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Thread: if you could choose any type of insulin what would be your choice?

  1. #1

    if you could choose any type of insulin what would be your choice?

    ive been thinking, what should you value more in insulin characteristics. A faster onset time and peak or how long it stays active in your body.

    i was leaning towards Novorapid(6hrs max length) until i saw the brand Apidra which has fast onset time but is in the lower end of duration the fastest acting, 4 hours activity

    if you had access to any type which would you choose?

  2. #2
    come on, no one here has an opinion on insulin types? as in which type of the rapid ones...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    You want an insulin that comes on fast, and leaves fast. In order to hit the anabolic window harder.

    Long acting insulins will just lower your sensitivity, and possibly cause issues in the long run, stay away.

    I'm trying to stay away from insulin until I can figure out a way for it not to **** my pancreas. TRT is one thing, but diabetes...damn..

  4. #4
    i know i want it to do both, i am comparing only the rapid ones. I am mostly wondering if 10 min later onset time is worth it if the insulin stays for an hour less in your body. Apidra reacts circa 10 mins later than Novorapid but it stays in the body about an hour shorter.

    i have been thinking about the pancreas too but i havent found anything good on how much or when they will be effected by rdna insulin. cant think of anything other than measuring your BG before cycle, during and after and to monitor. correct timing in regards to training is also vital so you dont beat up your natural production.

    have you heard of anything leaving the body faster than Apidra?

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    What makes you think you even need it?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    What makes you think you even need it?
    for the same reason any non-diabetic person has for using it, enhancement.

    my reasons are just as good as anyones, if not better. And I have good resources to do this in a safer manner than most.

  7. #7
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    I use apidra. Good stuff. Hits right around the 15min mark. I pin intramuscular and its fine 3-3.5hrs
    Last edited by OnTheSauce; 08-04-2013 at 01:56 PM.

  8. #8
    @sauce, have you had any experience with other types of rapid acting insulin?
    and do you know how much shorter its active since you're going IM not Subq?

    i was also thinking about going IM but it is supposed to be harder to control so i will be increasing units slowly in a controlled environment.

  9. #9
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    its not harder to control. i have always done IM. started with 5iu and went up to 10iu by 1iu per day. ive done as much as 12 in one shot. I also have humalog and novolog but have not used them yet. i will only use the fast acting.

  10. #10
    ok then IM it will be, thanks for the feedback. you have Humalog Lispro and novolog Aspart right?

    I am beginning to think that Apidra is the undisputed king, ive been doing a lot of googling and i cant find anything faster acting and faster clearing insulin.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafnlaus View Post
    for the same reason any non-diabetic person has for using it, enhancement.

    my reasons are just as good as anyones, if not better. And I have good resources to do this in a safer manner than most.
    I did not imply it in a negative fashion. It just seems to me to be overused at times, that's all.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #12
    @kelkel, ok sorry about misunderstanding. i am a very careful person, i will not be overusing it.
    i am in a dilemma of injuries and lost BW, training frequency and intensity has gotten so low. and i have difficulties with recovery, i need some anabolic assistance and i am avoiding androgenic stuff so insulin is the conclusion.

  13. #13
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    Once I'm out of apidra I will be using novolog pens since I have access to them. But apidra would be my choice. Although I really don't see enough difference to really matter

  14. #14
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    Humalog pinned IM...quick in and out! I'm not a rookie to slin though so I wouldn't suggest starting with IM...go subq instead to get use to how fast the slin hits you. I personally haven't gone over 6iu at one given time...I see no need to use higher amounts.

  15. #15
    thanks for the feedback guys, i will start out with subq and try out IM when ive done it a couple of times.

    since i have your attention i would like to ask one thing, something that wasnt answered in my last thread.

    Have you ever seen anything scientific about negative feedback to the natural production because of rdna insulin use? I have seen some precise studies on steroids and their negative effect on the hpta, but nothing similar on insulin

  16. #16
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    No but I test my BG Regularly and have seen zero change

  17. #17
    I would actually choose the NPH. Probably just shoot 30-40 iu's in the morning and essentially be "on" all day. Probably bump it with 20iu's R towards the end of the day.

    This would sure beat injecting R 3-4x per day and worrying about carrying a cooler with you everywhere you go. Honestly, i'll probably just keep shooting r because it's 23 bucks at wal mart. (tought to beat that)

    newbies should definitely start with like 4-5 iu's of the fastest acting shit they can get ahold of tho.

  18. #18
    @slinking, that sounds rather much. 30-40 units of long acting will require a lot of planning!

    i will only be doing post workout for starters, maybe small amount pre workout added later.
    smallest cases of apidra is a couple of pens in a box, which costs almost 100$ where i live.

    I was reading on insulin the other day (as usual) one thing i had almost overlooked is that it will develop cardiac diseases in excessive amounts. Blood clotting and heart failure is something to think about. most say there are no side effects except for going hypo or long term use leading to type 2 diabetes, but apparently monitoring the blood lipids is something worth doing!

  19. #19
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    Humalog. And no way would I do 30-40 units I do 4-5 post workout and sometimes less if I haven't had a chance to get all my calories in for the day. And I'm 6'2 240lbs so adjust accordingly start very small dosage to see how you react . I also have glucose meter and tabs just incase. U can never be too safe with insulin and don't recommend unless on anabolics or gh.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlinKing
    I would actually choose the NPH. Probably just shoot 30-40 iu's in the morning and essentially be "on" all day. Probably bump it with 20iu's R towards the end of the day.

    This would sure beat injecting R 3-4x per day and worrying about carrying a cooler with you everywhere you go. Honestly, i'll probably just keep shooting r because it's 23 bucks at wal mart. (tought to beat that)

    newbies should definitely start with like 4-5 iu's of the fastest acting shit they can get ahold of tho.
    U have no idea what your talking about. The simple fact you think u need a cooler with you shows your low level of knowledge and experience. That slow of insulin should only be used by diabetic patients. If you must get it from Walmart, humilin r is your best choice. Although the fast acting is best and less risk for any kind of desentiZing of the pancreas. Hits fast and leaves fast and you function normal the rest of the day.
    Last edited by OnTheSauce; 08-08-2013 at 09:05 PM.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce View Post
    U have no idea what your talking about. The simple fact you think u need a cooler with you shows your low level of knowledge and experience. That slow of insulin should only be used by diabetic patients. If you must get it from Walmart, humilin r is your best choice. Although the fast acting is best and less risk for any kind of desentiZing of the pancreas. Hits fast and leaves fast and you function normal the rest of the day.
    you don't need to cool insulin?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Only if storing it. Once you open it And start using, just keep it at room temp. Mine stays in my gym bag

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