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  1. #1
    CJWhy's Avatar
    CJWhy is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2011

    IGF - DES 2 x day injections

    Going into pct, will be running igf-des on workout days, and peg-mgf on rest days. Seeing what your opinions are on dosing the igf 2 times a day.

    Let say: pre-workout 25mcg split bilaterally into muscles worked, and another 25mcg a couple hours after workout into muscles worked (workout 5 times a week)

    will be running peg-mgf @ 250mcg (split bilaterally) on rest days 2 times a week.

    Mainly looking to keep/maintain gains going into pct, and potentially reaping the benefits of 'potential' site enhancement that the igf offers. Would the 2xday injections be more beneficial or would 1 dose @ 50mcg pre-workout be best?

    diet - 4000 cals (400-450 carbs, 350-400 protein, 80-100 fat)
    currently @ 245lbs

  2. #2
    Hypnos is offline New Member
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    Nov 2014
    In my experience IGF-1 LR3 doesn't work.... Well it works but the second you dilute the vial, the compound decomposes, and have lost 80% of its effect in like 24 hours.
    I have diluted IGF-1 LR3 with both bac water, and AA with the same result.
    My reason behind this, is the first shot i did, was right after i diluted the vile, and the effects was very pronounced. The 2 day, almost no effect, the third day no effect, even on double dosage!
    I have injected 100 mcg without any noticeable effect what so ever, where the first shot i did was only 40 mcg. So yeah..
    I my opinion it's a complete waste of money, and wont matter at all if you inject or not.

  3. #3
    CJWhy's Avatar
    CJWhy is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2011
    Ill recon with AA, but im talking about IGF-DES not LR3.

    DES is the shorter version, its half-life is about 20-30 mins, versus LR3 which has a half-life of about 24 hours.

    they do the same more or less, but Im just seeing if injecting smaller, more frequent injections with the DES will allow me to gain more LBM and have faster recovery versus 1 big dose pre-workout (or another time). Mainly using for site enhancement (arms, legs, etc.)

    Most of the info and logs on the forums are about people using DES once a day

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