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Thread: kigtropin

  1. #1


    hey guys ,, im 49 yrs old and train 6 days a week ,, on 1cc test prop , and 1cc masteron eod and 1 tab of amdex to keep estogen down,, just got on kigtropin ,, took 4 iu 2.5 hrs before getting blood checked ,, came back hgh serum 22.2
    test serum 3915
    free test direct 51.0
    i have not been having sides at 4 iu a day like before with numb fingers and hands ,, is 22.2 a good number for being on hgh ?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    your kigs are fake, its well known they sell either fakes, other growth releasing peps or some other chemical's what mimic gh sides, stay well clear of generic hgh.

  3. #3
    my gh test came back at 22.2 2and 1/2 hours after a 4iu shot ,, i am not having side effects , thats why i went to get tested,, i was suprised to see these numbers

  4. #4
    so at 22.2 would u think its good , or ok , or bunk?

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