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  1. #1
    Miguel2013's Avatar
    Miguel2013 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013

    Pain on injection site.... please help!!!

    I've been on getropin hgh for one month now. Never had any problems until recently... when I inject into my belly it hurts like a mother F!!** for about ten minutes and then the pain goes away. I've always injected in the belly since day one. Why all of a sudden this pain at the injection site??? it doesn't even get red it just hurts a lot. Im injecting 5 iu's in the same spot should i be injecting maybe 2 iu's in one spot and 3 iu's in a different spot? Could i be allergic?? I hope not

  2. #2
    Miguel2013's Avatar
    Miguel2013 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013
    Im about to inject my 5 iu's into 2 different injection spots in my belly tonight... lets see if the pain goes away fellas.....

  3. #3
    Squats33's Avatar
    Squats33 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2011
    East Coast
    Burning or pain?

  4. #4
    Miguel2013's Avatar
    Miguel2013 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013
    It was just painfull and now I come to understand it happened when I upped my dose. But I stopped injecting all 5 iu's into the same injection site. Im now injecting 2 and half iu's into two different spots and no more pain. I'm assuming it was too much gh into one spot so my body was reacting to it!!!

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