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Thread: Clear cut answer please HGH vs CJC w/dac

  1. #1

    Clear cut answer please HGH vs CJC w/dac

    I can't find any where with information on comparing Cjc 1295 w/dac with hgh.. I'm debating between,

    1. 4ui HGH ed

    2. 4mg of Cjc w/ dac and huperzine A at 100mcg

    I can't seem to find anything on comparing cjc with hgh its all ghrp 2 and 6..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    There is no comparison. Nothing comes close to legit pharm grade growth hormone.

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Well lets put it this way. I have done cjc 1923 & ghrp6 at 100mcg each - 3x/day and it is prob equal to about 2-3 ius of gh and thats the stack which is more potent than just the GHRH alone. The 1295 with dac is of course different as far as effective life and injection frequency. I dont see how just 1295 could even compare to GH at all... mybe if you stacked it with a ghrp but alone i dont think so.

  4. #4
    Okay sweet thank you, I plan on running the growth hormone for as long as possible, I have tried AAS, but really didn't do anything and I was methodical on my usage, bloods, to check legitimacy and so fourth. First two cycles were ran at test 500mg/wk, and even tried dbol last time. Both to really no avail. I even bought a kilocalorie tracker to wear on my arm to check required calories to stay in surplus +500 each day, as well as used the katch mcradle method of figuring my macros, it lined up pretty accurately. But I would not put on substantial weight that was worth while.. After frustrating results, I have decided to stop assaulting my hpta for no real return and switch to hgh for my use.

    My source had told me it couldve been two things, since bloods did show the test was elevated >1500 that my myostatin is too high, or my test dose was too low. I mean I felt literally 0 difference, not even a bump in libido, estradiol was within normal ranges as well. Do yall have any insight on this? The gains I did make were so marginal it was like I never took anything and just continued on as normal like 4-5 lbs over 3 months

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