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Thread: A question about my GH levels

  1. #1

    A question about my GH levels

    When I had gotten my bloodwork done my GH was 0.2 out of 0.0-2.2. My IGF-1 levels i'm not sure about. My question is 1. is this low? If so, what can I do about it? 2. What is the difference between GH and the IGF-1? I'm confused.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    First question, are you one GH?
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 12-18-2012 at 02:48 PM.

  3. #3
    no, i'm not on anything at all

  4. #4
    Any info on this anyone?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia

  6. #6
    A GH serum test isn't an accurate way of checking natural GH levels because its released in pulses throughout the day and the biggest one is released right after rem sleep is reached. That's why ref range is so low - you could test 0 and still be releasing GH just not when the test was done.

    IGF-1 is a better test for GH levels because it stays more consistent. IGF-1 is released by the liver when it processes circulating GH.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    A GH serum test isn't an accurate way of checking natural GH levels because its released in pulses throughout the day and the biggest one is released right after rem sleep is reached. That's why ref range is so low - you could test 0 and still be releasing GH just not when the test was done.

    IGF-1 is a better test for GH levels because it stays more consistent. IGF-1 is released by the liver when it processes circulating GH.
    Ahhh I see, that makes sense, thanks for that info.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    Cool thanks, ill look that over

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