Originally Posted by
terry w
I have been natural bodybuilding for years now and i think i have hit my genetic limit. I had done extensive research on steroids and was about to start my first cycle of test. then i started reading about hgh and how i will keep my gains better and all the weight i gain will be muscle and not water. Also i heard that hgh is safer and has a lot less side effects. My goals are to gain mass period. Now my questions are are...:
There's not much to add after Marcus's post but at least I'll answer your questions.
are injectables better than pills? There is NO oral HGH that I know of that works. HGH is an organic protein and can't survive the liver pass, so oral is out. Injections are the best way to administer HGH. I read a study where a dermal approach was taken but the max size for through skin transfer is 50nm and HGH molecules are bigger than 50nm.
how many ius should i take? I take 5iu/ed
how long should you take hgh? At least 6 months. This is my 6th year that I've been on HGH. Really great stuff.
Do you need to do any other stuff with it (like pct for steroids) (hcg,ai,serm) No PCT needed for HGH
Is hgh safer than anabolic steroids You need to define "safe". I will affect your HPTA when you're endo system is developing. It could damage it but do you really want to take the chance?