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Thread: Questions on Insulin tolerance, No respose.

  1. #1

    Questions on Insulin tolerance, No respose.

    I have have years of experience with AAS, HGH,IGF. Nutrition, Training are spot on and have been for years. I no longer compete but decided to give a go with Insulin. I am not asking about my cycle just body response.

    Using Humalin-R, picked up a few days ago from CVS.
    First shot pwo 5iu, 50g carbs 10g creatine, 10g glutamine, 10g bcca. followed by 60g protein. I felt no sides
    Second shot 6iu same shake no sides
    went up to 8iu same 50g shake still not sides
    ive used plenty if IGF and i know the feeling of going HYPO. At 8ui im expecting to feel slightly tired but nothing.
    I keep raising my iu's and keeping the carbs the same.
    I know the Humalin is legit because i got it from the pharmacy and its not expired.
    Current cycle is
    100mg drol/ed
    50mg dbol/ed
    600 test e
    400 tren e.

    MY big worry isnt dying or going hypo lol. im worried its not working but i dont understad how that is possible.
    Has anyone experienced this before. im no longer in contact with my old buddies that have experience with slin so im left to you guys for feed back

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Humulin R is slower to work than humalog (which is what you should be using for performance enhancement).
    It takes 30-60 minutes just to start working, peaks in 2-3 hours, and works for 4-6 hours.
    Why would you expect to feel hypo when you're (over)compensating with carbs and protein?
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-16-2013 at 07:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    So just because you're not getting the hypo feeling you feel as if it's not working? This is the wrong type of thinking! And increasing your dosage until you feel hypo is no bueno! You're following your slin shot with carbs so why would you expect to go hypo? I DON'T ADVOCATE THIS but if you want to feel the hypo feeling (if this somehow makes you feel the slin is working) then lower your carb amount, but only do this if you have glucose tabs on hand so you can pop them at 1st sign of hypo. Also, if you don't have a BG meter and you're using slin then you're not smart. I often check my fasted BG levels in the morn to make sure I'm not building up insulin resistance.

  4. #4
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    I suggest a BG meter so you can find out exactly what is going on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola
    So just because you're not getting the hypo feeling you feel as if it's not working? This is the wrong type of thinking! And increasing your dosage until you feel hypo is no bueno! You're following your slin shot with carbs so why would you expect to go hypo? I DON'T ADVOCATE THIS but if you want to feel the hypo feeling (if this somehow makes you feel the slin is working) then lower your carb amount, but only do this if you have glucose tabs on hand so you can pop them at 1st sign of hypo. Also, if you don't have a BG meter and you're using slin then you're not smart. I often check my fasted BG levels in the morn to make sure I'm not building up insulin resistance.
    How you know if your building slin resistance?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    How you know if your building slin resistance?
    When your fasted BG levels start to approach 100 then your body is becoming insulin resistant. In which you should stop using slin and find ways to improve your insulin sensitivity (lower your BG levels). Awhile back I was in the mid 90's so I started working on ways to improve my insulin sensitivity (cutting off my carb intake at night) and this improved it fact I tested this morn and was 77. This tells me I'm very insulin sensitive and my body will process glucose more effeciently in this state.

  7. #7
    Thanks you guys. I know I am getting my Carbs in on time. And im aware humalin r will peak between 2 and 3. few days ago was in traffic for 2hours and was in my pear hours. i always keep tabs and a gatorade on me to be safe. either way i chose to wait to see how i feel. didnt get any hypo and tired feeling . I will however get a BG meter and start testing.
    #?=where i want to be,
    #?=insulin resistance

    thanks again you guys

  8. #8
    One more questing being how everyone has been really helpfull. how long do you start to notice gains from slin. im already bloated from my aas cycle and my test and tren doses will be going up as well. so i dont think i will see to much bloat, im also in mid cycle so im constantly getting stronger. is it hard to tell any destict result from the slin
    thanks guys

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by johny be good View Post
    Thanks you guys. I know I am getting my Carbs in on time. And im aware humalin r will peak between 2 and 3. few days ago was in traffic for 2hours and was in my pear hours. i always keep tabs and a gatorade on me to be safe. either way i chose to wait to see how i feel. didnt get any hypo and tired feeling . I will however get a BG meter and start testing.
    #?=where i want to be,
    #?=insulin resistance

    thanks again you guys
    75-90 Is where you want to be (numbers in this range let you know you're not becoming insulin resistant)
    100+ Insulin resistance is taking place and insulin sensitivity should be improved before using slin again.

    Quote Originally Posted by johny be good View Post
    One more questing being how everyone has been really helpfull. how long do you start to notice gains from slin. im already bloated from my aas cycle and my test and tren doses will be going up as well. so i dont think i will see to much bloat, im also in mid cycle so im constantly getting stronger. is it hard to tell any destict result from the slin
    thanks guys
    Slin is not like aas where you will see immediate results. Slin is just another tool in the arsenal for building muscle. So look at it this way, aas is the god father while slin and HGH (or GHS peptides) are the god father's right hand man. Essentially slin and HGH supercharge your aas results.

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