Hello guys and girls
I am 42 and have been with a hrt rx clinic previously but stopped 3 yrs ago mostly due to the economy, I recently found a good way to start trt without breaking the bank. They pulled a small lab report ie cholesterol and total test. Chol was high bc I'm supposed to be on statins which I just filled the script for, test was 343 and they've got me on 100 test cyp day one with 300cc Hcg days 5&6.
I am 5,9 218 down from 238 in the past two months just watching my diet I havnt started hitting gym again yet but am very knowledgeable and dedicated once I do jump on the wagon, I have a 44 chest and 33 waist with a belly fat problem. My question is that I was on hgh back 3 yrs ago for around a year and would like to start again I have found a dr that I'm pretty sure would script me whatever I want and was wondering what my dose should be, which hgh can I fill at a pharmacy? What test should I get done before starting hghrt. Also what about the addition of thyroid pills ? I have reAd about the need to add t3 or t4? Thanks. Any input is appreciated and valued.