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  1. #1
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2011

    HGH for Slap Tear

    Hey everyone,

    I haven't made a post in a while, but thought i mite ask around to see if anyone has had a similar issue.

    I hurt my shoulder back in early December 2013, after numerous test and a cortisone injection i finally saw a specialist and got an MRI scan that found i have a SLAP tear in my right shoulder.

    I have done about 2-3 months of physical therapy and it seems to have strengthened in certain actions. It does not hurt for every day use and i haven't really been back in the gym since it happen. I mean i have tried but after about 2 weeks i thought it was smarter not to.

    Anyways i am trying to avoid the surgery and have done a bit of study on HGH. I was wondering if anyone has used HGH to repair/solve a similar issue. Mainly the clicking noise the shoulder makes is whats causing the pain.

    There is no issue about getting HGH i already have an appointment booked with a sports medicine doctor whereby i will get pharma grade HGH with a prescription but just wondering will it be worth it?

    So basically my main question is will HGH heal my SLAP tear?

    Thank you in advance
    Last edited by musclekid88; 07-30-2014 at 07:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from Afghanistan
    you could also consider TB500. one healing cycle will run you about $150 if you know where to look

  3. #3
    bigballsmgee is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I was in the same situation as you hgh didnt help me. Resistance band work every day for a year got me back to about 90% strength but i have lost alot of flexability and the clicking grinding drives me mad. Those dowel stretch movements helped alot also check it on youtube

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2008
    If I could get prescription HGH that would be my 1st choice but dont dismiss the PT and the resistance band work, I know for a fact that helps a lot. I had surgery 2 years ago and still do band work most every workout.

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