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Thread: Hrt at 42

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Thumbs up Hrt at 42

    Hello guys and girls

    I am 42 and have been with a hrt rx clinic previously but stopped 3 yrs ago mostly due to the economy, I recently found a good way to start trt without breaking the bank. They pulled a small lab report ie cholesterol and total test. Chol was high bc I'm supposed to be on statins which I just filled the script for, test was 343 and they've got me on 100 test cyp day one with 300cc Hcg days 5&6.
    I am 5,9 218 down from 238 in the past two months just watching my diet I havnt started hitting gym again yet but am very knowledgeable and dedicated once I do jump on the wagon, I have a 44 chest and 33 waist with a belly fat problem. My question is that I was on hgh back 3 yrs ago for around a year and would like to start again I have found a dr that I'm pretty sure would script me whatever I want and was wondering what my dose should be, which hgh can I fill at a pharmacy? What test should I get done before starting hghrt. Also what about the addition of thyroid pills ? I have reAd about the need to add t3 or t4? Thanks. Any input is appreciated and valued.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    gh for fat loss is 2-3IUs

    t3 is a good cutter but it seems you could make many changes based off diet alone bro..very catabolic though

    if you head to that section we can help you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    gh for fat loss is 2-3IUs

    t3 is a good cutter but it seems you could make many changes based off diet alone bro..very catabolic though

    if you head to that section we can help you.
    what does catabolic mean ?

  4. #4
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    Jun 2009
    That's a question for google I think.

    Any other opinions out there on this subject?

  5. #5
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    Sep 2012
    IGF let's you know your baseline prior to starting GH.

    I had success with 1.5 IU 5 on 2 off and that is in combination with TRT - Test Cyp at 140 mg per week.

    Between the Test and GH you should see dramatic decrease in midsection. Couple that with a better diet and you will be happy with results.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2009
    Is there something else I am supposed to do along with growth?
    I remember taking thyroid armour I think it was called? What is the balance of t3 to t4

  7. #7
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    lone star state
    There is a synergetic effect when extra thyroid is used with your growth. There was a good thread on that here years ago, try searching for it. I don't recal the science behind it except that you want t4 because your body will convert t4 into the more potent t3 as needed. And this conversion is what works well with hgh. Plus t4, I beleive, is not catabolic in itself, it's too much t3 that does that. Research for the correct t4 dose.

  8. #8
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    Dec 2012
    The replacement dose for levothyroxine (T4) is 1.7mcg/kg. This refers to synthetic T4 thyroid hormone commonly known as Synthroid.

    12.5mcg of liothyronine (T3) = 50mcg of T4

    Synthetic T3 is commonly known as Cytomel.

    Consider having a thyroid function test (blood work) before supplementing with thyroid hormone. Within 4 to 6 weeks your body will adjust to any thyroid hormone taken by reducing its own production (this its almost always reversible). By taking a little more than the replacement dose of 1.7mcg/kg, you can induce a high normal or mildly hyperthyroid state.

    Armour thyroid is pig thyroid hormone extract that contains 9mcg of T3 and 38mcg of T4 for every 60mg (which is also known as 1 grain). But because this extract is more potent than synthetic thyroid hormone (on a mcg for mcg basis) the 9mcg/38mcg T3/T4 combo is = to 25mcg of synthetic T3 or 100mcg of synthetic T4.

    I hope this answers your dosing question. If I made things more confusing, I apologize and feel free to follow up with questions.
    Last edited by AnabolicDoc; 12-24-2012 at 09:14 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu
    There is a synergetic effect when extra thyroid is used with your growth. There was a good thread on that here years ago, try searching for it. I don't recal the science behind it except that you want t4 because your body will convert t4 into the more potent t3 as needed. And this conversion is what works well with hgh. Plus t4, I beleive, is not catabolic in itself, it's too much t3 that does that. Research for the correct t4 dose.

    Is this what you were referring to???

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Quote Originally Posted by AXx View Post

    Is this what you were referring to???
    That's it.

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