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  1. #1
    Hooman is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013

    Test E, Deca and Insulin Cycle.

    Hey guys,


    Height 180cm
    Weight 95kgs
    Age 28

    Have about 4-5 cycles under my belt.

    I would like to give insulin a try and am still about 2 weeks away from doing it. Need to do more research and get my Test E and Deca . I have bought 900iu of Novolog (which i believe to be Humalog) I will of course not be using all of it this cycle.

    Im looking at 20 weeks of Test and Deca

    Week 1-20 Test E 900mg/w
    Week 1-18 Deca 500mg/w
    Week 4-8 Slin 10iu 3x a day
    Week 12-16 Slin 10iu 3x a day
    Week 4-20 Aromasin 12.5 EOD or ED if needed

    Looking at Humalog and have purchased it, which i believe to be the safest for a first timer.

    Will take PWO for first week just to get it up to 10iu and also check bodyfat and make sure my body is happy with the insulin.

    Starting at 2iu up to 10iu per shot.

    Of course after every shot i will have dextrose (depending on dose how much i will consume) and 50 gr of protein. Then 1 hour later will have a well balanced meal with carbs and protein and very low in fat.

    Taking it 3x times a day risky for fat accumulation? As long as i keep my diet in check and keep training hard and doing some cardio. Theoretically losing weight is mainly about cals in vs cals out, so if my maintenance is 3300 then 3500 is only 200 over and I can counteract that with the cardio.

    I will also continue the Test E at 600mg/w for another few months to cruise.

    Am I missing anything?

    Macro split will be

    420 Carbs
    320 Protein
    60g Fats

    Thank You

  2. #2
    btc89 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014
    I'm sorry, but I'm not too familiar with insulin used in this manner. A close friend of mine suffers diabetes and told me that at higher doses, you need to ensure sufficient amino acids are in you to prevent you from slipping into a coma and possibly dying ( which could happen the first shot)

    My recommendation would be to consult a doctor who is open about the subject and get his two cents.

    I wish you all the best =]

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You don't want to use it 3X daily. That will make it nearly impossible to eat normally, and you'll feel shitty all the time.
    After a decent shot of slin (10 IU), you're going to feel sluggish and hypo a few hours later unless you grossly overindulge on carbs.
    1X daily post-workout would be much more realistic, and will yield the best results for the effort, risk, etc.

    I know someone is going to point out that diabetics inject several times a day, but they generally always keep their BGL relatively high and use conservative doses of slin. And they don't purposely pin a high dose of slin, then pound down a bunch of sugar and whey.

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