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Thread: Can someone help me out with HCG IU conversions?

  1. #1
    Balls_Deep87 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Can someone help me out with HCG IU conversions?

    Hello, I'm about to start my 3rd cycle in 2 weeks. This time I'm going to incorporate HCG . But I want to make sure my measurements are correct.

    I have 9 vials of 1500 i.u HCG

    I believe I'm supposed to add 1ml of solvent into each 1500 i.u of the HCG vials? Is this correct? I have those little insulin needles that hold up to 1ml. I want to do 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total). So do I use 0.25 of a ml? I'm not sure...

    Thanks for your time.
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  2. #2
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
    thisAngelBites is offline Knowledgeable Female Member
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    If you use 1ml of diluent, you will have 1500 iu per ml. One third of that, 0.3 ml, contains 500 iu. You want half as much for your dose, so you will use .15ml (so that's halfway between .1ml and .2ml (or 15 units if your insulin syringe is u-100). Hope that helps.
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  3. #3
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
    thisAngelBites is offline Knowledgeable Female Member
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    I thought I would add this: a third of one ml, is technically 0.333... not 0.3. For your dose of HCG , 3/100 of one milliliter is not going to matter (and you will be very, very slightly less than 250 ius, not slightly more), and with a one ml syringe, measuring out hundredths of a ml is not all that precise anyway.

    But I wanted to add this because I wrote it the way I did in order to help you think about how to calculate this stuff for yourself in the future. And then I wondered if you would think "0.3 is not one third of a ml" and be confused about what I was saying.

    If you are ever measuring something where having (or not having) a couple of extra hundredths of a ml or not having it is a life and death situation, you will need a syringe that holds less in order to have a more precise measurement.

  4. #4
    Balls_Deep87 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Thanks, that helps a lot. Looking forward to trying HCG soon.

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