I am a 24yrs old, and have been out of the gym for a year. I have ligament laxity in a rib/ribs in my upper left back and chest. This causes pain, spasms, popping, cracking, snapping, sharp and dull aches and involuntary muscle twitching when relaxing from a cns malfunction. Ligaments seem to never heal especially when every breath you take and move you make the rib is moving.
I had done 7 treatments of prolozone, which seemed to help alot but which got re-screwed up by a osteopath. And I was unsure how effective it was as so easily screwed up again.
I have done 1 treatment of prolotherapy so far. The solution was hypertonic dextrose 12.5-20% (unsure) with 2IU's of GH. I am getting treatments like this every 2-3 weeks. With and estimation of 4-7 total.
Now my question is, would me running HGH on my own accord be worth it? The doc was using 2IU's, which is nothing but remember he is injecting that directly into the rib ligament injury. If I ran my own HGH, I couldnt pin it into the injury site as I cant pin my ribs in my back and chest.
I am still a natural with 3 years of solid training. I had