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Thread: So if everything's fake, then what now?

  1. #1
    I just got generics from (a well known source) and now im starting to question if its real...
    Where is the 100% real hgh no bullshit? Im tired of hedging around and then not even knowing whos legit, pm and help me out because I want to do gh but all this talk about fakes and scamming is throwing me off, should I just go to a doctor and get real shit?
    Last edited by Crazy yetty; 10-24-2013 at 09:28 PM.

  2. #2
    I have a doctor I can go to and get it from I just dont know how much it will cost and if its worth it

  3. #3
    You need to edit your source out of your post dude, just a heads up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Miami, FL
    not everything is fake, just gotta know the right ppl and be able to afford it

  5. #5
    If you can get pharma grade HGH that's the best. Otherwise, you really have to trust your source.

  6. #6
    But how much will my pharma cost me?
    How do we calculate grams of gh compared to pharma and generic (hyge, jin, rip...) ?
    What would it cost me to run 2-4 iu 5 on 2 off a week a month of pharma? If I have insurance

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy yetty View Post
    But how much will my pharma cost me?
    How do we calculate grams of gh compared to pharma and generic (hyge, jin, rip...) ?
    What would it cost me to run 2-4 iu 5 on 2 off a week a month of pharma? If I have insurance
    you're 18 years old, you have no business cycling HGH. educate yourself before you cause irreversible damage to your body.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Hey crazy yetty, I didn't have to read much to know 1 you are just way too young. I mean just out of any relm of possibility of doing or messing around with aas or hgh.

    Common kid get real, at your age right, get honest with us, yourself, God, the doctors and all. If you have a serious medical condition go to the doctor get the right diagnosis and corrective action in place and follow it. Your health needs no shortcuts. I don't know yet your entire goals but slow down. Good to come here and ask, but when you can in you asked Q's so I'm just hoping you will yield to the answers. We all started somewhere as we grew up. I wish I had this forum 30 yrs. ago. Good luck man. ...crazy mike

  9. #9
    Im 21 not 18 jackass, im an adult and i understand the risk I am running and fully take the responsibility if something goes wrong...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    you're 18 years old, you have no business cycling HGH. educate yourself before you cause irreversible damage to your body.
    I see this !!

    So I go to your profile to make sure bass is correct or a jackass and I found this as you imputed it on your profile. ?

    About Crazy yetty

    That was 2012.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy yetty View Post
    Im 21 not 18 jackass, im an adult and i understand the risk I am running and fully take the responsibility if something goes wrong...
    You came with a question and on here be prepared to here the truth as you can to this board for knowledge on something. The answers given may not be what you want to hear and more then you asked for. So if you can't handle the truth that has been given as to your best interest at large you can hit log out.

    One thing I don't think you should do at this point or any in your career on here is call ME or anyone else a jackass. Simple Simon tell me by your input and demeaning statement as to calling me a JACKASS you are immature and in fact just a kid who thinks they know better.

    Even with your attitude I will wish you luck, because the ones that don't listen to good sound advise need luck. Their education or ignorance to such serves then nothing. ...crazy mike

    Even at 20-21 you are still too young and that's the truth.
    Last edited by crazy mike; 10-25-2013 at 10:57 AM.

  11. #11
    So even though 3/4 of the people my age take injectable steroids... I cant take hgh , 6'4 230 bf 14%, 320 squat , 265 bench , 520 deadlift
    Religous on my diet and train 3x a week doing heavy compound movements and train at my mma gym 3x a week but I cant do hgh because you think I dont need it...
    I dont care if one day im on hrt... im doing it and idc what jealous old timer thinks.

  12. #12
    So you would rather me make a new acc on another steroid site and change my age just to get advise and I dont give a damn what year I put in my profile, im 21 as of September.
    Y'all just cant wrap around reality that people are going to do whatever the **** they wanna do and you really shouldn't worry about trying to change their mind when their already dedicated.
    There are so many chemicals and phytoestrogens in our society that our hormone levels in my generation do not equate to yalls generations when you were my age.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy yetty
    So you would rather me make a new acc on another steroid site and change my age just to get advise and I dont give a damn what year I put in my profile, im 21 as of September.
    Y'all just cant wrap around reality that people are going to do whatever the **** they wanna do and you really shouldn't worry about trying to change their mind when their already dedicated.
    There are so many chemicals and phytoestrogens in our society that our hormone levels in my generation do not equate to yalls generations when you were my age.
    Why don't you go to a different forum then bud.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy yetty View Post
    So you would rather me make a new acc on another steroid site and change my age just to get advise and I dont give a damn what year I put in my profile, im 21 as of September.
    Y'all just cant wrap around reality that people are going to do whatever the **** they wanna do and you really shouldn't worry about trying to change their mind when their already dedicated.
    There are so many chemicals and phytoestrogens in our society that our hormone levels in my generation do not equate to yalls generations when you were my age.
    Listen, as bass found your profile I assume, so did I. I always look. Even though you signed in a year or so ago and have aged a year, you came with no stats and so we read what there is to read to get to know you. That's the responsible way to go about it. Also it is your responsibility to give appropriate info on yourself. You've been here over a year right. So what did you expect. Then you viciously call me a jackass. What's wrong with this picture here. I know and hope you realize what just went down.

    Sorry you feel that way. As you say you will do what you want anyway. I hope you're mature enough to realize no harm was meant by me, but the opposite. I was being responsible in telling you what I thought about what you weren't paying attention to or listening to. That was the mature thing to do. Comments like yours are needless and flammable to an extent. Good luck ...crazy mike

    Did you ever think to update your profile.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    Why don't you go to a different forum then bud.
    Or you could apologize and move on . As I've learned that's the mature and easiest way to carry on. I thinks that's sound mature advice that fits most all situations. ...crazy mike

  16. #16
    No I dont care to update my profile because im 21 and I dont give a rats ass if I accifently put 93 instead of 92

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    somewhere near London
    Yeah, if you want real GH, you should just go to a doctor and get the real stuff.

  18. #18
    You do realize this is not a source forum?..right? Why should anyone give you a source let alone one for HGH.. I doubt anyone is going to help you out with that and especially with that attitude. Crazy Mike is right.. you sound immature and you come off like your entitled to shit. Maybe next time you ditch the attitude and people will be more helpful. Your 6'4" 230lbs maybe you should just stick to diet and aas.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Everett, WA
    At your age the only thing GH is going to do is make you broke. Gh doesn't shine in increasing muscle mass unless taken in ridiculously high doses. Where it shines is for anti aging and fat loss for some of us older folks. Honestly do some research. Your test and gh levels should be optimum at your age so you would be effectively just using your hard earned money to buy unpleasant side effects. It's an impatient and lazy approach for someone your age.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    OK, so you have started a battle on here that has nothing to do with what you want to hear. The thing is, HGH did very little for me compared to other compounds at a non-professional level. I would spend $300 on months worth of gear and started doing about $600 worth of HGH monthly; just because I could afford it. But, the changes I personally saw after eight months of HGH was personally so minimal that I stopped using it when I ran out. For the pro's I truly beleive they experience something amazing from it as they really know their bodies and they know where and when they platue. But being in your 20's I would simply suggest you save your money only because I dont think you will be pleased, especially if you have already experimented with other A/S's already. If I had to split it up I would say my visual changes were 95% from A/S and maybe 5% from the HGH I used. I do not want to start arguments with anyone who has seen amazing stuff happen from HGH, but it was personally so minimal for me personally that I stopped. But I'm a little dude and never been over 220lbs at 5'11". So I am not an expert by any means. I am only trying to offer my personal experience because money was not an issue. I personally stopped because I personally was not impressed with the changes I was expecting or hoping for. Also, dont get mad at people for harping on you when they thought you were younger. If you are still growing it might stunt your growth if you are on gear and the people that are answering will always keep health in mind and are actually trying to look out for you; even if they come across a bit rough. Dont stress it. Someday you will be an old turd like me, ha ha, and you will be offering everything you learned over the next 20 years too.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Bellevue, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Desu View Post
    The thing is, HGH did very little for me compared to other compounds at a non-professional level.
    Too true. As someone who had saved a lot of money through working countless jobs in my youth, it was all too easy to blow a lot of it on HGH thinking it was going to make me in to Kai Greene in three months or something. I think that if you would like to educate yourself, that's awesome, but work on building a foundation when you're in your 20's and then consider GH or AAS later.
    (Note: I'm 21 years old and don't know anything, but I learned not to throw my money at my problems and to throw iron around instead )

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Yeah! Lol

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