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Thread: Planning my first 6 Month HGH cycle...Input welcome

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Planning my first 6 Month HGH cycle...Input welcome

    Age: 30yrs old
    Height: 187 cm/ 6'1"
    Wight: 95 kg / 210 lbs
    Bf: 13%
    Cycle history: 5 previous cycles of AAS, including Tren, Masteron
    Always looking for full recovery, i.e. taking lots of time off in between cycles

    I'm currently in progress of planning a 6 month HGH cycle (Pfizer Genotropin). As I have no personal experience with growth hormones, I'd like to get some feedback from the more experienced on this topic.

    The proposed cycle would look like this:

    Month 1 - HGH 2IU/day + AAS cycle
    Month 2 - HGH 2IU/day + AAS cycle and PCT
    Month 3 - HGH 3IU/day
    Month 4 - HGH 3IU/day
    Month 5 - HGH 3IU/day + AAS cycle
    Month 6 - HGH 3IU/day + AAS cycle and PCT

    As you can see, I'll try to leverage the full synergy of using HGH together with AAS, throwing in 2 AAS cycles during the period of 6 months.
    My goals and expectations from HGH are modest, I'd like to see improved fat loss, recovery and perhaps a little bit enhanced anabolic effect from the AAS cycles.

    Now for some of my questions:
    1. Dosage frequency: Should I be taking HGH every day? It's tempting to save and go for the 5on/2off, but not sure if I'd see the full benefit with this method. Also, how about using HGH only on workout days but at a higher dose?
    2. Dose and ramp-up: any issues here? Should be fine to take the full dose in the morning upon waking up?
    3. T4: I'm used to taking 25mcg of T3 with my AAS cycles, but no T4. There are threads on this forum strongly urging to supplement T4 while taking HGH. Is this really best practice?
    4. Insulin: I won't be taking any insulin, are there any concerns here?
    5. Did I miss any other important point?

    Thanks for your comments...Cheers
    Last edited by carbo; 09-07-2013 at 01:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Use gh first 3 months without aas. It will help u cut some bf before jumping into aas.

    Imo thats the best way to use gh+aas

    Also try to go over 6 mnths of gh...if u can afford id say 8 mnths.

    Gh shld be every day...some say 5 on 2 off...thats just for saving $...ed would be better for overall concentration...

    Watch yr diet and u will see great results if u r using good grade gh not some unknown generic.

    Look into usage of T4 alongside gh....its a good combo and u can find a lot of litterature on this site supporting this .

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Excellent feedback Othello, thanks.
    I will consider prolonging the cycle to 8-9 months... Although not sure if this is not an overkill for first time HGH user

  4. #4
    Assuming that you're using weekly testosterone injections I would be interested to know if you intend to lower your dose of testosterone while running GH For obvious reasons, Increase in LH and FSH, And if it's necessary for you to run hCG and AI while your on GH. Just a thought

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010

    If you're assuming by "weekly testosterone injections" that I'm on TRT, then the answer is No.

    I will run exogenous testosterone only during the two planned AAS cycles. So far I haven't heard any objections to using HCG and AI while on GH, I plan on running both when necessary.

    Hope that answers your questions

  6. #6
    Please forgive me for my ignorance, I'm trying to learn.
    I understand that GH will increase testosterone production, I know a lot of guys like to run testosterone at the same time they run GH, Whatever dose testosterone is being used wouldn't it be wise to lower your dose of T if you start running GH & T Concurrently? GH should Stimulate LH & FSH Possibly
    making the use of hcg and AI unnessarry ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Last edited by tawweiliu; 09-10-2013 at 01:40 PM.

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