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Thread: Diabetic. Already take Insulin. What else to maximize?

  1. #1

    Question Diabetic. Already take Insulin. What else to maximize?

    Hey guys.
    So I am a type 1 diabetic, and type 1 is not the type you get from being overweight and not eating right, that is type 2. Mine is genetic so it was just kind of random.

    I take around 40-50cc's of fast acting insulin (humalog) a day because I have to and 8cc's of slow acting insulin (Lantus) a day. i am wonder what steroids i should take to maximize the effects of the insulin i am already taking. I am 19, 5'9", 145lbs, and teying to gain weight. I am very toned right now but want to put on some pounds.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    diabetic people on insulin dont get any synergistic effect out of using steroids.

    you are too young for steroids, and they will affect your glucose tolerance in a bad way.

    diabetic people can maintain better health at a lower bodyweight, that is something you must understand and accept.

    if you want to add weight then you should eat more, train well and get faster acting insulin than humalog.

    ps. what is up with the cc's ? novorapid is 100 iu per cc, and i dont think i need to point out that you are not using 4-5000 ius a day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by diabeticknowledge View Post
    diabetic people on insulin dont get any synergistic effect out of using steroids.

    you are too young for steroids, and they will affect your glucose tolerance in a bad way.

    diabetic people can maintain better health at a lower bodyweight, that is something you must understand and accept.

    if you want to add weight then you should eat more, train well and get faster acting insulin than humalog.

    ps. what is up with the cc's ? novorapid is 100 iu per cc, and i dont think i need to point out that you are not using 4-5000 ius a day
    What works faster than Humalog?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    its called ultra rapid insulin, its popularity is growing. current mainstream insulin onset and peak time is something set because of convenience like trt is done with long esters so there are fewer injections. there is no issue with making faster acting insulin but its use is less practical in general.

    it peaks before Humalog and novorapid are onset, Biodel inc makes such insulin and other companies as well, but its harder to get since few diabetic patients have this yet (depends on prefrence and where you live)

  5. #5
    I meant iu's not cc's.
    are you saying that because I am diabetic I am not getting the anabolic effect from insulin? If you are then I have to disagree because I put roughly 35 pounds in a little over a month of lifting and it was definitly all muscle i put on.

    Thanks for your advice, how old would you say is old enough to start using steroids? Because I have some friends that started when they were my age and now they are both about 23.

  6. #6
    Also I am not looking to be 220lbs or anything, I just want to xxx around 170 or 180

  7. #7
    I meant iu's not cc's.
    are you saying that because I am diabetic I am not getting the anabolic effect from insulin? If you are then I have to disagree because I put roughly 35 pounds in a little over a month of lifting and it was definitly all muscle i put on.

    Thanks for your advice, how old would you say is old enough to start using steroids? Because I have some friends that started when they were my age and now they are both about 23.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    sure its anabolic, but for you only up to the point where healthy people generally are. so you can not exceed, but only get close to even to those who do not have diabetes. injecting more than needed and then you forcefeed your self more than you need, but again it is very bad for your health. and the gains wont be lean

    you mean that you gained those 15 kg to reach your current 66 kg? 50 kg sounds dangerously low to begin with, im not surprised that you could gain a lot to escape that sickly state - to reach something closer to healthy.

    determining when you should start doing steroids is not something to base on broscience or ad populum.
    first of all, you want full skeletal growth, endocrine maturity, a blood profile before and after and some brains...
    Its individual when those things are in check, maybe 23 (unlikely) but on this board youll see that most people find it acceptable at the age of over 25. still that is just a number and takes your current state nowhere in account. and again using these drugs will affect you more than others.

    you should think less about drugs and more about food, increase your calorie intake and stick to fundamental multijoint exercises like snatch, clean, squats and deadlifts. and keep in mind there are diabetic people that have achived a lot in sports, Mathias Steiner became the strongest man in the world in 2008 by winning the super heavyweight division in weightlifting.

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