Have been researching above peptides for a post cycle/fall/winter experiment...

33yr 10-12%bf 4 test cycles in the past 2 years, current cyp 750mg per week. Stane25mg ed, HCG 250iu x2 wk.
PCT plan 50/50/25/25/25 clomid. 40/40/20/20/20 nolva.

Now from what ive read, GHRP6 spikes appetite (which is a plus for me) and HALF the price of GHRP2.
Peak levels for G6 is 10-30 minutes, as G2 i cannot find info. I know Peak times and half times are important with GHG releasing peptides. But still am researching effects on times and levels (some say less time is better with a bigger peak)??? thus the dosing is best at 3x per day.

Now for the added icing on the cake for GHRP, There is Sermorelin (half life 10 min) and Mod GRF(1-29) half life 30 min. As GRF(1-29) is 2/3 of the price of Sermol.

My questions are which is GHRP has a better rep for solid gains/duration of cycle, and which is best to add for better IGF-1 release, Sermo or Mod GRF(1-29)???

Goal is to start research after current Cyp cycle at the start of pct to possibly maintain current gains/maintain appetite/reduce post cylce depression, lack of motivation, and maintain feeling of well being...

I know quality FOOD intake is the key to Maintain the above along with sticking with exercise. But i seem to have a hard time coming off AAS for quite a few months after PCT. Thus i figured an appetite increasing/GH pulse releasing peptides would best suit me for a long fall and winter OFF cycle.

Any opinions or suggestions are welcome.