Last edited by tawweiliu; 09-10-2013 at 01:41 PM.
I just started doing HGH and the results have been positive so far, however I'm doing fda pharma grade HGH, about the jintropin, to ny knowledge they're all the same, meaning just generic GH, so I hope you're not paint a lot because of the name, not worth it, if you have the funds go for the real thing, I get it for around 500 for a months supply.
Also, I know you prob know this but just in case, don't do tren alone, just like deca, you need to run it with TEST.
Hope this helps somewhat.
Last edited by tawweiliu; 09-10-2013 at 01:41 PM.
OP - listen to your body when it comes to winny. I used to love winny and ignored the joint pain it caused because I liked the look/feel and didn't want to come off as a *****. After many winny cycles my joints were never the same. I tore the labrum in my shoulder several years ago and now I'm rehabbing a torn MCL. Doesn't mean that it will happen to you or others that use winstrol but it's something to keep in mind. I would stick to tbol or maybe anavar.
As far as tren is concerned, you're about to find our why they call it the nectar of the gods! Since it's your first time running tren I would switch to tren E or tren hex aka Parabolan and pin it twice a week. ED or EOD gets old quick not to mention the chances of nicking a vein and getting the dreaded cough from twice as many pins.
tren + gh + test + oral = look and feel like a ****ing god!
I kind of skimmed through this...Anyhow, great that you have used many different cycles but I wouldn't say you need to run tren...
If you haven't used anabolics in awhile test and gh is fine in my opinion... .5 iu's a day is a waste in my eyes and even 1 iu....
If you plan on seeing the results you want gh should be run longer....I would start out with 2-3 iu's day for a few months or so and then go with the basic test...
If you have the money just get a script for both....
At your age you should want get a check up on any heart problems, blood pressure, fasting blood sugar...Cancer etc...As well...
Even test alone most should be able to make great gains if they're training dieting correctly...Especially for someone getting older who most likely already has low T levels...
Last edited by tawweiliu; 09-10-2013 at 01:42 PM.
Tren's pretty potent stuff. It leaned me right out and the strength gains are great. The sides I got was anorasmia (inability to orgasm). I took caber as prescribed and still no joy. Extremely frustrating. Great muscles, sucky sex that was the option I ended up with. If you're taking generic HGH I would recommend 5iu/ed for at least 6 months. I've been on generic for 6 years and I feel good. The generics are somewhat watered down so 2-3iu 5 times a week will net you little results. At 5iu/ed I see descent results. I like the way winny makes me look but it hurt my bumm knees and shoulders. Got injured and took 9 months to recover. If you have good joints, go for the winny.
Last edited by tawweiliu; 09-10-2013 at 01:42 PM.
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