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Thread: My IGF-1 crashed to 150 after ipam grf 1-29 protocol quit on me

  1. #1

    My IGF-1 crashed to 150 after ipam grf 1-29 protocol quit on me

    I was between 110-150 before peptides took me to 337 and held for 1.5 years. Latest bloods and i'm back to 150. Did i get fake stuff or did it just quit on me? I have been 100mcg of each 4 times a day. I replaced the ipam with ghrp-2 for 3 months or so 6 months ago but didn't like the hunger sides. I can't even imagine ghrp-6 on hunger sides.

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Wow you have been doing 4 injections per day for 1.5 years straight? It may be time to take a break from the peps for a couple months and then resume. Just a thought.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Wow you have been doing 4 injections per day for 1.5 years straight?

    Oh hell no.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
    Have you changed suppliers? It's doubtful that it's suppression, as these peps (especially those that pulse rather than bleed the gh from the pituitary) do not halt natural gh production, which of course correlates to igf levels. From my experience, gh pulsing peps are like gains candy: the more you take, the more results, and they can be coupled with anything. On cycle, off, pct, whatever. Check your supplier.

  5. #5
    I'm thinking my supplier as he is now out of business. But he also liked to dabble in more anabolic activities as well. It's hard to find it in 5 mg bottles from trusting suppliers. I have found a new supplier but of course unsure on quality. Any ideas on trusted sources please pm me.

  6. #6
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    My questions in mind are more related to details surrounding your blood work routine/analysis. It would not be my reaction to question the supplier legitimacy (by and large, there are not quality control concerns when it comes to peptide hormones...). Is it not most likely your latest blood result failed to capture a peak? More power to you for staying so dedicated to the peptide injection routine, wow! I never made it to the 1 year point (on growth hormone peptides) before resorting back to rHGH a few days/week (or taking a hiatus...which often provides the perspective on how helpful peptides can be...).

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by jasondd1 View Post
    I'm thinking my supplier as he is now out of business. But he also liked to dabble in more anabolic activities as well. It's hard to find it in 5 mg bottles from trusting suppliers. I have found a new supplier but of course unsure on quality. Any ideas on trusted sources please pm me.
    Check the top right corner

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    Check the top right corner
    No 5 mg bottles and the 2 mg prices are too much money

  9. #9
    2mg in what? Thats normally how ipam comes. Ghrp2 comes in 5mg, and that's a better option in my opinion. Mod grf comes in 2mg vials almost anywhere

  10. #10
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasondd1 View Post
    No 5 mg bottles and the 2 mg prices are too much money
    You get what you pay for. They are having a big ass sale today. You can get the best peptides in the industry today for the cost of cheap ass garbage like you already got. See what trying to save money cost you? Now if your done dicking around check out their sale, also if you mention them on twitter they send you a code for another 10% off so you save a shitload of cash and get the best quality peptides you can possibly buy.

  11. #11
    Not using them raised my igf-1 to 337 from 120-140 and stayed steady for a year. Does that sound like cheap ass garbage? Now I don't know if it was bad stuff or a fluke, I'm going to retest in 6-8 weeks but since none of this stuff has verifiable quality control it's just as easy for the sponsored site to get bunk stuff as well. I'm not saying it was bad stuff it's possible that it was a down reading for that part of the day. I'll post back in 6-8 weeks and let people know

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    2mg in what? Thats normally how ipam comes. Ghrp2 comes in 5mg, and that's a better option in my opinion. Mod grf comes in 2mg vials almost anywhere
    Some have ipam in 2 and 5 as well as mod grf. I like ipam because it has the least sides and no hunger issues. I like ghrp2 but the hunger sides were bad i cant even imagine ghrp6

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by jasondd1 View Post
    Some have ipam in 2 and 5 as well as mod grf. I like ipam because it has the least sides and no hunger issues. I like ghrp2 but the hunger sides were bad i cant even imagine ghrp6
    K, you've been given a reputable source. I suggest you take a look at them or take the risk of bunk/underdosed/unsterile peps. Doesn't mean that there aren't other good sources out there, but you're going to have to take the plunge first to find out.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    K, you've been given a reputable source. I suggest you take a look at them or take the risk of bunk/underdosed/unsterile peps. Doesn't mean that there aren't other good sources out there, but you're going to have to take the plunge first to find out.
    Thanks but unless you're buying from Tom's one is not any more reputable than the other. I see the same risk with a sponsored site.
    Last edited by jasondd1; 04-28-2015 at 11:09 AM.

  15. #15
    The difference is you have the majority of the members of this board vouching for them, having actually purchased and used their products. Same risk? Sponsored sources have something to lose, and their integrity is on the line. Fuk the members of their board over, the word is going to spread. Do what you want my man.

  16. #16
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasondd1 View Post
    Thanks but unless you're buying from Tom's one is not any more reputable than the other. I see the same risk with a sponsored site.
    Do your research. Not all sites are created equal. ARR= US made peptides. Thats US made, not imported,relabeled Chinese garbage. They openly state that their peptides which require it to be biologically active are recombinant DNA synthesized. NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE else in the peptide industrry has openly put their reputation on the line and stated that on the record like they have. The reason? Because many pep companies sell chemically synthesized peptides which have zero bioavailability and dont do anything when they are administered. Also that is an expensive process so when you see say IGF at some outrageously low price= red flags galore. That means there is no way it is properly synthesized to be biologically active.
    There are even more reasons they have the reputation they do. If you like pm me and will share some more information with you. You see I do a TON of research before I buy something I am going to inject directly into my body. Thats something I do not take lightly that merits some serious investigation so thats what I did.
    The fact is I was sold on their RC's for several reasons (including personal experience with blood work) before I even used their peptides. That being said, sold on their RC's was not good enough for me to just shell out the cash blindly for their peptides. Before I would do that more due diligence was required- which I did. Peptides are serious business man. You inject them directly into your system. to me thats a big deal. Unlike many people (not saying you by any means) that dont seem to care and are reckless as hell with what they administer into their body (especially via injection), I do care....a lot.

  17. #17
    Just got my blood work back since switching to another peptide company and my IGF-1 increased from 150 to 276 in 8 weeks or so.

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