There is a LOT of data here. The "fischer" is a made up name comparing this to the bunk. At least now, we have a proven LEGIT HGH that can be purchased without having to fork over insane amounts of cash on pharma grade.
Last edited by kaptainkeezy04; 12-20-2012 at 11:27 PM.
They use peptides to throw off bloodwork results, your buying peps not gh. If your happy carry on but I wouldn't inject rips if you paid me. Read the Chinese concerns thread its all in there
^^^^^ Yes. this.
I thought this had already been discussed over and over...Your blood work can be thrown in trash...
The mirror is 10x better then your blood work....You obviously have not used pharm grade gh at high dosages to see the difference between the two...It's not comparable whatsoever..
I know you are starting to use insulin too..And if you keep bumping up your insulin dose high enough and still keep using generics your insulin cycles will eventually turn into daily use as you will become a diabetic...
Last edited by calstate23; 12-21-2012 at 12:59 AM.
So true my friend,
I still find it amazing that people actually think you can buy cheap hgh when it costs millions to make and produce. The equipment alone is fortunes of money and to add to this there is a huge underground market what want to buy huge amounts, kind of leaves that market open to get scammed or sold other stuff what just doesn't live up to real gh.
Read the Chinese concerns thread and I mean all of it, I'm not repeating when its all there. To produce peps is dirt cheap that why there are so many research companies. I use to think like you because I too didn't want to think I've been getting ripped off for years.
Rips are garbage they put alsorts in them. I've spoken to one of the biggest suppliers who actually sent me boxes and labels of all generics and told me make them up as you please,
If your happy carry on but I'd bet my house your not taking real gh. Have your gh tested for being active, not your blood the powder cake for being active.......
Please read the whole concerns thread no need to keep going over same old generic gh concerns, even questioning it should tell you something.
agree with marcus 100%
did you have those tested? Because no offense there isnt even a lab name or anything. I could make graphs like that on my computer.
And none of those test prove the gh is bio available.
And my boy had a peptide company, making them is nothing like hgh
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
The process to produce rHGH is very complicated and the equipment used cost's millions of dollars and many of the generic companies don't have this equipment, this is why to produce rHGH it costs a lot of money due to the expensive equipment need to complete the process. I do know someone who I am in contact with and in one of his first emails to me he describes the process of testing this horomone. I will copy the email so you get more of an understanding. My contact has many titles, he is a Professor of research, Scientific manager, he is head of the Biopharmaceutical Bioprocessing technology centre, Director of Mass spectrometry in clinical pharmacology who provide protein analysis services to commercial and academic clients and also a Doctor
Hi Marcus,
there are some things that we can do, some things that we could do, but that would possibly be too expensive (not worth it) and other things that we cannot do.
Please let me start with the last section:
We absolutely cannot test any substances for their suitability for any purpose, particularly not for their use in a diagnostic, therapeutic and/or recreational purpose, when this invloves administering to a living being (including humans).
Measuring the concentration of the growth hormones is something that is actually not as easy as it might seem. The concentration of the hormone can have two different meanings, it could be the chemical concentration of a compound (this is something that we can measure), it could also be the biological activity of this compound (this would be different, if a certain proportion of this chemical would be biologically inactive, which could happen for a variety of reasons). The latter (measuring the biological activity) is something we cannot do. We can measure the chemical concentration of human growth hormone (or any other growth hormone ), but that would involve the chemical synthesis of an internal standard, followed by a fairly complicated experiment, in which we use chemical scissors (en enzyme called trypsin) to chop the protein into pieces, then we analyse these pieces using a combination of high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, followed by a computer-intensive analysis of the data. The result of this experiment would be the concentration either in units of mol/l or in units of mg/l (the two are interconvertible). I do not know how the IU (stands for International Units) for growth hormone are defined - this might be a functional (biological) unit (which we cannot measure).
Human growth hormone is a chain of 191 different amino acids. One thing we can do is measure the total molecular weight of the protein in a sample to see, if it corresponds to the molecular weight that would be predicted for a protein containing these 191 amino acids. This experiment detects, if one amino acid was missing or another one was added, in some cases (but not in all cases) even, if an amino acid was replaced with a different one. Another outcome of this experiment would be to see, if other, similar proteins are present in the same sample.
In a different experiment we can check, if a protein in a particular sample is really growth hormone or if it is possibly something completely different, for example egg white protein or milk protein .
For your information, I attach two links to articles about human growth hormone :
Best Wishes
Did you even read the Chinese thread or understood what I written lol
You can't test to see if the gh is an active hormone, the Chinese know this:
Have you ever used pharm grade gh for a long time. Have you ever dealt with the Chinese generic companies buying large amounts? Because you sound like you haven't. All this has been discussed in the concerns threads so try reading it, it will open you eyes and educate you slot
If your happy you carry on using it but trust me its crap,
Last edited by marcus300; 12-21-2012 at 08:29 AM.
So if my blood test shows igf1 of 700, growth serum 28, and the mass spectrum is accurate ..... its still crap, right? I disagree. And I will continue using them.
I respect you keezy you seem like a good guy on these message boards. I too was in denial for a long time about this shit. I don't know if I said this but my recent batch of rips was verified on their site, backed up by paper work coming back with a 29.3 on the serum test (which I'm told is good), and sold to me by a trusted source. Well it seems even my trusted source and his buddies are being fooled because what I used was NOT hgh. It bloated me INSTANTLY i mean within 5 minutes of taking a shot, and to the point where I found it hard to breathe. At night if I took them I wasn't able to sleep and certainly didn't experience any deeper sleep. Same kinda effect mod grf 129 gave me as I cant sleep well on that either. I'd bet anything that its just peptides in there.
i had a friend whilst i was living in asia who would be sent white label blue tops and yellow tops from china that he would label himself and send to Australia and whoever else would buy them . he would openly admit that he doubted they were g.h . why would they be ......
couldnt ghrp do this? not being an ass im just wondering? I am about to go on a peptide run, I been noticing little tiny things about peoples blood work from peps that producs wicked high numbers to generic gh. ( patrick you numbers do seem from what i think to be gh) most everyone sees rediculous GH serum levels like 36 or48 or sumthing stupid high on peps..
either way your IGF levels are high....... thats what we want......
This is not bloodwork. This is a Mass Spectrum Chem analysis of the content in the vial. This test looks at the molecular composition of the substance in question and then (like a Prism with white light) identifies all the elements within the sample. If the target compound is detected... it will be displayed. If not, it will be revealed it was not there
ooops, sorry I bumped the thread, didn't saw the date...
I've thrown them out now but I used to have dozens of those rip boxes and probably over a thousand labels that I could have put on any vial with God knows what in it. Think about it.
But, but, but my source said...Just kidding.
I don't why I still think they are hgh. I read about how hgh disolves and this disolves like that. I realize that could be imitated. I also took 5ius and boiled it briefly till it got cloudy. I then let it cool and it stayed cloudy. I read on the internet (so it has to be true) that hgh will remain cloudy, peps will not. I realize that could be imitated by a manufacturer also.
I have my peps coming so I'll prolly finish this last 100ius and switch to peps, E and Mast. But I'm not throwing them out just yet.
Come on guys, you are totally over reacting with this. If the analytical analysis throws us some nice decent purity like 95% there is always the empirical gh and igf blood levels test that can totally confirm the bioactivity of the GH. peptide mass fingerprint, maldi-ms, n-terminal sequencing, sds-page and a common gh and igf blood levels are more than enough to confirm the quality of a gh formulation and there are chinese products that can meet the most stringent standards. obviously, not the 0.5$ / iu for 100iu order priced "gh".
what was the quantification for the 10iu? i can read just 0.5mg protein but did you ask a comparative with a reference standard for IU/IU ? or was the fisher hgh the reference?
the whole "100x over than recommended dose 1 - 5 ug per injection" sounds very unscientific. what is the recommended dose? recommended for whom? 1-5 ug is a huge interval.
Last edited by Sheven; 12-21-2012 at 05:23 PM.
I bought a rack of rips back in August and ran them solo, no AAS. As soon as I started the run I had puffy hands, achy joints, and lethargy. It was a good sign, so I thought. I advocated the product despite how shitty I felt all the time because I wanted to believe I didn't flush a couple grand down the toilet. I had blood work showing serum at 32.9ng/ml and Igf-1 at 391. "There!", I thought, "bloodwork won't lie!". Well it doesn't, but neither does my body. Those levels can be attributed to other things like peps, and I still didn't feel the greatness that comes with hgh, I was not reaping the benefits of 4-5ius of daily hgh injections. 3months in and I still feel cruddy(except for a six day break where by the third day I started to feel better), nominal weight loss, and I'm still not getn hgh sleep. I decide to get another test done, but this time I run a full panel. I decided to do this for a few reasons. About 6weeks in I noticed backne(keep in mind its a solo run, no AAS). I used a vial on a prego test and nada, so no hcg. I started to suspect that I was injecting a possible AAS mixed with peps due to the backne and the puffiness I was experiencing. On the puffiness- my muscularity was increased all over, but not hard dense change and during my six day break it dissipated almost entirely. Another reason for the panel was my lethargy combined with the absence of "well being" that hgh should bring about. So I get the results back and my igf-1 was 303 after upping my dosage from 4 to 5iu's since the last test. My good HDL was barely above normal range with my LDL at 109 with 0-99ref interval. This might not raise anyone's attention until I tell you that I hardly eat animal products. In fact, I haven't used an animal based protein shake in two years, just plant based. My monocytes were slightly above normal range could be a sign of fighting infection. Then there's my AST coming back at 79 with ref interval of 0-40. That's twice the normal amount, a sign that this enzyme is being dumped into my blood most likely by way of my liver or muscle tissue. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I'm not running AAS, and there is no liver issues in my family. I immediately stopped using the rips and a week later my backne started to significantly clear up. I started using pharma hgh and my sleep has changed dramatically. My gf just pointed out that my eyes look different, "more lively". I don't feel like dookie anymore, in fact, I feel energetic and much more positive.
Take from this what you wish. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm just sharing my experience and admitting that I was wrong. Lesson learned, I just wish I would have taken a cheaper class. But if I get away from this lesson unscathed as far as my health is concerned, then I guess the money doesn't mean all that much after all.
Mate we banging our heads against a brick wall, its been beaten to death on the concerns thread and I'm afraid we will always have the ones who really think they can get cheap gh and getting results. One thing is for sure there is enough rips, kigs,blues,yellow, and what ever colour they like around at dirt cheap prices what show great blood work but don't have to the results of true gh....
I'm not going over old news to newbs who their generics are legit, read the concerns thread..
If you can't be arsed fill your boots with those generics, your welcome to them
I've never claimed to be an expert on anything. Im saying, if the mass spectrum shows Hgh is there, and peptides aren't... why can't they be good. I've read through the chinese thread a little. Biggest concern is not knowing what is put in the vials. If the mass spectrum plus Bloodwork doesnt show what's there, what does? I understand doubting the legitimacy of the lab work. Anyone can make those graphs and charts and type up something. But let's say they are legit graphs, not doctored in any way... they still mean nothing?
the chinese can make top quality HGH. period. there are 3 legit manufacturers in this moment that can achieve the Ph.Eur quality at any given moment. There is a new manufacturer that will have their product available in 1.5 years time (in xiamen, i visited them). China is a huge biopharmaceutical field and the investments are considerable. No doubt most of the stuff pushed on the net is junk because that's what the market demands, very low price biopharmaceuticals, something that it isn't possible. but from this to say that all generics in china are either other peptides or inactive HGH is long way and it just shows an inflexible way of addressing the problem. i can find in China 98% pure somatropin that it will get the tryptic peptide fingerprint to similar percent as genotropin 4iu (which we once used as sample) and the Edman sequencing was identical. This isn't the gh you find on any board or on any b2b website and also its price is considerable higher than the current "market" prices but the point is that quality can be achieved. there are much more complex biopharmaceuticals manufactured for the legit US and EU market currently developed and marketed (made in CHINA) so there is no reason to believe they cannot make right the somatropin. obviously, they can't do it at 0.5$/1iu end user price, that's true.
I will repeat one last time which is quoted from the concerns thread and this thread, the email is form an expert. You cant test for the hormone to be active.........If you have read the full concernc threads and you still dont see it or understand i'm wasting my time and effort with you, you carry on taking them dont worry what thwe vets and guys who have been using generics and pharm for over 20 yrs say, adios
The process to produce rHGH is very complicated and the equipment used cost's millions of dollars and many of the generic companies don't have this equipment, this is why to produce rHGH it costs a lot of money due to the expensive equipment need to complete the process. I do know someone who I am in contact with and in one of his first emails to me he describes the process of testing this horomone. I will copy the email so you get more of an understanding. My contact has many titles, he is a Professor of research, Scientific manager, he is head of the Biopharmaceutical Bioprocessing technology centre, Director of Mass spectrometry in clinical pharmacology who provide protein analysis services to commercial and academic clients and also a Doctor
Hi Marcus,
there are some things that we can do, some things that we could do, but that would possibly be too expensive (not worth it) and other things that we cannot do.
Please let me start with the last section:
We absolutely cannot test any substances for their suitability for any purpose, particularly not for their use in a diagnostic, therapeutic and/or recreational purpose, when this invloves administering to a living being (including humans).
Measuring the concentration of the growth hormones is something that is actually not as easy as it might seem. The concentration of the hormone can have two different meanings, it could be the chemical concentration of a compound (this is something that we can measure), it could also be the biological activity of this compound (this would be different, if a certain proportion of this chemical would be biologically inactive, which could happen for a variety of reasons). The latter (measuring the biological activity) is something we cannot do. We can measure the chemical concentration of human growth hormone (or any other growth hormone ), but that would involve the chemical synthesis of an internal standard, followed by a fairly complicated experiment, in which we use chemical scissors (en enzyme called trypsin) to chop the protein into pieces, then we analyse these pieces using a combination of high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, followed by a computer-intensive analysis of the data. The result of this experiment would be the concentration either in units of mol/l or in units of mg/l (the two are interconvertible). I do not know how the IU (stands for International Units) for growth hormone are defined - this might be a functional (biological) unit (which we cannot measure).
Human growth hormone is a chain of 191 different amino acids. One thing we can do is measure the total molecular weight of the protein in a sample to see, if it corresponds to the molecular weight that would be predicted for a protein containing these 191 amino acids. This experiment detects, if one amino acid was missing or another one was added, in some cases (but not in all cases) even, if an amino acid was replaced with a different one. Another outcome of this experiment would be to see, if other, similar proteins are present in the same sample.
In a different experiment we can check, if a protein in a particular sample is really growth hormone or if it is possibly something completely different, for example egg white protein or milk protein .
For your information, I attach two links to articles about human growth hormone :
Best Wishes
Just a question on the whole fooling the HGH tests debate.
When a real pharma is producing legit HGH do you think/know if they have many batches that do not meet standards and are rejected?
I am sure you can see where I am going with this, all it takes is some dishonest employees to circumvent destruction and now the generic companies have access to some crap to stuff in the vials along with some peptides. That way when they sell where when tested might look more like HGH?
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