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Thread: HGH question

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    HGH question

    I just purchased hgh from a friend who claims to be an associate with a man that works at a lab that makes steroids and hgh. I just reconstituted my hgh and it dissolved immediately. He claims that this hgh is a combo of hgh hg and hg1. Has anyone heard of this?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I really don't think you just purchased HGH in the slightest, sounds like generic crap and could contain anything

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Kiev, Ukraine
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I really don't think you just purchased HGH in the slightest, sounds like generic crap and could contain anything
    Agreed. Bin it.

  4. #4
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    Staring into glory!!
    I did a pregnancy test on it today and the result was negative. Guess its not hcg. What else could it be? the vials were vaccume sealed as well.

  5. #5
    interested in how this turned out….

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Could be a combo of peptides

  7. #7
    I've seen igf-lr3 sold as HGH. There's a lot of peptided that goes through the freeze dried process.

  8. #8
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    There is an interesting post I recently read on here that said, even though an expensive experiment, that if you drop on full vial (un-constituted) in boiling water that it will turn into a milky liquid and stay that way for 24 hours. If it turns clear then there is no HGH in it. Someone then gave it a try and had some generics and some real stuff from a US pharmacy. He said the generic turned clear and the real stuff turned cloudy. I don't know if you want to waste a bottle to let us know the results. But if you do some research and try it, please post the results as I am considering doing it on my own generics when they arrive. Good luck.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    There is an interesting post I recently read on here that said, even though an expensive experiment, that if you drop on full vial (un-constituted) in boiling water that it will turn into a milky liquid and stay that way for 24 hours. If it turns clear then there is no HGH in it. Someone then gave it a try and had some generics and some real stuff from a US pharmacy. He said the generic turned clear and the real stuff turned cloudy. I don't know if you want to waste a bottle to let us know the results. But if you do some research and try it, please post the results as I am considering doing it on my own generics when they arrive. Good luck.
    Thats one cheap way to test hgh. I heard it works though

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Such idea
    much pseudoscience
    so stupid

    great method you got there to ruin GH, i got a bit mad reading this but then i realized that you're just gonna be destroying some UGL crap...

    Op, there are around 10 active (respectable&licensed) drug companies that make about 14 brands of growth hormone in the WORLD. What do you think the reason is for that? After you answer this, then you can ask your self, what are the odds of some guy making UGL hGH ?

    hint. it requires more than chemistry knowledge and some ****ing garage. this isnt steroids, this isnt something you can cook.
    Would you trust UGL insulin? probably not, and keep in mind that insulin is "simple" recombinant dna technology, the basic cost of making one unit of hGH is 100 times greater than of insulin

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    only real way to know if your stuff is gtg for sure is to have your blood work tested for it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    in medicine hGH is measured in IGF levels. Many things can spike those levels, and hGH sure is one of them - but not the only one.

    getting bloodwork and seeing increase in IGF doesnt mean anything.

    You can never be certain without a doping control blood test by WADA.

    Doctors have been "measuring hGH" for a long time but WADA hasnt been able to distinguish hGH until last few years.
    That is because the ability to test for hGH is brand new.

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