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  1. #1
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    Found real GH... but it is ridiculously expensive however, I'm going for it: LOG.

    I haven't posted here on a while so I will just update everyone.

    I usually go and get Chinese riptropins and other kits from a well known source that the Chinese kit users trust, and has amazing reviews, but I haven't been on GH in months. I still get kits for people who claim that they experience better sleep, less pain in their joints etc, so the people I have are happy with whatever they are and I will help them get that. However, I stopped taking the Chinese stuff, although my other friends, who took from the same source experienced good results. Being off GH and dieting flawlessly i have achieved a very lean body better than I had ever in my life without the ignorance of me taking tons of gear and gh trying to take short cuts. Without a flawless diet or hard training, doesn't matter what you take. Of course you all know this.

    In regards to Chinese brands, my one buddy Phil had numb hands at 3ius a day with Keifi kits. My other friend Matt took 10ius a day and was lean as ever of the same kits. My buddy Gabe was taking 4ius yellow tops from a diff source a few months before his show and he leaned out.... When I took Chinese I think it did help my physique change over time and that's because I didn't understand nutrition and training. I took riptropins, elitropin, hyges, etc, as I've posted on other threads. I said they sucked, but that was a time I wasn't as knowledgeable with dieting and training intensity. I think i expected more from THEM instead of myself. So whatever changes I did see, mostly leanness being not on the best diet, I believe is because they may have helped. So I cannot say that I think Chinese GH is TOTALLY fake, but i suspect they are heavily under-dosed, some other substance and some being totally bunk with no substance. But if your source is getting good reviews, as my guy has, then you probably are getting SOMETHING real. You also cannot ignore the fact real people you know are getting "results" and are "happy" with the product. (BTW, my avatar picture above was over 3 years ago while I was taking rips at 5ius a day for 6 months. back then I didn't know what I know today so they must have did something)

    My one friend Steve even grew a tumor on his liver from the the elitropins kits I gave him that had to be removed with surgery. This is something that clearly the GH made bigger while he was on. I myself, developed a small pocket of fatty tissue on my shoulder blade while taking the Elitropin. So obviously SOMETHING was working. Its funny because it was actually Steve who told me his theory that "I think they make the first batches as strong as possible, and then once the name gets popular, they start to dilute their product, until everyone catches on and they just come out with a new "tropin" again, claiming to be a different company, but its the same company starting the same scam all over again, just with a different name." -- And I agree that is the case.

    Aside from all this, recently, the game changer in my life is that in the last year I moved from where i live and actually made friends with some real bodybuilders. And that is when I learned that none of these guys take Chinese. In fact, my one friend, takes 10ius of Serono per day. He is a super heavy weight. Of course I'm not going to mention his name. But being pros, or on their path to being pros, these guys will spend the money on the Pharm grade, regardless if it is very expensive. Some of these guys are lucky and buy off aids patients who are selling their gh. But for the most of us, we have to find a source that is almost 8-10$ an IU, which is insane.... The thing is, every single one of my body builder buddies have told me that you only need 1.5-2ius a day of Pharm grade gh. Now they gave me that dosage protocol for someone like myself (5'11 215 lbs 11%bf). My friend Ant, who is a middleweight takes only 4ius of norditropin a day. My friend gregg, who I'm going to get my Saizen from and who is not a bodybuilder, showed me his transformation in just 1.5 months, taking only 1.5ius a day, WITHOUT DIETING... Now compared to my one friend Matt who was taking 10ius of Rips, it is impossible to know if rips actually did anything because he was on a very strict diet and was He was also on tons of juice and fat burners, even DNP . So really what we need to see is someone who is on jack-shit.

    And that's where I step in. I have been on a 250mg test only cycle for the last 3 months just crusing by. But the thing is, because of my strict carb cycling diet and other knowledge I acquired from my bodybuilder buddies, I have a achieved the best look I ever had, better yet, balance I've ever had, and I think I want to finally now put the icing on the cake. So I will be trying Saizen at the 1.5 protocol. He also has other choices, Serono and Genotech, so whatever I'll get but I think he said he had Saizen on hand. I know many will say its too low, but i disagree, in fact, Ive noticed amazing changes in my body with low test 250mg a week and nothing else. I'll probably bump it up to 2ius of gh at some point. Also, I'm 30 now and drugs seem to have more of an affect now than ever. I did take Norditropin over 2 years ago, but again, my ignorance to nutrition and training prevented me to see the best results I could see, but I did see changes.

    Thing is, this is some expensive stuff. I'm going to get 90ius of Saizen and take 1.5ius a day so it will last me 60 days. This will be enough to see SOMETHING. Again, many of you may say thats not enough time but I have seen my friends transform in 1.5 months. We must conclude that everyone is different and everyone reacts to things differently. It is impossible for all human beings to react to the same drugs exactly the same. So, I will being my log once I get everything on hand.

    In conclusion, it seems those with the most serious bodies invest in their bodies with some serious money. You dn't need Pharm grade to look good, but if you want to look great and the best you can after you've reached your natural peak, then you can't be cheap about it. Does Chinese GH work, is it real... only way to know is run it after you have reached your peak? but what i've seen with pharm grade with my friends are total body transformations without being at their peak...the pharm grade CHANGED THEM.
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 06-20-2014 at 02:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Shadeed's Avatar
    Shadeed is offline Associate Member
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    Honestly (no offense), that's really a long post to just deliver your message.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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  4. #4
    Scabtree's Avatar
    Scabtree is offline Associate Member
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    Could someone post the Coles Notes version please

  5. #5
    flenser is offline Junior Member
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    Coles notes: He's planning 1.5iu/day Saizen for 60 days. Expects noticeable results.

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    What the hell? Did you just admit to selling?
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 06-22-2014 at 12:12 AM.

  7. #7
    diabeticknowledge is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2013
    getting some results from a non labeled vial with a blue cap doesnt mean that you have the most treasured peptide hormone in the world. Leaning out and getting CTS doesnt mean that you have growth hormone

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