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Thread: Novorapid insulin pwo protocol

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Gods own country

    Novorapid insulin pwo protocol

    Ok here goes, I want to make the most of my next cycle when I start and investigated peptides and all the other stuff and basically came to the conclusion that insulin has the most bang for buck, so after a fair bit of reading everyone seems to have a different opinion on how not to end up in hospital.

    So inject 5iu immediately after workout in the changing rooms, drink 10 gram of dextrose per iu with creatine and BCAA

    1 hour after injection consume oats and whey shake. My shakes are usually 70 gram protein with 40 gram carbs.

    3 hour after injection another "whole" meal.

    Thoughts and opinions please.

    Stats as seen as I haven't been around for a while. 35, 5'11, 210lb, 12%bf. next cycle will be prop, liquid dbol and NPP.


  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    If I recall it peaks in like an hour and is essentially gone in 3. I personally would so fast and slow acting carbs immediately post inject and 1 hr post inject. As low fat as possible for both. Th rest would be normal daily eating. The 10grams/iu is a starting guide and very safe. You may find yourself gaining some body fat at that # and want to drop it down but be careful of course. For me I find 7gr/iu works well for mass without excess fat gain. Have glucose tabs on hand at all times.Also honesty Id do it 2x/day. Once first thing in am and once post w.o. Id do 5 days on/2 off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Gods own country
    Thanks Jimmy, yeah I knew about 10g/iu being on the safe side, forgot to mention if it's worth buying BG meter first.

    So 5iu after workout - shake with whey 70g, dextrose say 45g to begin with, 50gram oats , creatine.

    Same again an hour later.

    How exactly does this tie in with daily macros if I'm overeating by say 500 cals a day ?

    Also I'm only training three days a week with 5x5 strength, cardio on non training days. So I was only going to use slin PWO as it's my first time. Thanks

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    pwo on training days is fine man. Count the cals on your daily macros but any adjustment is your "slin meals" ie: if you drop carbs fuyrther should be picked up in your other meals of course. Honestly I usually say a BG meter is invaluable but for only PWO with a fast acting/ short duration slin I really dont see it as necessity. Just as I said keep the glucose tabs handy and really as stupid as it sound just be careful when you measure out your slin dose Sounds like common sense but it can be easy to get careless after you do it for a bit and you dont wanna make a foolish mistake. I like the way you have the combo of high and low gi carbs above. Looks good to start.
    Best of luck man

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