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There's been lots of people taking blood tests and doing gh and igf-1 serum. igf-1 is all you need to look at not really gh levels, that's why doctors do igf-1 because its more accurate.
It takes 3-4hrs for blood levels to peak and around 24hrs for igf-1 levels to peak. So many people are using around 2-3iu/day for months, than go for a blood test and pin 10iu before the test get a high range level of gh in the blood but only elevated igf-1 levels.
From what i read it can take upto a week for igf-1 levels to stable in the blood and reach maximum igf-1 levels. So from pining 10iu for a test it seems that for an accurate reading for igf-1 levels aswel, pin 10iu each day for a week than get bloods done or pin 10iu, 24hrs before a blood test to get accruate reading for igf-1
Can any1 confirm this?