as long as i can without. I now chasing the pain is harder but I dont like taking all those pain meds all the time and would rather suffer a little.

    It was like one day I realized I had not taken anything for 2 or 3 days and I felt fine. Hmmmmm then it was a week, 2 weeks and now well over 2 months.

    I hope you get the same results. It's been amazing for me so far.

    Just because you get pain again does not mean it's placebo. maybe you tweaked it a little or?? I have had my back start to hurt 2x in the past couple of months but doing a maintenance injection cleared it up in 2 days. I have been doing maintenance every 2 weeks so far and it seems to be about right for me.

  18. #18
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    earlier, I predicted that by around the end of the second week in january is when you might be seeing some improvements.

    Was I right? =)

  19. #19
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    yep just did the towel stretch again for the 2nd night in a row and no ache, i actually feel the stretch now. I was just experimenting, and layed on my right shoulder for a bit and pain still there. but im glad that im healing. the towel stretch has given me an annoying joint ache since august... and now.. no aches... = healing. nothing to brag about though, but definitely an improvement. and then again this isnt a miracle drug so i dont know who the hell i think i am for expecting it to be lol. but we shall see, would be nice if i can lay on my right side without any shoulder aches in a month! because my physical therapist says im supposed to lay on my right side for my herniated disc because of the way its bulged but then that gives me shoulder pain so i dont.

    hopefully i see more good progress these next few weeks.

    back seems to have stalled in progress since that "boost" that i received earlier this week. just to give an update on that...

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Good deal. I will admit I'm not sure it has done much for my shoulder since I had rotator cuff surgery but it's been huge for my back. It took well over a month for me to really notice a difference but then it was like night and day. I have always used my pain meds sparingly. I dont use them as prescribed every 12 hrs but try to go as long as i can without. I now chasing the pain is harder but I dont like taking all those pain meds all the time and would rather suffer a little.

    It was like one day I realized I had not taken anything for 2 or 3 days and I felt fine. Hmmmmm then it was a week, 2 weeks and now well over 2 months.

    I hope you get the same results. It's been amazing for me so far.

    Just because you get pain again does not mean it's placebo. maybe you tweaked it a little or?? I have had my back start to hurt 2x in the past couple of months but doing a maintenance injection cleared it up in 2 days. I have been doing maintenance every 2 weeks so far and it seems to be about right for me.
    true true. and thx again bro for the faith you are giving me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    earlier, I predicted that by around the end of the second week in january is when you might be seeing some improvements.

    Was I right? =)
    yes sir!

    being able to a stretch that gave me aches and now no aches is a nice sign of healing!

    and to be honest, i was starting to give up on the tb500 because of alot of the logs saying they seen results in just 1-3 weeks lol. so i was starting to think i was one of the few who were non responders or got bs/damaged tb500 lol, but after being able to do the towel stretch without any joint aches, it restored my hope.
    Last edited by Twin; 01-14-2013 at 01:51 AM.

  20. #20
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    Hmmm well if you are laying on your shoulder in another month you are doing good. I had my surgery last May and I still cant lay on my shoulder or at least not for very long. For your lower back make sure your mattress is FIRM and try putting a couple of pillows under your knees to make the back lay more flat. It helps mine or did in the past. When mine also got bad I would just lay on the floor or even sleep on the floor sometimes and that helped. I also slept with an ice pack sometimes, that helped even more.

    That being said it's nice not using ice or sleeping on the floor in a long time now. My back is a little stiff/sore when I first wake up but nothing like it use to be.

    Congratulations on the progress and keeping the log updated.

  21. #21
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    Thx again lovbyts. it is the least that i can do. if it was not for this site, i would have never heard of tb500 or msm or know what to do in this situation with the icing and NOT applying heat to treat my injuries and such...

    I have been putting a pillow in between my legs when i sleep to my left side because i read that it helps and it definitely does help. i notice the difference when waking up. I may have to experiment with sleeping on the floor because my mattress is soft and i sink in a bit.
    Last edited by Twin; 01-14-2013 at 01:50 AM.

  22. #22
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    I'm only passing on some of what I have also learned from this site and personal experience. I beleive in pay it forward and if we can help each other a little then we have succeeded. We are all still learning and growing or at least I hope I am. lol I love this site and the combined information of individual as well as professionals we have here.

    I learned about heat the hard way. When I ruptured my L5/S1 on the inversion table at 4am and was BARLEY able to get my feet unhooked without passing out I crawled (literally) to the kitchen to get an ice pack. I layed on it for about 15 minutes and actually got some relief to the point I didnt feel like passing out anymore.

    I got the bright idea to go out and sit in the hot tub for a while to see if that would help since it was just outside my bedroom back door. I got into the hot tub and within seconds I felt myself passing out due to increased pain. I was barely able to crawl over the edge and lay on the deck. I know I was seconds from passing out and slipping under the water.

    I have since read that heat will increase the inflammation and make things worse and since then I always use I and after a short time you start to really notice how it helps. Ice has been the only thing to help sciatic nerves when they get pinched except for prednisone. The longest it has taken me is 2+ days but you normally notice a difference in the fist day if you ice it enough. Before using ice I had dealt with sciatic never pain for weeks trying stretching, heat, pain meds, muscle relaxer etc. Ice is your friend. lol

  23. #23
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    I have a bad shoulder (rotator) as well. It has gotten to the point where if I get it on a bad day I can't do any pressing movements without loads of searing pain.

    I am going to go to the doctor to determine the level of my injury as I I get more and more into working out.

    Thinking About trying TB-500. Going to order some pretty soon I think

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brick View Post
    I have a bad shoulder (rotator) as well. It has gotten to the point where if I get it on a bad day I can't do any pressing movements without loads of searing pain.

    I am going to go to the doctor to determine the level of my injury as I I get more and more into working out.

    Thinking About trying TB-500. Going to order some pretty soon I think
    Have you done any PT? Some of the best things you can do is #1 NO over head presses and probably no benching for a while. If you are going to bench only use dumbbells. It's best to lay off it for a while and go with the rule if it hurts at all dont do it.
    Do a lot of rotator cuff exercises with light cable and using bands. Yeah it's sort of embarrassing using only 5 or 10 lbs but it's not about strength building at this point. Cable and band work is a must and for quite a while do it for a warmup before any lifting ever day.

    Dont let a doctor tell you he needs to cut on you without getting a MRI with contrast first and depending on how long it has been injured dont rush into things. I did PT, Auto release therapy and several other things for almost a year before going under the knife. Shoulders take a long time to heal so dont rush it. It can take 6 months to see any significant improvement even if it doesnt need surgery.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 01-16-2013 at 08:06 AM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    Have you don't any PT? Some of the best things you can do is #1 NO over head presses and probably no benching for a while. If you are going to bench only use dumbbells. It's best to lay off it for a while and go with the rule if it hurts at all dont do it.
    Do a lot of rotator cuff exercises with light cable and using bands. Yeah it's sort of embarrassing using only 5 or 10 lbs but it's not about strength building at this point. Cable and band work is a must and for quite a while do it for a warmup before any lifting ever day.

    Dont let a doctor tell you he needs to cut on you without getting a MRI with contrast first and depending on how long it has been injured dont rush into things. I did PT, Auto release therapy and several other things for almost a year before going under the knife. Shoulders take a long time to heal so dont rush it. It can take 6 months to see any significant improvement even if it doesnt need surgery.
    I'll pm you so I don't hijack this thread

  26. #26
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    Damn lovbyts. Thats rough!

    Also here is my week 4 update... My back didnt make any progress this week... In fact, it seems to hurt a tiny bit more (the 24/7 weak lower back pain that i get...) But what i noticed is when I wake up the aches are not so stiff and hard as they usually are.

    My shoulder, when I do the "mechanzie stretch" which i have been doing for the past month, i noticed that my right shoulder will always "pop" when going up. but this week , no pops at all... So less shoulder cracking going on for this week.. Still pain free with the towel shoulder stretch... Also I noticed the random shoulder shocks that i get, i still get them but they no longer hurt. The shoulder shock that i would randomly get used to be a 5/10. And now they are a 1/10.. Almost as if this tb500 is a pain killer... or maybe its some healing going on.. i have no clue. but the shocks that i get are not that bad anymore..

    Still nothing to brag about lol., but definitely progress. slowly but surely.

    Just a recap on my progress with tb500.

    End of Week 1 Results - nothing.
    End of Week 2 Results -improved sleep
    End of Week 3 Results -decided to take a towel and stretch my shoulder and noticed i didnt get any pain and was shocked because a month ago i tried this and i got a sharp pain after the stretch... Was like this since august...
    End of Week 4 Results - I noticed my shoulder doesnt pop when doing the mechanize stretch. im less crackly. also the random shoulder shocks that i get, i get them but they are not as painful. almost as if the tb500 is numbing the pain, i still feel it, but not painful... hmm or maybe theres healing going on? who knows.. also when i wake up in the morning its less achey...
    End of Week 5-.......... just did my 5th injection. just started week 5...

    So far my thoughts on tb-500. still nothing to brag about, just minor improvements... but definitely some improvement going on. Definitely is an aid in healing! We shall see. I plan on running 5mg a week till i hit week 9-10. Then I will do 2 mg weekly injections till i can sit down without pain.. yes this is going to get expensive but i figured it will be worth it due to the extent in my injuries.. everytime i sit im in pain. college starts in 1.5 weeks and i will have to sit down then. so i must really do everything i can to get this thing healed. i have nothing to lose but money. but once im healed, im prepared to work real hard and get the money back. anyways thats all for this week.

    Also i talked to my doctor and i asked him to write me a script for the muscle relaxers and anti inflamatory med , and he said its no longer needed. that pissed me off a little. but i guess he knows more so i said ok.. But the good news is he said in 4 months he thinks i can return to the gym if my lower back pain is 95% gone... he says just to avoid exercises that stress lower back though. But with this tb500, maybe i can return sooner than the doctors guess? we shall see...

    sorry for the bad quality photos. took them when i was looking at the mri at the doctors computer.

    Last edited by Twin; 01-18-2013 at 04:54 PM.

  27. #27
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    Only time will tell but I still think/hope it will be like me where you just realize the pain is minimal compared to before.

    Mine is not gone 100 percent but compared to what it has been for the last several years it is greatly improved.

    I think it was a good choice for him not to give you any muscle relaxers because they can be like pain medication and become addictive as well as make you very tired for the entire day. As in the anti inflammatories I think those can be helpful in the long run and can be used from time to time without a problem.

  28. #28
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    yep hopefully my back gets the same results as you. the waiting game will tell... and thx for the info on the meds.
    Last edited by Twin; 01-19-2013 at 12:37 AM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twin View Post
    yep hopefully my back gets the same results as you. the waiting game will tell... and thx for the info on the meds.
    NP. The best thing I have found muscle relaxors do is help you sleep. I know a few other people who feel the same.

  30. #30
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    Nice Log so far! I will definitely be following along!

  31. #31
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    new york
    thx Jimmyinkedup.

    Also a quick update, i woke up today and a few hours after laying down in my bed... i noticed my feet had a burning sensation going on. Its hard to explain but its like if you were outside in the freezing ice cold. And then you go inside and wash your hands with hot water. You get that "burn" I have a small burning sensation in my feet. all day and right now. I did a quick google search and it says that this burning is a sign of healing? because your blood is circulating properly and spreading pain around means the nerve doesnt stop at ur spine?

    can anyone confirm?

    I hope this is right. Started to worry a bit. Thought my herniated disc was getting worse some how.

  32. #32
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    Apr 2008
    I was going to say it sounds like circulation being turned on. Wow now only if mine would do the same. I have had tingling/numbness from my 2nd toe around the outside of my feet to my heels since my injury in 2007. It's annoying but not painful. I have noticed or at least though I have felt less tingling/numbness that in the past so not you really peaked my interest.

    Did you have numbness or tingling in your feet before? I did not have any sciatic nerve pain associated with my feet symptoms. This was/is just nerve damage due to the ruptured disk or the fact I have some bone on bone.

    I have had no negative sides in any way so far but I think I do need to up my dose or frequency. I was 99% discomfort free for quite a while but since I went to only 1 shot every 2-3 weeks I have some discomfort. Nothing near what it use to be or anything I need to take pain meds for but still for a couple of months there was no pain at all. Ill go back to weekly for a while and see how that works. Hopefully I will get more relieve and the feeling back in my feet.

    It's funny, (not haha) I sort of had to re learn to walk after my surgery and I still walk a little mechanical I think. My wife says she even notices. I have to sometimes think about how I am walking so I dont walk on the outside of my feet more than the inside. I noticed my shoes funny on the outside were getting worn spots so I had to adjust how I walked.

  33. #33
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    Jul 2010
    new york
    damnmm i said it before but ill say it again, your one rough dog lovbyts.

    And I have had a little tingling in my feet(not numbmess though) and slight numbmess in my thigh last month for the first 3 weeks of my injury. But it went away like 2 weeks ago i noticed. my feet was feeling normal. now all of a sudden i get tingling back + a burning sensation that i never got before.

    and yea definitely try changing your dosing to weekly and see if that helps. id be interested in your results with that.

    I also did more research online and it appears my burning sensation can be a symptom of "sciatica" which is not good if i am reading correctly. it says most of the time the sciatic nerve gets touched by inflamed tissue around it which causes the pain/tingling sensation or burning.

    so perhaps its not my blood being circulated if its sciatica ?

    I read 2 different things, from just random sites lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I was going to say it sounds like circulation being turned on. Wow now only if mine would do the same. I have had tingling/numbness from my 2nd toe around the outside of my feet to my heels since my injury in 2007. It's annoying but not painful. I have noticed or at least though I have felt less tingling/numbness that in the past so not you really peaked my interest.

    Did you have numbness or tingling in your feet before? I did not have any sciatic nerve pain associated with my feet symptoms. This was/is just nerve damage due to the ruptured disk or the fact I have some bone on bone.

    I have had no negative sides in any way so far but I think I do need to up my dose or frequency. I was 99% discomfort free for quite a while but since I went to only 1 shot every 2-3 weeks I have some discomfort. Nothing near what it use to be or anything I need to take pain meds for but still for a couple of months there was no pain at all. Ill go back to weekly for a while and see how that works. Hopefully I will get more relieve and the feeling back in my feet.

    It's funny, (not haha) I sort of had to re learn to walk after my surgery and I still walk a little mechanical I think. My wife says she even notices. I have to sometimes think about how I am walking so I dont walk on the outside of my feet more than the inside. I noticed my shoes funny on the outside were getting worn spots so I had to adjust how I walked.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Thanks for posting the log of your results.

    i am going to give tb a try here soon and have steered others towards it as well since logs like this (and others I've read) are positive.

    Good luck on getting back to health and pain free.


  35. #35
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Twin View Post
    damnmm i said it before but ill say it again, your one rough dog lovbyts.

    And I have had a little tingling in my feet(not numbmess though) and slight numbmess in my thigh last month for the first 3 weeks of my injury. But it went away like 2 weeks ago i noticed. my feet was feeling normal. now all of a sudden i get tingling back + a burning sensation that i never got before.

    and yea definitely try changing your dosing to weekly and see if that helps. id be interested in your results with that.

    I also did more research online and it appears my burning sensation can be a symptom of "sciatica" which is not good if i am reading correctly. it says most of the time the sciatic nerve gets touched by inflamed tissue around it which causes the pain/tingling sensation or burning.

    so perhaps its not my blood being circulated if its sciatica ?

    I read 2 different things, from just random sites lol.

    Guess what? I have had a lot of experience (unfortunately) with the sciatica also. lol
    Typically if it has anything to do with the sciatica it will generate from your dimples in your lower back, upper cheek area. When it's bad it travels down the back of your legs to your feet. Generally it does not just originate in your feet although I'm sure it's possible.

    If it is the sciatica then you should start icing it now. Stretching wont help. Heat will make it worse. Only 2 things I have ever found that help is ice; typical 20 min on, 20 min off repeat 3x in a row and 3x a day if possible.

    The other thing that helps is prednisone. This is a god send for sciatica but it has its side effects that are not desirable for many people such as a lot of water weight gain. I got lucky and never really experienced this but a lot of people do.

  36. #36
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    new york
    ^ yea icing definitely helps relive the the burning sensation. when i do 20 min on and 20 min off

    just did my 6th weekly injection. I didnt notice any changes at all this week. My feet have been burning alot lately and feels like someone punched me in the kidney if i stand for to long. so no luck at all this week

    Overall i still am happy with the results so far with my tb500. My shoulder felt 60% healed last month and it seemed to be have not progressed healing wise since halloween and now it feels 85% healed currently I just get these random cold aches in my shoulder as if a ice cold razor blade is being sliced in my front delt. and if i lay on it after 5 minutes it will be achey. but i decided to just test a push up (just did 3 push ups just for curiosity purposes then i stopped because i didnt want to mess with the healing etc.) out and i could do it with no problem. So it was a nice boost in healing for my shoulder. Felt like my shoulder plateaued in healing and then tb500 gave it a nice boost... I just hope that this is not the end of my shoulder healing with tb500 and maybe in a week or 2 i will see another post in healing. I am actually thinking about pinning my shoulder subq after this to see if it helps but its hard to do by myself so i shall see... maybe i can get a friend to do subq with my shoulder. worth a try! if it will help even though tb500 is supposed to be systemic effect. i will let yall know of course if i decide to go this route.
    Last edited by Twin; 01-25-2013 at 11:51 PM.

  37. #37
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    I noticed within a few days after taking my maintenance injection my back felt a lot better again.

    You know it doesn't matter where you inject the TB-500, it's not location dependent. Funny thing is, I also do my shoulder 90% of the time. lol Shoulders are just SLOW healing and take 1yr typically so dont rush it. I think it helps mostly with the pain, joint issues such as lubricating and tendon issues but not a miracle is super fast healing. It would be interesting to use it with Pharmacy HGH though.

  38. #38
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    new york
    Just did my 7th injection. Back has been feeling a lot better this week. But i attribute this to moving around a lot though. Since i am back at college i am walking a lot more compared to when i was home just laying in bed all day like a bum.
    I actually went to the gym on thursday to do pull ups. 20 sets, and rotator cuff exercise with dumbbell(8lbs.. 12-15 rep range 3 sets)

    Whole upper body is sore. Even my chest for some reason. I decided ill do 20 sets to failure of mixed grip pull ups 2 times a week to help me reduce muscle loss. All that i can do. Maybe even 3 times a week when my body adapts.

    Also going to start ab wheel and )and planks next week.

    But overall back has been feeling good and shoulder seems to be doing nice to. But its probably from all the moving around i have been doing.

    But like i said before tb500 definitely helped . I can raise 5lbs to my side now. 2 months ago i(and its been like this since august) it ached to raise my arm to the side with no weight... But now i can painfree with weight.. And less cracking...

    The only reminder of my shoulder injury is random shocks that i get, but i get then like once every other day now. They seem to be calming down..also if i lay on the shoulder for long it will ache
    Last edited by Twin; 02-02-2013 at 01:19 PM.

  39. #39
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    Apr 2008
    Good to hear. Yes movement defiantly helps the back feel better. Being inactive has always made mine worse.
    Since I have been back on using 3mg vial diluted with 3cc water and using 1cc a week I am all good again. Still not 100% pain free but for the most part great compared to before and still pain med free. for ??? 4 months now? Getting a nice little sock built up.

    I'm sure you will find that even on your no activity days it's helping, its helping heal things. My shoulder is still a low go and adding in some PT/massage therapy again has sort of aggravated things but at the same time making it better. I'm not sure how much the TB500 is helping the shoulder recover quicker or better but I have no doubt it has helped my back so it must be helping the shoulder.

    I know it's working good enough I just invested in several 5mg vials to keep on tap for the immediate future. I don't want to run short again. It will nice if it can do some permanent repair to the point I wont need it at all but?

  40. #40
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    new york
    Thanks. Glad your back pain hasnt gotten better.

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